All three Hebrew covenants is between God and the Hebrew people and since Scripture cannot be broken (added to, subtracted from, or changed and altered), then the issue rests on interpretation, which interpretation doesn't keep in accordance with the Old Testament prophecies.
I believe Jesus who said, Scripture cannot be broken.
When copying the Hebrew Scripture if a scribe made a mistake of one jot or tittle the whole work must be thrown away. Why?
Because the Hebrews know that God says what He means and means what He says, and once He says anything man cannot add to it, subtract from it, or change it to mean or say something else. IF even one person who tries to change what is spoken or written by God that person is a false apostle or false prophet, or false pastor, or false evangelist, or false teacher, or false Christian. God does not change, and God's Word does not change.
But through your interpretation you change God's Word, and this a true believer does NOT do.