We are in the very last days.THEY all in bed together . The lie will be heavily pushed .
You all should see WHO this so called puala praised and adored .
The wife of the man who led UNFICATION church . mr moon .
And boy was that man false . Not only did he blaspheme the crucifixtion
saying that the plan of CHRIST was thwarted by THE this
HE , as in rev moon
And notice paula says GOD welcomes all faiths . THEY ALL IN BED with this vatican led
and protestant led interfaith junk . they gonna merge the religons . JESUS has BEEN DENIED .
Yes. Saw it. Oh dear oh dear.just wait till ya see the fourth P .
THEY all in bed together . The lie will be heavily pushed .
You all should see WHO this so called puala praised and adored .
The wife of the man who led UNFICATION church . mr moon .
And boy was that man false . Not only did he blaspheme the crucifixtion
saying that the plan of CHRIST was thwarted by THE this
HE , as in rev moon
And notice paula says GOD welcomes all faiths . THEY ALL IN BED with this vatican led
and protestant led interfaith junk . they gonna merge the religons . JESUS has BEEN DENIED .
This strike fear in me. Not for the soon coming of out Lord. That cannot be soon enough, but she went to work on Trump back in 2016.just wait till ya see the fourth P .
Why are you wishing for someone's early demise? The Catholic Church was ruined long before Pope Francis arrived on the scene. How about heresy in low places?Hi All,
I do believe that Pope Francis is dying.
But not soon enough....
He has ruined the Catholic Church...
Here is an interesting YouTube link from a prominent Catholic spokesperson, teacher and author.
Early demise?Why are you wishing for someone's early demise? The Catholic Church was ruined long before Pope Francis arrived on the scene. How about heresy in low places?
Like the local evangelical churches trying to.prop their attendance and giving up with
a socialistic legalism narrative.
My brother is an evangelical Catholic even though we both had a Jewishfather that we love and miss.
My mother is 94 and her girl friend is 103.Early demise?
He's 88.
We all have to die.
If he had died 10 years ago, it would have been better for the Catholic Church.
If he had NEVER been voted Pope, it would have been even better.
"BUT NOT SOON ENOUGH" was meant to highlight all the problems he's caused...
It was his training as a Jesuit. They really have an agenda.Early demise?
He's 88.
We all have to die.
If he had died 10 years ago, it would have been better for the Catholic Church.
If he had NEVER been voted Pope, it would have been even better.
"BUT NOT SOON ENOUGH" was meant to highlight all the problems he's caused...
Ouch!Well, the Pope is neither your mother nor her friend.
Both very nice persons from what I could tell.
This Pope deserves no respect.
@GodsGrace is correct. There is so much out there and I am only going to post a bit ....Ouch!
Of course by ‘church’ Pope Francis means the Roman Catholic Church, but the true church are all those who are born-again regenerate Christians.“There are those who believe they can maintain a personal, direct and immediate relationship with Jesus Christ outside the communion and the mediation of the Church. These are dangerous and harmful temptations.”.
Pope Francis on camera warning against "having a personal relationship with Jesus "as" dangerous and harmful"Pope Francis told a crowd of 33,000 in Rome that ‘a personal relationship with Jesus Christ’ must be avoided at all costs.
Comments in Singapore Draw Criticism
The pope’s final stop was in the religiously diverse city of Singapore. While there, he met with about 600 young people of different faiths. He delivered his written speech and then added some impromptu remarks. “If you start to fight, ‘my religion is more important than yours, mine is true, and yours isn’t,’ where will that lead us?” he asked. “There’s only one God, and each of us has a language to arrive at God. Some are Sheik, Muslim, Hindu, Christian, and they are different paths [to God].”
From: Top 10 most shocking comments from Pope Francis (see link for the others)
All atheists go to heaven?
During a homily in Rome last May, Francis said that God redeems everyone — not just Christians, but atheists, as well.
“We must meet one another doing good,” the pope said. To those who say: ” ‘But I don’t believe, Father, I am an atheist!’ ” the pope said, “But do good: We will meet one another there.”
‘I didn’t want to be pope’
Meeting with Catholic students from Italy and Albania last June, Francis ditched his “boring” speech and instead took questions from the children.
A little redhead in a blue scarf elicited laughter by bluntly asking, “Francis, why did you want to become pope?”
“I didn’t,” Francis answered. In fact, “a person who wants to become pope doesn’t love himself. And God doesn’t bless him,” the pontiff said.
She bought a place in trumps housing long ago my friend .This strike fear in me. Not for the soon coming of out Lord. That cannot be soon enough, but she went to work on Trump back in 2016.
He used to say he was a Presbyterian but now he is claiming ... I forget what... something more general then a specific denomination.
Must be her influence.
Between her and the Jesuits we be in a lot of trouble I fear
We sat too long under the judge not correct not .It was his training as a Jesuit. They really have an agenda.
But Frankie just brought to light a lot of what has been a problem with the RCC.
He should be thrilled if his time is coming to an end. He should be looking for his reward. Unless he has moments of doubt on his teachings now?
His people should be glad for him. I mean is that not all of our goals once out of this wretched world?
Now, I am not suggesting anything about his eternity. I have read so much of what he declared in his Encyclicals. And I shall keep my thoughts on those to myself.
But it is true that the troubles in the church started long before him. That is the shame of things
The man is deadly , but so are TONS of many protestant leaders now .Well, the Pope is neither your mother nor her friend.
Both very nice persons from what I could tell.
This Pope deserves no respect.
He is dangerous and there will be no resect of persons .My mother is 94 and her girl friend is 103.
Nobody is hastening their demise. What did this guy ever do to you? If you don't agree with him at least show some respect. He is a man of the cloth, even if you don't know what type of cloth.
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He is dangerous and there will be no resect of persons .
I dont desire his death . NO SIR . i desire His repentance . But this agenda that has overtaken
the false religoins and even now most of christendom IS COMING RIGHT OUTTA the lips of satan and his men .
AND friend they can all say GOD is love , but believe me they know NOT GOD OR HIS LOVE .
And this agenda DID NOT start with THIS POPE , it was going on even before He was ever pope .
Yalls so called lovey do man rick warren was infected with it , even before he wrote his purpose driven life
This seeker friendly was a bombshell of delusoin . BIBLE UP . EVERYONE BIBLE UP NOW . I desire only good for all .
There are numerous striking similarities between President Trump and King David.She bought a place in trumps housing long ago my friend .
Trump never fooled me . while no man could have had me to vote for the progressive liberal
I myself , by grace was NOT fooled by trump .
I watched his own lips praise his spiritual deceased father , NORMAN vincent peal . I KNEW THEN
we was in trouble .
Now speaking of jesuit . ITs free for all to examine
for themselves , what school trump went too . Jesuit my friend .
IS it then no marvel that he do the interfaith bidding of The vatican
My advice is to FLEE politics and never look back .
ITs time in these last hours for the sheep to simply TRUST IN GOD
OPEN BIBLES and learn for themselves . FOR MANY WILL PERISH
MANY :WILL be judged on the day of the LORD .
And it wont be calivin , luther , sda , a pope , WE STANDING BEFORE .
sound biblical doctrine .