How Do You Know You are Chosen by God?

If I ask someone "How did you become a Christian?" or "How did you get saved?" and someone responds with "I was chosen by God". I really start to hurt in my heart. And my brain begins to spin. The pain doesn't go away! Which is why I am writing this post. How does someone who says they are chosen by God, know they were chosen by God? How do they know that it wasn't Satan acting like an Angel of Light, telling them they are chosen by God, when in fact they are believing in a lie and going to hell? I believe that God makes Salvation available for everyone and you got to choose if you want it or not. To me it is the only thing that makes sense with scripture. Let's say for an example, you were chosen before the foundation of the world, and Jesus only died for the elect. Do you want to know why I don't believe that view? It is really simple, Jesus doesn't need to die for the elected/chosen ones. Because they were already chosen by the Father. The purpose for Jesus coming to earth, is to provide a way for the lost to be found. He died and rose again, to prove He has the power to do this. Therefor all you got to do is put your faith in Him, and you are saved. Doing the best you can to obey Him is apart of you putting your faith in him. In other words you turn your life over to him. You need a relationship with him, so you start with a prayer. Then you continue to cultivate that relationship through prayer, and serving him through obedience. The Bible helps you learn and helps guide you as you walk with Jesus. That is why I am in the word everyday. That is why I pray often. But if something were to happen to me that I couldn't do those things, I would still be saved because God sees my circumstance. He looks at my heart first.

I realized that I just opened a can of worms. But my point is, if you think you are "chosen" by God. I need to you to explain to me how on earth you came to that conclusion. If you can't come up with a good explanation for this, then I don't think you are saved.
I know I’m saved because God changed my life and I’ve never been the same since. I once avoided God like the plague and since He saved me I think about Him all the time. My pursuit of God consumes me. I love Christ above all others. And my love for Him enables me to love others unconditionally like He loved me. He is on my mind when I awake , before I sleep and throughout my day. I cannot , not think about Jesus. As Paul says the love of Christ constrains me. The Holy Spirit brings His word to my mind throughout the day. As a young believer I was taught to memorize scripture and His word pops into my mind throughout the day. I enjoy talking with Christ throughout my day. :). Like any other relationship the more time you invest the more you get to know each other. It’s no different with God.
I know I’m saved because God changed my life and I’ve never been the same since. I once avoided God like the plague and since He saved me I think about Him all the time. My pursuit of God consumes me. I love Christ above all others. And my love for Him enables me to love others unconditionally like He loved me. He is on my mind when I awake , before I sleep and throughout my day. I cannot , not think about Jesus. As Paul says the love of Christ constrains me. The Holy Spirit brings His word to my mind throughout the day. As a young believer I was taught to memorize scripture and His word pops into my mind throughout the day. I enjoy talking with Christ throughout my day. :). Like any other relationship the more time you invest the more you get to know each other. It’s no different with God.

I like your testimony, but that isn't what I meant by chosen by God. About a week ago, I asked someone how they got saved/became a Christian. They replied that God chose them. When I tried to get them to give me a testimony of some kind, they just went silent. It seems to me that almost everyone should be able, at least, give a life story, and say, this is what I was involved in, when I began to feel like I should follow Jesus... People like me can point to a time when someone shared the Gospel with Him, and then made a choice to follow Jesus.

When my Grandfather was still a live, He used to read the newspaper. Sometimes He would see an article that a "religious" person wrote. It was usually something written by a "Christian" sharing a view that couldn't be supported by the Bible, very well. If it upset him enough, He would call them up on the phone. It was their fault because they provided their phone number in the article. One time He call up one of these people, and asked them, "When did you get born again?" They replied "I was born a Christian". He was like "That is what I thought", and hung up the phone. In other words, their family was born into a Liberal Church Culture, that didn't teach anyone needed to be "born again". Those people just blindly follow whatever their Liberal Church told them is right. We got a lot of Churches like that around here! They are full of "nice" people who think they on their way to heaven but in reality they are probably not. There was no real conversion that happened to them.
I realized that I just opened a can of worms.
Good job ;)

op: How do I know I am "Chosen By God"?:

By faith In His Pure and Preserved Word Of Truth:

"Grace be to you, and Peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.​
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who hath blessed us with​
all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:​
According as He Hath Chosen us In Him before the foundation of the​
world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:​
Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself,​
According to the Good Pleasure of His Will, To the Praise of the Glory of His Grace,​
Wherein He Hath Made us Accepted in the Beloved. In Whom we Have Redemption​
Through His BLOOD, the Forgiveness of sins, According to the Riches of His Grace"​
(Ephesians 1:2-7)​
Since He Said So Himself, I don't have to think I am, just believe I am "Chosen In Him!"


I printed and read your testimony the best I can. It seems to backup my point. There was a clear moment in your life when you turned the control of your life over to Jesus. Therefor you got born again.

The way I believe about "Chosen by God before the creation of the world thing" goes something like this. Once you decide to take God's offer for Salvation. You are now in Christ Jesus. Once you are in Christ Jesus, then you are chosen before the foundation of the world, and predestined. Because you are now apart of Christ's eternal existences.
If I ask someone "How did you become a Christian?" or "How did you get saved?" and someone responds with "I was chosen by God". I really start to hurt in my heart. And my brain begins to spin. The pain doesn't go away! Which is why I am writing this post. How does someone who says they are chosen by God, know they were chosen by God? How do they know that it wasn't Satan acting like an Angel of Light, telling them they are chosen by God, when in fact they are believing in a lie and going to hell? I believe that God makes Salvation available for everyone and you got to choose if you want it or not. To me it is the only thing that makes sense with scripture. Let's say for an example, you were chosen before the foundation of the world, and Jesus only died for the elect. Do you want to know why I don't believe that view? It is really simple, Jesus doesn't need to die for the elected/chosen ones. Because they were already chosen by the Father. The purpose for Jesus coming to earth, is to provide a way for the lost to be found. He died and rose again, to prove He has the power to do this. Therefor all you got to do is put your faith in Him, and you are saved. Doing the best you can to obey Him is apart of you putting your faith in him. In other words you turn your life over to him. You need a relationship with him, so you start with a prayer. Then you continue to cultivate that relationship through prayer, and serving him through obedience. The Bible helps you learn and helps guide you as you walk with Jesus. That is why I am in the word everyday. That is why I pray often. But if something were to happen to me that I couldn't do those things, I would still be saved because God sees my circumstance. He looks at my heart first.

I realized that I just opened a can of worms. But my point is, if you think you are "chosen" by God. I need to you to explain to me how on earth you came to that conclusion. If you can't come up with a good explanation for this, then I don't think you are saved.

SO - if you're CONCERNED about your spiritual condition, or are being CONVICTED OF YOUR SIN, then you're "Chosen", because otherwise you'd not give it a second thought. God doesn't "DRAW" people that He doesn't intend to save.
If I ask someone "How did you become a Christian?" or "How did you get saved?" and someone responds with "I was chosen by God". I really start to hurt in my heart. And my brain begins to spin. The pain doesn't go away! Which is why I am writing this post. How does someone who says they are chosen by God, know they were chosen by God? How do they know that it wasn't Satan acting like an Angel of Light, telling them they are chosen by God, when in fact they are believing in a lie and going to hell? I believe that God makes Salvation available for everyone and you got to choose if you want it or not. To me it is the only thing that makes sense with scripture. Let's say for an example, you were chosen before the foundation of the world, and Jesus only died for the elect. Do you want to know why I don't believe that view? It is really simple, Jesus doesn't need to die for the elected/chosen ones. Because they were already chosen by the Father. The purpose for Jesus coming to earth, is to provide a way for the lost to be found. He died and rose again, to prove He has the power to do this. Therefor all you got to do is put your faith in Him, and you are saved. Doing the best you can to obey Him is apart of you putting your faith in him. In other words you turn your life over to him. You need a relationship with him, so you start with a prayer. Then you continue to cultivate that relationship through prayer, and serving him through obedience. The Bible helps you learn and helps guide you as you walk with Jesus. That is why I am in the word everyday. That is why I pray often. But if something were to happen to me that I couldn't do those things, I would still be saved because God sees my circumstance. He looks at my heart first.

I realized that I just opened a can of worms. But my point is, if you think you are "chosen" by God. I need to you to explain to me how on earth you came to that conclusion. If you can't come up with a good explanation for this, then I don't think you are saved.

I would agree with Civic and, at least in part, Bob. God always makes the first of several moves that results in one being born again. And only his actions are effectual in accomplishing any actual change in me.

The only human action is that of believing in what God has said, and our actions are the proof of our belief. For instance, when God called Abram to leave his family and go to the place God would show him, scripture says that “Abram left”! (Gen 12:4)

Like Civic says, we know we are truly believers if we actually love others as Jesus has loved us. (John 13: 32-34)

Thus, God draws us through the hearing of the gospel and the conviction of our sin, and we believe or disregard him, our actions illustrating the reality of our choice. God then acts accordingly to our belief and changes our nature and capacity for obedience to his will.

I would say that God is constantly drawing us but specifically he uses the gospel to demonstrate his love for all people. (Rom 5:8)

I would agree with Civic and, at least in part, Bob. God always makes the first of several moves that results in one being born again. And only his actions are effectual in accomplishing any actual change in me.

The only human action is that of believing in what God has said, and our actions are the proof of our belief. For instance, when God called Abram to leave his family and go to the place God would show him, scripture says that “Abram left”! (Gen 12:4)

Like Civic says, we know we are truly believers if we actually love others as Jesus has loved us. (John 13: 32-34)

Thus, God draws us through the hearing of the gospel and the conviction of our sin, and we believe or disregard him, our actions illustrating the reality of our choice. God then acts accordingly to our belief and changes our nature and capacity for obedience to his will.

I would say that God is constantly drawing us but specifically he uses the gospel to demonstrate his love for all people. (Rom 5:8)

Amen !!!
I would agree with Civic and, at least in part, Bob. God always makes the first of several moves that results in one being born again. And only his actions are effectual in accomplishing any actual change in me.

The only human action is that of believing in what God has said, and our actions are the proof of our belief. For instance, when God called Abram to leave his family and go to the place God would show him, scripture says that “Abram left”! (Gen 12:4)

Like Civic says, we know we are truly believers if we actually love others as Jesus has loved us. (John 13: 32-34)

Thus, God draws us through the hearing of the gospel and the conviction of our sin, and we believe or disregard him, our actions illustrating the reality of our choice. God then acts accordingly to our belief and changes our nature and capacity for obedience to his will.

I would say that God is constantly drawing us but specifically he uses the gospel to demonstrate his love for all people. (Rom 5:8)


I feel that I am slowly getting to the point to where I don't love people anymore.
I feel that I am slowly getting to the point to where I don't love people anymore.
some people are just mean spirited and have no empathy or sympathy towards others. it makes it hard to love them like we are suppose to by extending grace to them. in the flesh its impossible and only by the grace of God can we begin to love them, forgive them and pray for them.

Prov 25
If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat;
if he is thirsty, give him water to drink.
22 In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head,
and the Lord will reward you.

Romans 12
Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19 Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,”[d] says the Lord. 20 On the contrary:

“If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.”
21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
I feel that I am slowly getting to the point to where I don't love people anymore.
Hi there, @AlwaysOnAJourney,

With respect to you, don't look 'inward', look 'upward', and praise God for His love for us. For in you, in your flesh, there is no good thing (Rom. 7:8 ), so stop looking for it. :)

Within the love of Christ our Saviour, our Lord and Head.
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“By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35).

One of the greatest things we can do and perhaps the hardest thing we will do is to forgive one another. It is one thing to forgive but it is impossible to forget, even so, Jesus said that we are to forgive one another just as God has forgiven us. Paul writes that we should be “bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive” (Col 3:13).
Hi there, @AlwaysOnAJourney,

With respect to you, don't look 'inward', look 'upward', and praise God for His love for us. For in you, in your flesh, there is no good thing (Rom. 7:8 ), so stop looking for it. :)

Within the love of Christ our Saviour, our Lord and Head.
Great advice looking upward He will confirm the inward via the Holy Spirit- His spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God.
If I ask someone "How did you become a Christian?" or "How did you get saved?" and someone responds with "I was chosen by God". I really start to hurt in my heart. And my brain begins to spin. The pain doesn't go away! Which is why I am writing this post. How does someone who says they are chosen by God, know they were chosen by God? How do they know that it wasn't Satan acting like an Angel of Light, telling them they are chosen by God, when in fact they are believing in a lie and going to hell? I believe that God makes Salvation available for everyone and you got to choose if you want it or not. To me it is the only thing that makes sense with scripture. Let's say for an example, you were chosen before the foundation of the world, and Jesus only died for the elect. Do you want to know why I don't believe that view? It is really simple, Jesus doesn't need to die for the elected/chosen ones. Because they were already chosen by the Father. The purpose for Jesus coming to earth, is to provide a way for the lost to be found. He died and rose again, to prove He has the power to do this. Therefor all you got to do is put your faith in Him, and you are saved. Doing the best you can to obey Him is apart of you putting your faith in him. In other words you turn your life over to him. You need a relationship with him, so you start with a prayer. Then you continue to cultivate that relationship through prayer, and serving him through obedience. The Bible helps you learn and helps guide you as you walk with Jesus. That is why I am in the word everyday. That is why I pray often. But if something were to happen to me that I couldn't do those things, I would still be saved because God sees my circumstance. He looks at my heart first.

I realized that I just opened a can of worms. But my point is, if you think you are "chosen" by God. I need to you to explain to me how on earth you came to that conclusion. If you can't come up with a good explanation for this, then I don't think you are saved.
Hello again, @AlwaysOnAJourney,

I also believe that salvation is for all who will receive it.
There have been many times in my life, when I have been challenged, internally, as to the reality of my salvation, for I have been looking, 'inward' instead of 'upward': but eventually I found solid ground upon which to rest my case, and it is that God has said it, and I believe what He has said, concerning His Son the Lord Jesus Christ, and the work of salvation fulfilled by His death and resurrection. Believing God alone, places the burden of responsibility on Him, Who alone can bare it, and bring it to fruition on the day of resurrection. For I am, 'in Christ', God Himself having placed me there (1 Cor. 1:30-31), secure for eternity. Praise His Holy Name!

In Christ Jesus
'But of Him are ye in Christ Jesus,
Who of God is made unto us -
.. and righteousness,
.... and sanctification,
...... and redemption:
That, according as it is written,

"He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord."'
(1Cor. 1:30-31)

Praise God!
God loves you and wants you to experience peace and eternal life—abundant and eternal.
The Bible says:

"We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."
Romans 5:1

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life."
John 3:16

"I [Jesus] came that they may have life and have it abundantly."
John 10:10
Good job ;)

op: How do I know I am "Chosen By God"?:

By faith In His Pure and Preserved Word Of Truth:

"Grace be to you, and Peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.​
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who hath blessed us with​
all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:​
According as He Hath Chosen us In Him before the foundation of the​
world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:​
Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself,​
According to the Good Pleasure of His Will, To the Praise of the Glory of His Grace,​
Wherein He Hath Made us Accepted in the Beloved. In Whom we Have Redemption​
Through His BLOOD, the Forgiveness of sins, According to the Riches of His Grace"​
(Ephesians 1:2-7)​
Since He Said So Himself, I don't have to think I am, just believe I am "Chosen In Him!"

Hello @Grace ambassador,

God is able to 'choose' for He has foreknowledge. He knew those who would be His, before the foundation of the world, and so is able to predestinate them accordingly.

Salvation is still offered to all who will believe and receive Him. God simply knows who will do so.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
I feel that I am slowly getting to the point to where I don't love people anymore.
Well then I would suggest spending more time with Jesus. I heard a speaker on Monday talking about Col 2:6-7:

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

The Speaker was a chemistry professor and talked about how the root system of a Hydrangea determines the color of the flower. A single bush can have blue, purple and pink flowers depending upon what type of soil the feeder roots are drawing from. Lower acidic soil produces bluer flowers, and high acidic soil produces pink flowers with varying degrees of color for intermediate levels of acidity in the soil.

Love can only come from being rooted in Jesus and drawing nourishment directly from him. Drink in his love for you and you will begin to grow in love for others! This is the proverbial “proof of the pudding” of being a true disciple of Jesus. (John 13:34)

What nobody can understand is how I experience life. The people in my life treat me like I don't exist. If I risk talking to some of them, I also take the risk of getting into trouble. When I was talking to one person who seemed to treat me better, about this, they told me "you are hard to notice". That is what a Christian person told me! Whenever I would go to Church, I couldn't figure out how to make things work there either. People treated my parents and I like we were nobodies. Not interested in getting to know us. Even when we tried, we always come up empty handed. This has been an issue for 21 years!!!! I don't think, unless you have been in my shoes and experienced this, you know what you are talking about. How can you learn to love people are act more like objects? Who treat you like an object? I am in the Bible every day! I pray nearly everyday too! I listen to sermons and other Christian resources everyday. This walk with Jesus is not about just doing more more more and then things will be better. In my experience most "Christian" people don't even try to spend nearly as much time with Jesus as I do! These people go to church and look down on those that smaller in society then they are. They love living in their own bubble, and don't invite those smaller in.

I decided to start praying for heaven. I'm reasoning with Jesus in prayer. I explain to him how everything is, how everything is going, how I can see no way that I'm any use to Him on this Earth. I asked Him to take me out of this world. So far I have prayed this twice, and my goal is to pray it more and more. Since my other prayers, are not getting answered, perhaps this is His will for me.
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