Well-known member
"Go ahead... !"
"Show me where I'm wrong! Prove it!! Just give me a Bible verse that proves your point, buddy, JUST ONE."
* * *long list of Bible verses pasted* * *
"LOL! You think THOSE verses prove your point?! LOLLLLL...."
~ ~ ~
We've all been there.
We've all felt that frustration, "Why can't you see what I'm seeing in those words? Why do you use logic in a way that seems so different and incomprehensible to me, that when I read A = B you read C = D. Why?!"
Now consider a minute how, if you pondered the possibility that your opposition might be in some way blinded, confused or deceived by misleading forces, it might change your perspective from assuming they are always stubbornly resisting the obvious into compassion for someone who is misguided.
How would it change how your perspective?
1. Would instead of anger and frustration, it help produce compassion and intercession?
2. Instead of cutting a person off for not seeing your points, would this move you to say, "I will earnestly hope God shows you the truth!"
3. Instead of pointing out all the sins and hypocrisies and fleshly failings of others, would it move to you to say "I'm sorry for any way I haven't perfectly loved and cared for the state of your soul, and I hope any fleshly way of debating has not been a hindrance to your seeing the truth."
4. Would instead of searching that one cool zinger that makes you look good or sound confident, it make you realize the anger of man does not accomplish the righteousness of God, and know that only the Holy Spirit can open blind eyes and break down strongholds?
5. Would it make you less reacting with offense and resentment, and be less harsh and condescending? Instead of cleverly and expertly finding all the other's guys failings, would it make you focus more on our own?
Okay. I know what you're thinking.
"Dizerner, I've seen you get in the flesh, I caught you out, buddy."
Guilty. I see that.
I'm always thinking and praying about that, and trying to change.
Sometimes we do have to speak with strong words and take a stand for a truth—but where ever someone thought I was unloving I ask their forgiveness.
I'm hoping this will help me and others see our failings. I hope I'm writing it in a way that isn't unkind or judgmental. Maybe I'm failing at that. I'm trying the best I can in the only way I know. God please forgive what is sinful in this post. Please help your people minister the truth with grace, sensitivity, tact, persuasiveness, kindness; and above all, a genuine and sincere care for the other person.
14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."
15 If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.
16 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. (Gal 5:14-16)
12 So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have.
13 I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body, (2Pe 1:12-13)
As an addendum, from an Arminian perspective, although prayer can't change a free will decision, it can still do a lot of powerful things to help a persuade a person to make the right choice.
1. It can remove unbelief, and give a person the ability to realize God exists.
2. It can set up good or bad circumstances in a carrot and stick fashion, to show the pain of sin and the reward of accepting Christ.
3. It can set up relationships which will speak truth into a persons life in a way they can more readily receive.
4. It can push back resistant demonic forces that are interfering and opposing the kingdom of God.
5. It can produce more mercy and a covering of sins through intercession that applies the Work of Christ by faith.
Prayer can bring the maximal amount of grace into a person's life to choose to accept the truth.
"Show me where I'm wrong! Prove it!! Just give me a Bible verse that proves your point, buddy, JUST ONE."
* * *long list of Bible verses pasted* * *
"LOL! You think THOSE verses prove your point?! LOLLLLL...."
~ ~ ~
We've all been there.
We've all felt that frustration, "Why can't you see what I'm seeing in those words? Why do you use logic in a way that seems so different and incomprehensible to me, that when I read A = B you read C = D. Why?!"
Now consider a minute how, if you pondered the possibility that your opposition might be in some way blinded, confused or deceived by misleading forces, it might change your perspective from assuming they are always stubbornly resisting the obvious into compassion for someone who is misguided.
How would it change how your perspective?
1. Would instead of anger and frustration, it help produce compassion and intercession?
2. Instead of cutting a person off for not seeing your points, would this move you to say, "I will earnestly hope God shows you the truth!"
3. Instead of pointing out all the sins and hypocrisies and fleshly failings of others, would it move to you to say "I'm sorry for any way I haven't perfectly loved and cared for the state of your soul, and I hope any fleshly way of debating has not been a hindrance to your seeing the truth."
4. Would instead of searching that one cool zinger that makes you look good or sound confident, it make you realize the anger of man does not accomplish the righteousness of God, and know that only the Holy Spirit can open blind eyes and break down strongholds?
5. Would it make you less reacting with offense and resentment, and be less harsh and condescending? Instead of cleverly and expertly finding all the other's guys failings, would it make you focus more on our own?
Okay. I know what you're thinking.
"Dizerner, I've seen you get in the flesh, I caught you out, buddy."
Guilty. I see that.
I'm always thinking and praying about that, and trying to change.
Sometimes we do have to speak with strong words and take a stand for a truth—but where ever someone thought I was unloving I ask their forgiveness.
I'm hoping this will help me and others see our failings. I hope I'm writing it in a way that isn't unkind or judgmental. Maybe I'm failing at that. I'm trying the best I can in the only way I know. God please forgive what is sinful in this post. Please help your people minister the truth with grace, sensitivity, tact, persuasiveness, kindness; and above all, a genuine and sincere care for the other person.
14 For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."
15 If you bite and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.
16 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. (Gal 5:14-16)
12 So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have.
13 I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body, (2Pe 1:12-13)
As an addendum, from an Arminian perspective, although prayer can't change a free will decision, it can still do a lot of powerful things to help a persuade a person to make the right choice.
1. It can remove unbelief, and give a person the ability to realize God exists.
2. It can set up good or bad circumstances in a carrot and stick fashion, to show the pain of sin and the reward of accepting Christ.
3. It can set up relationships which will speak truth into a persons life in a way they can more readily receive.
4. It can push back resistant demonic forces that are interfering and opposing the kingdom of God.
5. It can produce more mercy and a covering of sins through intercession that applies the Work of Christ by faith.
Prayer can bring the maximal amount of grace into a person's life to choose to accept the truth.