God is Plural

Gods realm in the other reality has a different physicality.

So yes actual sons of the type Nature He spoke into being... God's type physicality and no not the biology or physicality of this current fallen reality (=sin realm,death)

the sons will be again actual sons but Not through breeding in animal flesh bodies like we are imprisoned in here.

He will restore us in our bodies made by Him as His temple... for this body we are in now is Not that.
Jesus is an actual son and a deity
= Having His type nature.

each of His souls here will be Restored to Him
to our birthright
and therefore the sons can rule with Christ
in eden paradise.

The creature concept is Esau's invention!
Gods realm in the other reality has a different physicality.

So yes actual sons of the type Nature He spoke into being... God's type physicality and no not the biology or physicality of this current fallen reality (=sin realm,death)

the sons will be again actual sons but Not through breeding in animal flesh bodies like we are imprisoned in here.

He will restore us in our bodies made by Him as His temple... for this body we are in now is Not that.
I understand that, but was not Adam a son of God, and was not Job a son of God also?
He will restore us in our bodies made by Him as His temple... for this body we are in now is Not that.
we know this.

thanks for the reply. 101G have a question. based on what you said. "if all three is omnipresence, creation." if so, please explain this verse. Isaiah 44:24 "Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;"

now, if the LORD, (ONE PERSON), was Alone, and alone means, "having no one else present", read that again. now if he, the LORD is alone, then the other two cannot be the creator,,,, "GOD".

looking for your reply.

First off I never said ... "if all three is omnipresence, creation." But I will explain the trinity in creation for you in this post.

God is 3 in 1. All 3 in 1 Participated in creation.

Since God exists in three parts or ‘persons’: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Trinity is first mentioned in Genesis as part of the creation story, where all three persons of the Trinity are present. The entire process of creation and grace is viewed as a single shared action of the three divine persons, in which each person manifests the attributes unique to them in the Trinity. There are three parties active in the creation of the world: God, God’s Spirit, and God’s Word, through which he creates.

Hebrews 11:3

By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.

Genesis 1:1

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

John 1:1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
First off I never said ... "if all three is omnipresence, creation." But I will explain the trinity in creation for you in this post.

God is 3 in 1. All 3 in 1 Participated in creation.

Since God exists in three parts or ‘persons’: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Trinity is first mentioned in Genesis as part of the creation story, where all three persons of the Trinity are present. The entire process of creation and grace is viewed as a single shared action of the three divine persons, in which each person manifests the attributes unique to them in the Trinity. There are three parties active in the creation of the world: God, God’s Spirit, and God’s Word, through which he creates.

Hebrews 11:3

By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.

Genesis 1:1

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

John 1:1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Correct, And this verse clearly shows the trinity:

30 I and the Father are One
John 10:30.
First off I never said ... "if all three is omnipresence, creation." But I will explain the trinity in creation for you in this post.

God is 3 in 1. All 3 in 1 Participated in creation.

Since God exists in three parts or ‘persons’: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Trinity is first mentioned in Genesis as part of the creation story, where all three persons of the Trinity are present. The entire process of creation and grace is viewed as a single shared action of the three divine persons, in which each person manifests the attributes unique to them in the Trinity. There are three parties active in the creation of the world: God, God’s Spirit, and God’s Word, through which he creates.

Hebrews 11:3

By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.

Genesis 1:1

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

John 1:1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
The clearest reference to Jesus’ deity in the New Testament comes at the opening of John’s gospel. It reads, “In the beginning was the Word that is, the Logos, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. John1:1

In that first sentence, we see the mystery of the Trinity, because the Logos is said to have been with God from the beginning.
First off I never said ... "if all three is omnipresence, creation." But I will explain the trinity in creation for you in this post.

God is 3 in 1. All 3 in 1 Participated in creation.

Since God exists in three parts or ‘persons’: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Trinity is first mentioned in Genesis as part of the creation story, where all three persons of the Trinity are present. The entire process of creation and grace is viewed as a single shared action of the three divine persons, in which each person manifests the attributes unique to them in the Trinity. There are three parties active in the creation of the world: God, God’s Spirit, and God’s Word, through which he creates.

Hebrews 11:3

By faith we understand that the universe was created by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things that are visible.

Genesis 1:1

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

John 1:1

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Thanks for the reply. also @Clay,
Hebrews 11:3 "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."
Hold that thought, "by the word of God".

now, Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." 101G present to you two, that the Word of God is the same one person, who is label or called "GOD. and 101G will prove it by scriptures. now your last scripture, John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." please note, the Word was "WITH" God. this is the same one person, and here's the evidence from the bible.

Evidence #1. the term "WITH"
Isaiah 41:4 "Who hath wrought and done it, calling the generations from the beginning? I the LORD, the first, and with the last; I am he." this seems like two separate and distinct persons, the First one person, and the Last a different person. well no, it's the same "ONE" person, and here's why.
Isaiah 48:12 "Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I also am the last."
the term "ALSO" in addition; too. meaning the same "ONE" in TIME, ORDER, PLACE, and RANK just as Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 states in the word "Beginning".

Evidence #2. in John 1:1 the Word was "WITH" God and ......... was God, John 1:1c. THE SAME ONE PERSON. just as Isaiah said, the first "WITH" and is "ALSO" the Last. the SAME ONE PERSON. and if one read unto John 1:3 states, "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." and again, Isaiah confirm the ONE who made all thing, who was stated in Hebrew 11:3, listen, Isaiah 44:24 "Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;" please note, the one who "MADE ALL THING" is a single person who was "ALONE", and "BY HIMSELF", ........... ONE PERSON"

so the God of CREATION is "ONE PERSON".

you can reproduce my statements, for 101G has give you scripture and definition to backup my statements.

The clearest reference to Jesus’ deity in the New Testament comes at the opening of John’s gospel. It reads, “In the beginning was the Word that is, the Logos, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. John1:1

In that first sentence, we see the mystery of the Trinity, because the Logos is said to have been with God from the beginning.
not to through water on your reply, but 101G will ask you to consider the post above by 101G.

Thanks for the reply. also @Clay,
Hebrews 11:3 "Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear."
Hold that thought, "by the word of God".

now, Genesis 1:1 "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." 101G present to you two, that the Word of God is the same one person, who is label or called "GOD. and 101G will prove it by scriptures. now your last scripture, John 1:1 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." please note, the Word was "WITH" God. this is the same one person, and here's the evidence from the bible.

Evidence #1. the term "WITH"
Isaiah 41:4 "Who hath wrought and done it, calling the generations from the beginning? I the LORD, the first, and with the last; I am he." this seems like two separate and distinct persons, the First one person, and the Last a different person. well no, it's the same "ONE" person, and here's why.
Isaiah 48:12 "Hearken unto me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I also am the last."
the term "ALSO" in addition; too. meaning the same "ONE" in TIME, ORDER, PLACE, and RANK just as Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 states in the word "Beginning".

Evidence #2. in John 1:1 the Word was "WITH" God and ......... was God, John 1:1c. THE SAME ONE PERSON. just as Isaiah said, the first "WITH" and is "ALSO" the Last. the SAME ONE PERSON. and if one read unto John 1:3 states, "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." and again, Isaiah confirm the ONE who made all thing, who was stated in Hebrew 11:3, listen, Isaiah 44:24 "Thus saith the LORD, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;" please note, the one who "MADE ALL THING" is a single person who was "ALONE", and "BY HIMSELF", ........... ONE PERSON"

so the God of CREATION is "ONE PERSON".

you can reproduce my statements, for 101G has give you scripture and definition to backup my statements.

You conveniently left out Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

The Godhead is triune: one God, three Persons—God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Notice all three Persons are called God.

Grace to you and peace from God our Father” Philippians 1:2

“For in Him (Jesus) dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily” Colossians 2:9

“But Peter said, ‘Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself? While it remained, was it not your own? And after it was sold, was it not in your own control? Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God.’” Acts 5:3
You conveniently left out Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
Matthews 19:4 cover Genesis 1:26 as well as Genesis 1:27. listen, Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."

so Kenny, tell us how God went from a plurality of "US", and "OUR" in Genesis 1:26 to a singularity in Genesis 1:27? the Lord Jesus don't LIE. see Matthews 19:4 again.

Matthews 19:4 cover Genesis 1:26 as well as Genesis 1:27. listen, Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."

so Kenny, tell us how God went from a plurality of "US", and "OUR" in Genesis 1:26 to a singularity in Genesis 1:27? the Lord Jesus don't LIE. see Matthews 19:4 again.

Gen_1:26, Gen_1:27
Here we evidently enter upon a higher scale of being. This is indicated by the counsel or common resolve to create, which is now for the first time introduced into the narrative. When the Creator says, “Let us make man,” he calls attention to the work as one of pre-eminent importance. At the same time he sets it before himself as a thing undertaken with deliberate purpose. Moreover, in the former mandates of creation his words had regard to the thing itself that was summoned into being; as, “Let there be light;” or to some preexistent object that was physically connected with the new creature; as, “Let the land bring forth grass.” But now the language of the fiat of creation ascends to the Creator himself: Let us make man. This intimates that the new being in its higher nature is associated not so much with any part of creation as with the Eternal Uncreated himself.

The plural form of the sentence raises the question, With whom took he counsel on this occasion? Was it with himself, and does he here simply use the plural of majesty? Such was not the usual style of monarchs in the ancient East. Pharaoh says, “I have dreamed a dream” Gen_41:15. Nebuchadnezzar, “I have dreamed” Dan_2:3. Darius the Mede, “I make a decree” Dan_6:26. Cyrus, “The Lord God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth” Ezr_1:2. Darius, “I make a decree” Ezr_5:8. We have no ground, therefore, for transferring it to the style of the heavenly King. Was it with certain other intelligent beings in existence before man that he took counsel?

This supposition cannot be admitted; because the expression “let us make” is an invitation to create, which is an incommunicable attribute of the Eternal One, and because the phrases, “our image, our likeness,” when transferred into the third person of narrative, become “his image, the image of God,” and thus limit the pronouns to God himself. Does the plurality, then, point to a plurality of attributes in the divine nature? This cannot be, because a plurality of qualities exists in everything, without at all leading to the application of the plural number to the individual, and because such a plurality does not warrant the expression, “let us make.” Only a plurality of persons can justify the phrase. Hence, we are forced to conclude that the plural pronoun indicates a plurality of persons or hypostases in the Divine Being.



Notice the activity of all three Persons of the Trinity in unified contexts. The term "trinity," first coined by Tertullian, is not a biblical word, but the concept is pervasive.

In the NT
the Gospels
Matt. 3:16-17; 28:19 (and parallels)
John 14:26
Acts — Acts 2:32-33, 38-39
Rom. 1:4-5; 5:1,5; 8:1-4,8-10
1 Cor. 2:8-10; 12:4-6
2 Cor. 1:21-22; 13:14
Gal. 4:4-6
Eph. 1:3-14,17; 2:18; 3:14-17; 4:4-6
1 Thess. 1:2-5
2 Thess. 2:13
Titus 3:4-6
Peter — 1 Pet. 1:2
Jude — vv. 20-21

A plurality in God is hinted at in the OT.
Use of PLURALS for God
Name Elohim is PLURAL (see SPECIAL TOPIC: NAMES FOR DEITY, C.), but when used of God always has a SINGULAR VERB
"Us" in Genesis 1:26-27 (see full notes online); 3:22; 11:7; Isa. 6:8
"One" in the Shema (BDB 1033) of Deut. 6:4 can be PLURAL (as it is in Gen. 2:24; Ezek. 37:17; SPECIAL TOPIC: SHEMA)
"The Angel of the Lord" (see SPECIAL TOPIC: THE ANGEL OF THE LORD) was a visible representative of Deity
Genesis 16:7-13; 22:11-15; 31:11,13; 48:15-16
Exodus 3:2,4; 13:21; 14:19
Judges 2:1; 6:22-23; 13:3-22
Zechariah 3:1-2
God and His Spirit are separate, Gen. 1:1-2; Ps. 104:30; Isa. 63:9-11; Ezek. 37:13-14
God (YHWH) and Messiah (Adon) are separate, Ps. 45:6-7; 110:1; Zech. 2:8-11; 10:9-12
The Messiah and the Spirit are separate, Zech. 12:10
All three are mentioned in one context in Isa. 48:16; 61:1

The Deity of Jesus (see (see SPECIAL TOPIC: THE DEITY OF CHRIST FROM THE OT, and the NT verses: John 1:1-2; 5:18; 8:58; 10:30; 14:9; 17:11; 20:28; Rom. 9:5; Phil. 2:6; Titus 2:13; Heb. 1:8; 2 Pet. 1:1) and the personality of the Spirit (see SPECIAL TOPIC: PERSONHOOD OF THE SPIRIT) caused problems for the strict, monotheistic (see SPECIAL TOPIC: MONOTHEISM) early believers.

Tertullian — subordinated the Son to the Father
Origen — subordinated the divine essence of the Son and the Spirit
Arius — denied Deity to the Son and Spirit
Monarchianism — believed in a successive chronological manifestation of the one God as Father, then Son, and then Spirit

The Trinity is a historically developed formulation informed by the biblical material.
the full Deity of Jesus, equal to the Father, was affirmed in A.D. 325 by the Council of Nicea (cf. John 1:1; Phil. 2:6; Titus 2:13)
the full personality and Deity of the Spirit equal to the Father and Son was affirmed in A.D. 381 by the Council of Constantinople
the doctrine of the Trinity is fully expressed in Augustine's work De Trinitate. There is truly mystery here. But the NT affirms one eternal divine essence (monotheism) with three eternal personal manifestations (Father, Son, and Spirit).
For more information on the developed doctrinal understanding of the Trinity or Tri-Unity of God, see

Millard J. Erickson, Christian Theology, 2nd ed., chapter 16, "God's Three-in-Oneness: The Trinity," pp. 340-367.
Hard Sayings of the Bible, John 1:1; "One God or Three?", pp. 490-492

Gen_1:26, Gen_1:27
Here we evidently enter upon a higher scale of being. This is indicated by the counsel or common resolve to create, which is now for the first time introduced into the narrative. When the Creator says, “Let us make man,” he calls attention to the work as one of pre-eminent importance. At the same time he sets it before himself as a thing undertaken with deliberate purpose. Moreover, in the former mandates of creation his words had regard to the thing itself that was summoned into being; as, “Let there be light;” or to some preexistent object that was physically connected with the new creature; as, “Let the land bring forth grass.” But now the language of the fiat of creation ascends to the Creator himself: Let us make man. This intimates that the new being in its higher nature is associated not so much with any part of creation as with the Eternal Uncreated himself.
First ERROR of the Day, let us has nothing to do with, "one of pre-eminent importance". it has to do with plurility of himself who is already the MOST IMPORTANT.
The plural form of the sentence raises the question, With whom took he counsel on this occasion? Was it with himself, and does he here simply use the plural of majesty? Such was not the usual style of monarchs in the ancient East. Pharaoh says, “I have dreamed a dream” Gen_41:15. Nebuchadnezzar, “I have dreamed” Dan_2:3. Darius the Mede, “I make a decree” Dan_6:26. Cyrus, “The Lord God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth” Ezr_1:2. Darius, “I make a decree” Ezr_5:8. We have no ground, therefore, for transferring it to the style of the heavenly King. Was it with certain other intelligent beings in existence before man that he took counsel?
Second ERROR of the Day, no human king is God. 101G has hear that argument before. understand no human king is the First and the Last of himself..... in TIME, PLACE, ORDER, and RANK. he has only a limited time here on EARTH.

Now as for the LET US ...... as you say with the KING and his subjects, who was with God when he made man? post scripture to that please.
Notice the activity of all three Persons of the Trinity in unified contexts. The term "trinity," first coined by Tertullian, is not a biblical word, but the concept is pervasive.
Concept? let's destroy this concept quickly, 1 John 5:7 "For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." 1 John 5:8 "And there are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one."

let's break this down. in 1 John 5:7 it reads, "these three are one". did you see it? .... these, not THEY are one, these are not persons. because the very next verse points this same "CONCEPT", listen, "And there are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit, and the water, and the blood: and these three agree in one."

is water a "PERSON?", how about "blood", is it a "PERSON?" of course not. the one qualify as a PERSON is the Spirit. see Father, Word, and Holy Ghost are TITLES, this is why John call them "THESE", and not "THEY".

understand, when Spirit, which is the person, is combined with WATER/Flesh, which make up the body, with blood, one has a .... LIVING SOUL. and that's only ONE PERSON. when one combine the TITLES, Father, Word, and Holy Spirit, it's of ONE PERSON. titles are not PERSONS, a person can have many titles.

so that "CONCEPT" of God as a trinity is out.

Second ERROR of the Day, no human king is God. 101G has hear that argument before. understand no human king is the First and the Last of himself..... in TIME, PLACE, ORDER, and RANK. he has only a limited time here on EARTH.

Now as for the LET US ...... as you say with the KING and his subjects, who was with God when he made man? post scripture to that please.
I see we have trouble with reading comprehension-right?
Gen_1:26, Gen_1:27
Here we evidently enter upon a higher scale of being. This is indicated by the counsel or common resolve to create, which is now for the first time introduced into the narrative. When the Creator says, “Let us make man,” he calls attention to the work as one of pre-eminent importance. At the same time he sets it before himself as a thing undertaken with deliberate purpose. Moreover, in the former mandates of creation his words had regard to the thing itself that was summoned into being; as, “Let there be light;” or to some preexistent object that was physically connected with the new creature; as, “Let the land bring forth grass.” But now the language of the fiat of creation ascends to the Creator himself: Let us make man. This intimates that the new being in its higher nature is associated not so much with any part of creation as with the Eternal Uncreated himself.

The plural form of the sentence raises the question, With whom took he counsel on this occasion? Was it with himself, and does he here simply use the plural of majesty? Such was not the usual style of monarchs in the ancient East. Pharaoh says, “I have dreamed a dream” Gen_41:15. Nebuchadnezzar, “I have dreamed” Dan_2:3. Darius the Mede, “I make a decree” Dan_6:26. Cyrus, “The Lord God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth” Ezr_1:2. Darius, “I make a decree” Ezr_5:8. We have no ground, therefore, for transferring it to the style of the heavenly King. Was it with certain other intelligent beings in existence before man that he took counsel?

This supposition cannot be admitted; because the expression “let us make” is an invitation to create, which is an incommunicable attribute of the Eternal One, and because the phrases, “our image, our likeness,” when transferred into the third person of narrative, become “his image, the image of God,” and thus limit the pronouns to God himself. Does the plurality, then, point to a plurality of attributes in the divine nature? This cannot be, because a plurality of qualities exists in everything, without at all leading to the application of the plural number to the individual, and because such a plurality does not warrant the expression, “let us make.” Only a plurality of persons can justify the phrase. Hence, we are forced to conclude that the plural pronoun indicates a plurality of persons or hypostases in the Divine Being.



Notice the activity of all three Persons of the Trinity in unified contexts. The term "trinity," first coined by Tertullian, is not a biblical word, but the concept is pervasive.

In the NT
the Gospels
Matt. 3:16-17; 28:19 (and parallels)
John 14:26
Acts — Acts 2:32-33, 38-39
Rom. 1:4-5; 5:1,5; 8:1-4,8-10
1 Cor. 2:8-10; 12:4-6
2 Cor. 1:21-22; 13:14
Gal. 4:4-6
Eph. 1:3-14,17; 2:18; 3:14-17; 4:4-6
1 Thess. 1:2-5
2 Thess. 2:13
Titus 3:4-6
Peter — 1 Pet. 1:2
Jude — vv. 20-21

A plurality in God is hinted at in the OT.
Use of PLURALS for God
Name Elohim is PLURAL (see SPECIAL TOPIC: NAMES FOR DEITY, C.), but when used of God always has a SINGULAR VERB
"Us" in Genesis 1:26-27 (see full notes online); 3:22; 11:7; Isa. 6:8
"One" in the Shema (BDB 1033) of Deut. 6:4 can be PLURAL (as it is in Gen. 2:24; Ezek. 37:17; SPECIAL TOPIC: SHEMA)
"The Angel of the Lord" (see SPECIAL TOPIC: THE ANGEL OF THE LORD) was a visible representative of Deity
Genesis 16:7-13; 22:11-15; 31:11,13; 48:15-16
Exodus 3:2,4; 13:21; 14:19
Judges 2:1; 6:22-23; 13:3-22
Zechariah 3:1-2
God and His Spirit are separate, Gen. 1:1-2; Ps. 104:30; Isa. 63:9-11; Ezek. 37:13-14
God (YHWH) and Messiah (Adon) are separate, Ps. 45:6-7; 110:1; Zech. 2:8-11; 10:9-12
The Messiah and the Spirit are separate, Zech. 12:10
All three are mentioned in one context in Isa. 48:16; 61:1

The Deity of Jesus (see (see SPECIAL TOPIC: THE DEITY OF CHRIST FROM THE OT, and the NT verses: John 1:1-2; 5:18; 8:58; 10:30; 14:9; 17:11; 20:28; Rom. 9:5; Phil. 2:6; Titus 2:13; Heb. 1:8; 2 Pet. 1:1) and the personality of the Spirit (see SPECIAL TOPIC: PERSONHOOD OF THE SPIRIT) caused problems for the strict, monotheistic (see SPECIAL TOPIC: MONOTHEISM) early believers.

Tertullian — subordinated the Son to the Father
Origen — subordinated the divine essence of the Son and the Spirit
Arius — denied Deity to the Son and Spirit
Monarchianism — believed in a successive chronological manifestation of the one God as Father, then Son, and then Spirit

The Trinity is a historically developed formulation informed by the biblical material.
the full Deity of Jesus, equal to the Father, was affirmed in A.D. 325 by the Council of Nicea (cf. John 1:1; Phil. 2:6; Titus 2:13)
the full personality and Deity of the Spirit equal to the Father and Son was affirmed in A.D. 381 by the Council of Constantinople
the doctrine of the Trinity is fully expressed in Augustine's work De Trinitate. There is truly mystery here. But the NT affirms one eternal divine essence (monotheism) with three eternal personal manifestations (Father, Son, and Spirit).
For more information on the developed doctrinal understanding of the Trinity or Tri-Unity of God, see

Millard J. Erickson, Christian Theology, 2nd ed., chapter 16, "God's Three-in-Oneness: The Trinity," pp. 340-367.
Hard Sayings of the Bible, John 1:1; "One God or Three?", pp. 490-492

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