Inclusion of LGBT Christians

I don't think you could understand the abuse I've encountered since being alive, your view is too shallow.
I'm sorry to hear that you were abused. God's word tells us what Satan meant for evil God uses for good. So hopefully some good came out of it. Joyce Meyer is my favorite Christian author and teacher. She was abused by her father as a child for years and she's had a tremendous impact on the kingdom of God. She actually forgive him and led her father to the Lord In his later years.

We know that Jesus was also abused. My view is that Satan is behind the abuse we all face in our life. He hates us because God loves us. He loves homosexuals also he doesn't wish for any of us to perish and spend eternity without him. But for that to happen to them they need to repent and turn from their immoral lifestyle.

I don't think they hate God because the church treated them badly a couple hundred years ago. I think they hate God because the author of Lies is their father. They believe the Lie that their lifestyle is not sin and repulsive.
I'm sorry to hear that you were abused. God's word tells us what Satan meant for evil God uses for good. So hopefully some good came out of it. Joyce Meyer is my favorite Christian author and teacher. She was abused by her father as a child for years and she's had a tremendous impact on the kingdom of God. She actually forgive him and led her father to the Lord In his later years.

We know that Jesus was also abused. My view is that Satan is behind the abuse we all face in our life. He hates us because God loves us. He loves homosexuals also he doesn't wish for any of us to perish and spend eternity without him. But for that to happen to them they need to repent and turn from their immoral lifestyle.

I don't think they hate God because the church treated them badly a couple hundred years ago. I think they hate God because the author of Lies is their father. They believe the Lie that their lifestyle is not sin and repulsive.
The church authors lots of lies, people mistake these for God actually speaking. At the moment the congregations that come from a protestant lineage are shrinking much like the orthodox and catholic of previous eras. Sure, they still have a lot of people, but much has shrunken. Currently you must notice the gnosticism taking over most of the doctrines, this is an essential step to make room for whatever the next great movement is.
Define spirituality?
Spirituality is phenomenon that is created resulting from a Spirit, whether it be the Holy Spirit, an unclean spirit, or a human spirit. (though most humans are born with a dead spirit)

Paranormal Activity is distinct from spirituality in that it originates from subtle electromagnetic waves that are produced in the air.
The church authors lots of lies, people mistake these for God actually speaking. At the moment the congregations that come from a protestant lineage are shrinking much like the orthodox and catholic of previous eras. Sure, they still have a lot of people, but much has shrunken. Currently you must notice the gnosticism taking over most of the doctrines, this is an essential step to make room for whatever the next great movement is.
There Is Nothing God Can’t Handle

… With men [it is] impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God.
MARK 10:27

If there are no impossibilities, then we can live in constant victory and nothing can threaten us or make us feel afraid of the future. Everything that is in the will of God will be accomplished in His way and timing.

Is life too much for us? Is there anything that we just cannot handle? Not according to God, for He says through the apostle Paul that we can do all things through Christ Who is our Strength. We are ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infused inner strength into us (see Phil. 4:13).

Before we let go and let God be our all in all, we usually have to find out the hard way that we cannot do it all on our own. The hard way means we keep trying and failing over and over until we admit total dependence on God. It can be a long and painful journey and some never reach the end of themselves, but for those who do, it is the beginning of living with their soul at rest. They know they can’t do it all—but they also know that God can, and they decide that watching Him do what needs to be done, as only He can do, will be entertaining. I love to watch God work. It is one of my greatest pleasures in life.

Since we know that God is keeping the universe running properly every second of every day, why would we doubt that He can take care of us? He has all power, all authority, all wisdom, and He loves us with a perfect love that is promised to us unconditionally and forever. Are you leaning on Him in every situation? Do you believe God is good, and that He wants to be good to you? Put your faith in Him and enter His rest.
Trust in Him Do you believe God has the power to help you, and that since He has all wisdom, He knows exactly what to do and when to do it? Lean on Him completely and trust Him to give you the strength to do what you need to do, while you wait on Him to do what only He can do.

Joyce Meyer, Trusting God Day by Day: 365 Daily Devotions

Hope this helps
There Is Nothing God Can’t Handle

… With men [it is] impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God.
MARK 10:27

If there are no impossibilities, then we can live in constant victory and nothing can threaten us or make us feel afraid of the future. Everything that is in the will of God will be accomplished in His way and timing.

Is life too much for us? Is there anything that we just cannot handle? Not according to God, for He says through the apostle Paul that we can do all things through Christ Who is our Strength. We are ready for anything and equal to anything through Him Who infused inner strength into us (see Phil. 4:13).

Before we let go and let God be our all in all, we usually have to find out the hard way that we cannot do it all on our own. The hard way means we keep trying and failing over and over until we admit total dependence on God. It can be a long and painful journey and some never reach the end of themselves, but for those who do, it is the beginning of living with their soul at rest. They know they can’t do it all—but they also know that God can, and they decide that watching Him do what needs to be done, as only He can do, will be entertaining. I love to watch God work. It is one of my greatest pleasures in life.

Since we know that God is keeping the universe running properly every second of every day, why would we doubt that He can take care of us? He has all power, all authority, all wisdom, and He loves us with a perfect love that is promised to us unconditionally and forever. Are you leaning on Him in every situation? Do you believe God is good, and that He wants to be good to you? Put your faith in Him and enter His rest.
Trust in Him Do you believe God has the power to help you, and that since He has all wisdom, He knows exactly what to do and when to do it? Lean on Him completely and trust Him to give you the strength to do what you need to do, while you wait on Him to do what only He can do.

Joyce Meyer, Trusting God Day by Day: 365 Daily Devotions

Hope this helps
Indeed, the next movement of God will be greater than the last.
Spirituality is phenomenon that is created resulting from a Spirit, whether it be the Holy Spirit, an unclean spirit, or a human spirit. (though most humans are born with a dead spirit)

Do you see a difference in the quality or characteristics of "spirit" between the types of "spirits" you've referenced above?
So it's the rape angle then.

And sex is just physical contact with no spiritual implications.

Since our understandings of the matter are profoundly different, the odds of any fruitful discussion is pretty low.

Thanks for the discussion none the less.
Definitely profoundly different than odd Topic.

Fruitful? Did you just play the gay card? That was a pretty low blow.:ROFLMAO:

But seriously I think you're right we've dragged this out long enough.
Here in Alaska the first Alaskans, in my case the Athabascan people were extremely intolerant to gay people. But today we are more relaxed about the issue. Several Alaskan politicians are on track to become the first openly LGBTQ Alaskans to serve in the state Legislature in the body’s 60-year history.

Myself personally have never met an openly gay person. And as far as church goes the subject never comes up. But I think it's like anything else in modern society some people are more tolerant than others. I think that if any of us would discover we had a gay child we would love them just as much as a straight child. We might not be happy with the situation but one thing's for sure prayer Changes Things.

So my suggestion would be whatever it is that's going on in today's society that you feel threatened by in your Christian walk talked about about it.

Look at the history of the world and the different societies that have come and gone. I believe God uses them to control populations from totally running amok. It seems to work for a couple hundred years until they become extremely polluted. Then God allows another nation to take over and the cycle repeats itself.

Believers in Jesus Christ are simply in the world—physically present—but not of it, not part of its values. We are citizens of heaven.
Homosexual relationships are not pure. Can you establish the purity of homosexual relationships?

Spiritual relationships require purity.
I don't think anything that would give you AIDS could be classified as being pure. Sexual perversion is rather disturbing. I'm sure there's a thread on here about the sanctity of marriage I think Civic started one. It always makes me think of Jesus being the bridegroom and we're the bride.

Also if sexual relations were no big deal and marriage was no big deal why did Jesus not participate in either one of them during his time here? Did he need that purity? Or spiritual relations more important to him. He did say that he was always about his father's business. He wasn't out looking for a good time.
To the pure, all things are pure.

To the vile even good works are evil.
What about if you're pure and then do something that's unpure? Do you then become vile? Then you're stuck in your vileness? Or is there any chance of getting pure. What if you're just deceiving yourself and you never were Pure.

Only God is good all the time and in all things (1 Chronicles 16:34; Psalm 25:8; Mark 10:18), and He declares that all people are sinful. “Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous, no one who does what is right and never sins” (Ecclesiastes 7:20). No one is naturally inclined to do what is good or to seek after God.
What about if you're pure and then do something that's unpure? Do you then become vile? Then you're stuck in your vileness? Or is there any chance of getting pure. What if you're just deceiving yourself and you never were Pure.

Only God is good all the time and in all things (1 Chronicles 16:34; Psalm 25:8; Mark 10:18), and He declares that all people are sinful. “Indeed, there is no one on earth who is righteous, no one who does what is right and never sins” (Ecclesiastes 7:20). No one is naturally inclined to do what is good or to seek after God.
Therefore, it is asinine to prove purity since none of us are God.
To the pure, all things are pure.

To the vile even good works are evil.
Who are you excluding here? Do you really believe I'm evil?

I don't believe you understand what you're quoting me. Those words are a self reflection. To those who consider themselves pure, no matter what they themselves do, they will always see themselves pure. Which is why you must look externally and avoid self assessment.

I have no desire to focus upon the sinfulness of someone while ignoring my own. Don't misunderstand me. We all justify our own problems. However, we can't lose sight of where the anchor exists. We lie to ourselves. We are our own worst enemy. We need God help to know ourselves.
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