So in the beginning was "the thought?" John 1.1? No pre-existence with the Elohim?
So, according to the podcast-the Word, not Jesus, was an extremely important being?
So when I read John 1.1 I should read-In the beginning was "the thought" not Jesus, not the Son, but the D,var
So my question would be-If the Logos was just a thought, how can a thought be a person or being?
So Jesus performed miracles and forgave sins only what God could do-even if He was "sent"
Even as I am listening to this video clip and the Scriptures they use to debunk the Triune Godhead-sounds awful much like the JW's brother.
Or-Tovia Singer
And Jesus was not "mighty God but mighty warrior?"
I have listened to most of Tovia Singer's debates and this has that kind of reasoning and philosophy.
Ever listened to Dr. Brown's debates against Tovia Singer?