2 Tim 3:16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness..........so we do not throw any of it out. However we are no longer required to perform the ordinances....which were nailed to the cross.
Gentiles were never covenanted to "perform ordinances" contained in the Mosaic Law. Gentiles were never included in any of the Hebrew Covenants God made with Abraham and his seed. And the terminology of "nailed to His cross" does not mean the Law is dead as He died. It means that the Mosaic Law was "nailed" to the work the Lord came to "finish" or complete. It (Mosaic Law) could not be joined to the Person of Christ except and only through His death. If one is going to say the Law was "nailed to His cross" and died as He died, there is also a resurrection in which as He rose so did the Law. You can't claim one and reject the other because now that it was joined to the Person of Christ the purpose of the Law in now complete and there is no longer any "shadow of good things to come," it is already here. And it is manifested in the Person of Christ. As the Law of God was eternal so, too, now the Lamb of God is eternal never to die again, never to be sacrificed again, never to end.
And we are no longer under the condemnation/curse of the Law. My, we don't even need to worry about avoiding anything sold in the marketplace for meat. And it's up to us whether to consider any day special to the Lord.
It is the born-again that is no longer under condemnation as Saul says in Romans 8:1.
But it is
not "
up to us to consider any day special to the Lord." It is still up to the Lord as He is not only Lord of the sabbath but also the Law of Moses entirely. Case in point: (and understand this as to the Jew first and then to the Greek) but Zechariah prophesied a time in which Gentiles are commanded to "go up" to Jerusalem and celebrate the third of three Feasts contained in the Law of Moses: the Feast of Tabernacles.
16 And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left of all the nations
Which came against Jerusalem
Shall even go up from year to year
To worship the King, the LORD of hosts,
And to keep the feast of tabernacles.
Scripture said at the time it was written that what is old and obsolete is passing/fading away. (ie,, old covenant)
And as you pointed out Jesus saying that not one jot or tittle of the Law would pass away until "heaven and earth" pass away and all things be fulfilled........so....when was everything fulfilled? And when did this "heaven and earth" pass away that He was referring to? (Remember that He speaks in parables!)
He spoke plainly on this subject, not in parables as the Beatitudes (Matt. 5:3-11) are not parables. They are clear instructions and teaching on how to live under the Law which to the born-again is manifested in a special new way.
Didn't He say everything was "finished" just as died?
What was "finished" was His work He came to complete as the Lamb of God which is prophesied in the Hebrew Scriptures. God's Redemption of His covenant people (Israel) did not end at the cross, for in 50 days a new era would begin and the Holy Spirit that was prophesied and promised to the House of Israel has part and parcel in the Redemptive plan of God to deliver and save them not from their enemies of the flesh (Rome), but their enemies of the spirit: sin, and spiritual death. Wasn't that the purpose of the cross?
But even so He gave Israel a further 40 years or so in the valley of decision before the destruction of what was old. (As prophesied, she had given birth before her pains came upon her.)
There was nothing evil in the destruction of the Second Temple. It was necessary in the timing of the Redemption of Israel and the bringing in hard-core, uncircumcised, non-covenant Gentiles. It wasn't "old" it was new. It was a "new thing" God was doing in the earth:
19 Behold, I will do a new thing;
Now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?
I will even make a way in the wilderness,
And rivers in the desert.
20 The beast of the field shall honour me,
The dragons and the †owls:
Because I give waters in the wilderness,
And rivers in the desert,
To give drink to my people, my chosen.
This people have I formed for myself;
They shall shew forth my praise.
Isaiah 43:19–21.
God was putting new wine in new bottles for His Chosen Israel. And for the next four decades He did just that! As promised Yeshua began building His Church and His Church was populated throughout the Roman Empire with Jews. I agree hard-core, uncircumcised, non-covenant Gentiles (Romans, Scythian, Barbarian) were being saved but not at the number most if not all Gentiles believe. This was a Jewish Covenant with a Jewish Messiah and a Holy Spirit of God who made His Presence known in an immensely powerful way. The Law of Moses "nailed to His cross and rose again as He rose" was now being put in their "inward parts" as Jeremiah prophesied. For Israel the Law of Moses was no longer on stone tablets. Now, the Law of Moses was being written on fleshly tables of the heart.
The temple and priesthood only became more corrupt and debauched during that time, unfortunately.
Not entirely.
7 And the word of God increased;
and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and
a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith. Acts 6:7.
In Temple service there are seventy elders. And then there are those in service to God in local synagogues. Whatever the number, when I see "great company" I see the majority. God was moving upon His people in a new and special way.
Hebrew roots is causing many to go astray. Galations says rightly that those who go back under the Law are "fallen from grace", so it's very serious and very sad.
Salvation cannot be lost. No man can pluck a born-again believer from the palm of neither the Father nor the Son.
Hebrew roots are what was severed by the Gentile church after the destruction of the Temple and it became its own religion, a religion born
not out of the Jewish people, but of a Gentile mindset as underlining prejudice and hatred for the Jews was eminent among Gentiles who saw the destruction of not only Temple but also Israel took a salvation of the Jews and twisted it into a salvation of the Gentiles. Everything Jewish about salvation was turned into a beast, a seven-head, ten-crown beast which in time like a ship without a rudder on a sea Roman and Greek influence became something else entirely.
Good to be awakened and aware of the Jews and their need for salvation, but not good for either them or us if we put them on a pedestal and make an idol out of them.....or if we link arms and be unequally yoked with unbelieving Jews/Israel.
The covenants God made with men He made with a Hebrew man (Abram) to begin, and later with his seed (Isaac, Jacob/the children of Israel.) God made
no covenant with Gentiles. But He is saving Gentiles without a covenant. And by being born-again themselves does not join them to any Hebrew Covenant, but it does join them to Christ. And there is a difference according to God. Understanding that difference can go a long way to understanding the Salvation of the Jews and Gentile participation in that salvation. Doing so will deepen one's understanding of this "so-great salvation."