Are you Reprobate?

I think Romans 1 and in 1 Tim they are describing the same person/ mindset of the apostate/reprobate. As Romans 1 states they knew God but did not honor Him. And there are several threads on the topic of losing ones salvation or it being impossible. I'm not sure this is the thread to go down that road. I'll see where it goes or if @praise_yeshua wants to have that discussion in this thread.

I believe it is relative to the OP.

The doctrine of Calvinism both denies the necessity of good works while rejecting the Scriptural application of being "rejected".

Reprobation can be seen as being given over to sinfulness but does not equal certain damnation. The prodigal son was given over to sinfulness. HE came home.

It is just another one of those "diversions" that come out of man made theology. They "bake in" their man made views in their recipe and sell it as reprobation for their own benefit.
Just so everyone knows, reprobate is a Latinized term having very little to do with Biblical sources. In fact, the ESV doesn't use the word at all. The NET only uses it once in the OT. The NET translates the Greek source in the NT as depraved.....

So do Calvinists believe in Total Depravity or not?

1Ti 1:20 Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme.

Notice the "giving over to themselves/sin/Satan". That they may learn......
Tell me why it is wrong instead of just claiming it is wrong.

I'm a southerner. However, I've learned "million dollars words" in my life. Conflating is a useful and accurate word to describe what you did.. :)
i am from mo the show me state my post wasnt wrong. i said a step in another direction
So do Calvinists believe in Total Depravity or not?
honestly i could careless on Calvinist. for a long time i was in the carm forum . i butted heads with die hard eating lining digesting Calvinist. that went out of there way to prove me and any other non calv wrong. they had there own ways of redefining words. i got called out by mods many times.. i finally got tired of the child games and left .

i went back later and rejoined under new nick . i disagreed with a fellow calv. i was soon meet by teh welcoming committee telling me to tread lightly dont kick the golden cow over . well i replied back kicked the Golden cow over even broke it. i then got booted out.

i enjoy discussion with out boundaries. i got burnt out on Calvinism . i have good f.b friend in the u.k that is Calvinist. i have listened watched her church service and i liked what the pastor had to say. of course he dint get on the subject of Calvinism just the word
I used to have a reprobate mind but Jesus send me free.

Romans 12:2 Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God.

People who reject Jesus, even after hearing the gospel time after time, will develop a reprobate mind, because they’ve rejected the Light, and by rejecting the Light, they choose darkness.

Choose Jesus and abide in his love, being transformed into his image and obey his commandments. The person who says they can’t possibly become a reprobate has already made their first mistake. Paul wants us about that.

Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall 1 Corinthians 1:12
Technically, we cant tell who a reprobate is, since both the elect and the reprobate are the same by nature. The elect however will experience conversion from Christ, come to faith, believe the Gospel. Yet it may occur early in life, or later, we dont know, so its not good to say anyone isa reprobate. We do know however that some are reprobate, or tares or goats and they will never be converted to Christ. Now that said, even though we dont know who the reprobate are, we do know who believes a false gospel, and haven't been converted to the Truth. That person may be an elect who God will eventually convert, or they may be a reprobate who God will never convert, and He never purposed to , or desired to, they were created as vessels of wrath and fitted for everlasting destruction 2 Thess 1:9

Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;
Technically, we cant tell who a reprobate is, since both the elect and the reprobate are the same by nature. The elect however will experience conversion from Christ, come to faith, believe the Gospel. Yet it may occur early in life, or later, we dont know, so its not good to say anyone isa reprobate. We do know however that some are reprobate, or tares or goats and they will never be converted to Christ. Now that said, even though we dont know who the reprobate are, we do know who believes a false gospel, and haven't been converted to the Truth. That person may be an elect who God will eventually convert, or they may be a reprobate who God will never convert, and He never purposed to , or desired to, they were created as vessels of wrath and fitted for everlasting destruction 2 Thess 1:9

Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power;

So we can't actually tell who is depraved? You're conflating. I thought you believed in Total Depravity?
Just so everyone knows, reprobate is a Latinized term having very little to do with Biblical sources. In fact, the ESV doesn't use the word at all. The NET only uses it once in the OT. The NET translates the Greek source in the NT as depraved.....

So do Calvinists believe in Total Depravity or not?

1Ti 1:20 Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme.

Notice the "giving over to themselves/sin/Satan". That they may learn......
Good post !
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