To all,
we know that, "I AM", is an emphatic verb, which is a name that describe what God is, so where did the Names Jehovah, and, Yahweh come from?. is not Jehovah in the bible?. So where did the names come from. these name came from, what is know as the tetragrammaton, and men tampered with it by adding vowels to these four letters. the tetragrammaton is a term from the Greek word, τετραγράμματον, meaning, "a word having four letters". It is the Hebrew written word, or four letters, (יהוה), Yodh, He, Waw, He, hence the translation into English, YHWH, or JHVH by some. these four letters, suppose to be the unpronounced name of God. and from these four letters come the man made names Yahweh, Hebrew, and Jehovah, English.
the question is, what is God proper/PERSONAL name to "WHO" he is. is it Jehovah, English or Yahweh, in Hebrew. well it's neither, Jehovah, nor Yahweh. lets see how they derived those names from the tetragrammaton. The word "JEHOVAH" was formed by merging the three vowels (e, o, and a) into the Romanized (Latinized) four letter version JHVH to get, JeHoVaH. and the word "YAHWEH" was formed by merging the vowels (a, and e), into the four letter version to get, YaHWeH. so we have the English man made, and the Hebrew man made form of God's supposed unpronounced name. here is the mistake. they, (the translator), added vowels to the four letter consonant, to make up a name to pronounce. one can never add or take away from the WORD of God. they added vowels to give God a personal name, because they knew that YHWH is a verb, and not a noun. and because the suppose name was lost, which the Jews said was forbidden to pronounce, they made a guess at the name where pointers should be. this was a grave mistake on their part. when you add to the word of God you just put the spiritual noose around your neck. arbitrarily, the translators injected the vowels into the four letter consonant to come up with the names, "YaHWeH", and, "JeHoVaH".
let the bible exposes the ERROR. in Exodus 6:3 God said this, "And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name, "YHWH", or hayah, and as some translators write, JEHOVAH, (English), was I not known to them". Now if the name Jehovah, (truly “I AM”), was not known to Abraham, why was Abraham using the name Jehovah?, lets see. Genesis 22:14 "And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah-Jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen". now we have a problem, because Genesis come before Exodus. if God said Abraham didn't know him by that name, why was Abraham using that name? or... the name was put in Abraham mouth by the translators. this is the problem, either God is lying, (God forbid), or Abraham, or the name is corrupt, meaning man made. by process of elimination, I know God don't lie, and Abraham is the friend of God, so that leaves the name and its translation by the translators. now we need to look at that Tetragrammaton, and the Jews who translated it for us, the Masoretic. The Masoretic was European Jews who translated the Hebrew texts, into what we have today, the bible. by adding vowels to the Tetragrammaton and arriving at a made up name, they guessed at what the unpronounced name of God should be. and when you add or take away from God word you will be heading for the ditch. the Jews had a reason why they added vowels, to keep the name out of other nations mouth, since they could not, or did not know the TRUE name of God.
this is how one catch translations errors, and corruption.
but God be true, and every man a liar, God in the OT did give his personal and Proper name, in an indrect wat, yes in the OT. Right in our faces. and that name he gave was, "YESHUA", and yes, "YESHUA" written Yod-Shin-Vav-Ayin, in in the OT. just find it....... it's not that hard to find.
did not the Lord himself tell us? John 5:43 "I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive." and many... not all still have not received him.