God is Plural

let's get the fire back here-for our Father's glory and the glory of our great God and Savior Christ Jesus on this Forum.
right on, the GREAT God is Jesus, our Saviour. do you agree that Jesus is that one Great God in the OT?

right on, the GREAT God is Jesus, our Saviour. do you agree that Jesus is that one Great God in the OT?

He was in the past exactly who He is in the present and precisely who He will be forever! That's why Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” Today I want us to focus on this verse, because it shows the immutability of Jesus Christ!

Yehoshua--Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, the same etmol, hayom, ul'Olamim.

Hebrews 13:8

Jesus Christ -- The combination of “Jesus Christ” in this Epistle is found only elsewhere in Heb_13:21, and Heb_10:10. He commonly says “Jesus” in the true reading (Heb_2:9, Heb_3:1, Heb_6:20, &c.) or “Christ” (Heb_3:6, Heb_3:14, Heb_5:5, &c.). He also has “the Lord” (Heb_2:3), “our Lord” (Heb_7:14), and “our Lord Jesus” (Heb_13:20).

The word order of “Christ Jesus,” which is so common in Paul's writing, only occurs as a very dubious variant reading in Heb_3:1.

is the same yesterday and today and for ever. -- Jesus Christ's character and faithfulness never change (cf. Psa_102:26-27, quoted in Heb_1:12). This same theological statement is made concerning YHWH in Mal_3:6. God’s character and mercy are constant and so too are Jesus Christ’s.

Earthly leaders come and go, but one is always there. The readers need not fear that Christ is different now or will ever be different from what he has been in the past. “Forever” takes the continuity as far into the future as it will go. No matter what ages lie ahead, Christ will be unchanged through them. Christian conduct is based on this certainty.

So yes.
He was in the past exactly who He is in the present and precisely who He will be forever! That's why Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” Today I want us to focus on this verse, because it shows the immutability of Jesus Christ!

Yehoshua--Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, the same etmol, hayom, ul'Olamim.

Hebrews 13:8

Jesus Christ -- The combination of “Jesus Christ” in this Epistle is found only elsewhere in Heb_13:21, and Heb_10:10. He commonly says “Jesus” in the true reading (Heb_2:9, Heb_3:1, Heb_6:20, &c.) or “Christ” (Heb_3:6, Heb_3:14, Heb_5:5, &c.). He also has “the Lord” (Heb_2:3), “our Lord” (Heb_7:14), and “our Lord Jesus” (Heb_13:20).

The word order of “Christ Jesus,” which is so common in Paul's writing, only occurs as a very dubious variant reading in Heb_3:1.

is the same yesterday and today and for ever. -- Jesus Christ's character and faithfulness never change (cf. Psa_102:26-27, quoted in Heb_1:12). This same theological statement is made concerning YHWH in Mal_3:6. God’s character and mercy are constant and so too are Jesus Christ’s.

Earthly leaders come and go, but one is always there. The readers need not fear that Christ is different now or will ever be different from what he has been in the past. “Forever” takes the continuity as far into the future as it will go. No matter what ages lie ahead, Christ will be unchanged through them. Christian conduct is based on this certainty.

So yes.
4:14-16. Our great high priest. Christ, our ‘great high priest,’ is great
because of His finished work of redemption, attested by His having ‘passed
through the heavens’ (ASV), 14. This means that worship and intercession are
now carried on in the heavenly sanctuary alone, the believer being brought
directly into God’s presence (Phil 3:3; Heb 10:19).

Christ is also great because He is Jesus, the Son of God, qualified to represent
man before the throne of God the Father. He is able to ‘sympathize with our
weaknesses,’ because He was tested in all particulars as we are, sin excepted;
that is, He had no connection with sin (cf. 7:26). He was perfect man, tempted in
every way as the absolutely Sinless One.

Further, Christ is great because He transforms God’s throne of holy judgment
against sinners to a throne of grace for believers, His blood being sprinkled
thereupon. There the believer finds a continual supply of mercy and grace for
help in all times of need, 16. The greatness of our High Priest calls for adhering
to (holding fast) our confession to Him, 14. He is the One to whom confession is
made, and to whom we may draw near with confident assurance that grace may
be expected from His throne, 16.

5:1-4. Qualifications of Aaronic priests. Israel’s high priest (1) was chosen
from among men, 1a; (2) was ordained or appointed to minister on behalf of his
fellow men before God, 1b; (3) offered gifts and sacrifices for sins, representing
the sinner, 1c; (4) was compassionate with sinners because he himself ‘is subject
to weakness,’ 2; (5) also offered sacrifice for his own sins as well as those of the
people (Lev 16:11) because he, too, needed atonement, 3; (6) was God-called,
not self-chosen (Ex 28:1; Num 16:40).

5:5-10. Superiority of Christ’s qualifications. Christ was fully qualified to
be a high priest because He was: (1) divinely chosen by God the Father, 5; (2)
divinely appointed to be an eternal High Priest of the order of Melchizedek, 6;
(3) a true man with a genuinely human nature while He was on earth, therefore
able to represent men, 7a; (4) the actual sacrifice or offering for sin, facing death
for sinners, 7b; (5) the final victor over sin and death in His resurrection, 7c; (6)
the perfect substitute for man and his sin in that Christ’s sufferings taught Him
the full obedience necessary for His redemptive work, 8. As a result of His
perfect qualifications, He became the source of eternal salvation, not a mere
covering for sin (as did the Aaronic high priest’s sacrifice). His salvation is
eternal because His status as a priest is eternal – after the order of Melchizedek
(see Heb 7), 9-10.
5:11-14. Appeal to maturity

11-13. Characteristics of the immature. Before developing the truth of the
Melchizedek priesthood of Christ the writer introduces another warning or
rebuke in the epistle, this time concerning spiritual immaturity. Many of the
Hebrew believers addressed were characterized as being dull of hearing in their
acceptance and understanding of the truths of the faith, 11. They were still
untaught at a time when they should have been qualified to be teachers of the
deeper truths, such as the Melchizedek aspect of Christ’s priesthood, 12a. As
babes, they could receive only milk, or elementary truths, and were unqualified
because of a lack of knowledge of the truth of the Word, 12b-13.
14. Contrast of the mature. Those who are mature have an adult diet, able to
take the solid nourishment of the Word as applied to life and doctrine. They are
trained athletes in the spiritual life because of the discipline under which they
have gone.
He was in the past exactly who He is in the present and precisely who He will be forever!
@Johann and @civic,
the reason why 101G asked this question, for there is a GREAT REVELATION to be Gain, the revealing of the GREAT mystery. listen to scripture.
1 Corinthians 10:4 "And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ."

Who is the ROCK? Let the Bible speak, Deuteronomy 32:3 "Because I will publish the name of the LORD: ascribe ye greatness unto our God." Deuteronomy 32:4 "He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he."

He, he, he, is the Rock. Now if one suggests that the Lord Jesus is a separate and distinct person, then one has two separate Gods called the, the, the, … Rock.
evidence #1. Jesus the Christ was not in the Wilderness with the children of Israel...... but Jesus was. without Flesh, without bone, and without blood.

evidence #2. Jesus the LORD was in the wilderness with the children of Israel, but not the Christ. because what was in the wilderness was Spirit.

here is the MYSTERY REVEALED. the term "FOLLOWED." it do not mean he was with then in the wilderness ... "BEHIND" them following. NO, but following here is in TIME. meaning follow them in TIME, when he came in Flesh. do you understand now? he followed them ... AFTERWARD, in TIME. when he manifested in Flesh.

well how did 101G come to KNOW this? by revelation. now unto U. for the Greek term "Follow" is,
G190 ἀκολουθέω akoloutheo (a-ko-lou-the'-ō) v.
1. (literally) to travel the same road with.
2. (properly) to accompany someone who takes the lead.
3. (specially) to accompany as a disciple, to follow closely (as at the heel, with obedience, without delay).
4. (thus, generally) to follow.
[from G1 (as a particle of union) and keleuthos “a road”]
KJV: follow, reach
Root(s): G1

G1 α a (al'-fah) n.
ἄν an (an') [before a vowel]
1. Alpha, the first letter of the alphabet.
2. (numerically) the first.
3. (figuratively) only.
4. (prefix, commonly) not, without (a-, an-, i.e. amoral, anarchy).
5. (prefix, occasionally) in the sense of a union (a-, i.e. akin, “adelphos” which is Greek for “brother” or “of same womb”).
{Often used as a prefix in composition in the sense of privation (as a contraction from G427); occasionally in the sense of union (as a contraction of G260)}
[of Hebrew origin]
KJV: Alpha

BINGO, it was the "Alpha"/the "FIRST, who was with them in the Wilderness. and the same ONE PERSON, the "Omega"/the "LAST" that followed them in TIME, manifested in Flesh, bone and Blood, ..... the Christ.

do you understand what 101G is saying here?

Matthews 19:4 cover Genesis 1:26 as well as Genesis 1:27. listen, Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."

so Kenny, tell us how God went from a plurality of "US", and "OUR" in Genesis 1:26 to a singularity in Genesis 1:27? the Lord Jesus don't LIE. see Matthews 19:4 again.

Easy... because they are three in one.

In the simplest of terms, Christians believe:
There is only one God, and this one God exists as one essence in three Persons.
The three Persons are
God the Father
God the Son (Jesus Christ)
God the Holy Spirit (also called the Holy Ghost)
@Johann and @civic,
the reason why 101G asked this question, for there is a GREAT REVELATION to be Gain, the revealing of the GREAT mystery. listen to scripture.
1 Corinthians 10:4 "And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ."

Who is the ROCK? Let the Bible speak, Deuteronomy 32:3 "Because I will publish the name of the LORD: ascribe ye greatness unto our God." Deuteronomy 32:4 "He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he."

He, he, he, is the Rock. Now if one suggests that the Lord Jesus is a separate and distinct person, then one has two separate Gods called the, the, the, … Rock.
evidence #1. Jesus the Christ was not in the Wilderness with the children of Israel...... but Jesus was. without Flesh, without bone, and without blood.

evidence #2. Jesus the LORD was in the wilderness with the children of Israel, but not the Christ. because what was in the wilderness was Spirit.

here is the MYSTERY REVEALED. the term "FOLLOWED." it do not mean he was with then in the wilderness ... "BEHIND" them following. NO, but following here is in TIME. meaning follow them in TIME, when he came in Flesh. do you understand now? he followed them ... AFTERWARD, in TIME. when he manifested in Flesh.

well how did 101G come to KNOW this? by revelation. now unto U. for the Greek term "Follow" is,
G190 ἀκολουθέω akoloutheo (a-ko-lou-the'-ō) v.
1. (literally) to travel the same road with.
2. (properly) to accompany someone who takes the lead.
3. (specially) to accompany as a disciple, to follow closely (as at the heel, with obedience, without delay).
4. (thus, generally) to follow.
[from G1 (as a particle of union) and keleuthos “a road”]
KJV: follow, reach
Root(s): G1

G1 α a (al'-fah) n.
ἄν an (an') [before a vowel]
1. Alpha, the first letter of the alphabet.
2. (numerically) the first.
3. (figuratively) only.
4. (prefix, commonly) not, without (a-, an-, i.e. amoral, anarchy).
5. (prefix, occasionally) in the sense of a union (a-, i.e. akin, “adelphos” which is Greek for “brother” or “of same womb”).
{Often used as a prefix in composition in the sense of privation (as a contraction from G427); occasionally in the sense of union (as a contraction of G260)}
[of Hebrew origin]
KJV: Alpha

BINGO, it was the "Alpha"/the "FIRST, who was with them in the Wilderness. and the same ONE PERSON, the "Omega"/the "LAST" that followed them in TIME, manifested in Flesh, bone and Blood, ..... the Christ.

do you understand what 101G is saying here?

1Co 10:4 And all of the same spiritual drink drank, for they were drinking from a spiritual TZUR following them [SHEMOT 17:6; BAMIDBAR 20:11; TEHILLIM 78:15; 105:41], and that TZUR was Moshiach.

Spiritual drink -- The miracle of the water from the rock (Exo_17:1-7; Num_20:7-11). The two miracles are interpreted typologically in terms of the salvation provided by God through Jesus Christ.

Same spiritual rock -- During the wilderness wanderings, the Israelites drank water from the rock in Rephidim (Exo_17:1-6) and Kadesh (Num 20:1–11). Paul’s message in this chapter follows the flow of Deut 32, which chronicles Israel’s journey through the wilderness.

Spiritual Rock -- When Paul speaks of a “spiritual” rock, he indicates that he does not think of the physical rock in the desert that gave water. That rock was Christ. The rock is interpreted symbolically:

That followed them -- The Jews had a legend that the actual rock Moses struck followed ("accompanied") them throughout their wilderness wanderings, providing water for them.

Jewish Targums speak of a ‘well’ which followed the Israelites in their wanderings. In the Bemidbar Rabbah it is a Rock, in shape like a bee-hive, which rolled. continually forward to accompany the Israelites on their way.
Some rabbinical scholars reject this interpretation, and believe that the expression refers, not to the rock, but the streams which issued from it, and which were gathered into pools wherever they encamped. It was to this, and not to the rock, that the words in Num_21:17 are supposed to be addressed. Some cite Psa_78:16 and Psa_105:41 in support of the same view. (cf. Deu_9:21, "the brook that descended from the mount").

Rock was Christ -- Paul identifies Christ as the rock in a figurative sense, based on his reading of the descriptions of the rock in Exod 17 and Num_21:16-20.
Despite the provision of water in the desert, the people still complained and rebelled against His leadership. Paul urges the Corinthians not to follow the Israelites’ example of complaining about provisions given by the rock (Christ).

The language seems to affirm that the eternally pre-existent One, the One who later became the incarnate One and was demonstrated to be the promised Messiah, is the One who provided the water for Israel to drink during their wilderness wanderings.

"they were drinking from a spiritual rock" Rock is a title for YHWH in the OT which emphasizes His strength and permanence (cf. Deut. 32:4,15; Ps. 18:2; 19:14). It is also used of the Messianic Kingdom as a destroying force (cf. Dan. 2:45).

"which followed them" These seem to refer to a rabbinical legend based on Exod. 17:6 and Num. 20:11ff, that the rock followed the Israelites and that it was the Messiah. This tradition is specifically mentioned in the Koran.

"and the rock was Christ" This is a rabbinical typology (the personification of the rock may have come from Num. 21:17 or Deut. 32:4,15,18,30, cf. Targum Onkelos on Numbers 21). God provided life-giving water during the wilderness wandering period. Paul sees an analogy between God's provision then and God's life-giving provision now. Paul's theology viewed Christ as pre-existent and as the Father's agent of life and blessing. Jesus has always been God the Father's fullest provision and greatest blessing.
Easy... because they are three in one.
(smile) LOL, LOL, LOL, Oh dear, listen he, is a single person, not a they. and on top of that he was ALONE, and BY HIMSELF when he made the male and female.

see, you're deceived. when the Lord Jesus said God is a "he" you just called the Lord Jesus a lier, by saying God is a three in One. when one does not believe the Lord Jesus, who cannot lie, it's time to leave them alone..... sorry but good day.

Spiritual drink -- The miracle of the water from the rock (Exo_17:1-7; Num_20:7-11). The two miracles are interpreted typologically in terms of the salvation provided by God through Jesus Christ.
is not this salvation provided by the "LORD", scripture, Isaiah 45:21 "Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time? who hath told it from that time? have not I the LORD? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me." Isaiah 45:22 "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else."

please note, this is the "LORD".

(smile) LOL, LOL, LOL, Oh dear, listen he, is a single person, not a they. and on top of that he was ALONE, and BY HIMSELF when he made the male and female.

see, you're deceived. when the Lord Jesus said God is a "he" you just called the Lord Jesus a lier, by saying God is a three in One. when one does not believe the Lord Jesus, who cannot lie, it's time to leave them alone..... sorry but good day.

You can laugh all you want but it doesn't change the fact that it's just your opinion. And as far as accusing me of being deceived i'll let that one slide. BUT It's not very cool to tell someone they called Jesus a liar. That's just not cool at all. The majority of Christianity believe in the trinity that puts you in the minority.

I would never say anything derogatory about my King. So please do not put words in my mouth.

Jesus is God!
is not this salvation provided by the "LORD", scripture, Isaiah 45:21 "Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time? who hath told it from that time? have not I the LORD? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me." Isaiah 45:22 "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else."

please note, this is the "LORD".

Listening to uplifting, anointed worship songs-who is Jesus to you? Not God? Not worthy of receiving worship?
Same spiritual rock -- During the wilderness wanderings, the Israelites drank water from the rock in Rephidim (Exo_17:1-6) and Kadesh (Num 20:1–11). Paul’s message in this chapter follows the flow of Deut 32, which chronicles Israel’s journey through the wilderness.
Same spiritual rock -- During the wilderness wanderings, the Israelites drank water from the rock in Rephidim? what do spiritual water look like? and if it was referencing the Word/Water, then the Word was Manifested in them, which it was not, so that reasoning falls flat on it's face.
Rock was Christ -- Paul identifies Christ as the rock in a figurative sense, based on his reading of the descriptions of the rock in Exod 17 and Num_21:16-20.
Despite the provision of water in the desert, the people still complained and rebelled against His leadership. Paul urges the Corinthians not to follow the Israelites’ example of complaining about provisions given by the rock (Christ).
another ERROR on your Part. now the Rock is in a figurative sense? so, then they drank figuratively?
agent "J", agent "J", regain your senses..... ok. this is not figurative, this is FACT. Christ/the Spirit was in the OT in the wilderness with the People. and came .... in TIME, in Flesh. showing us who is the ONE TRUE GOD, Jesus the Christ, God in Flesh.

is not this salvation provided by the "LORD", scripture, Isaiah 45:21 "Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time? who hath told it from that time? have not I the LORD? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me." Isaiah 45:22 "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else."

please note, this is the "LORD".

Jesus is God! He said so himself.

“Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Shew us the Father?” John 14:9

Without the Trinity, the Christian doctrine of salvation cannot stand. Some religious groups that claim to believe in the God of the Bible, but reject the Trinity, have a misunderstanding of who God is.
You can laugh all you want but it doesn't change the fact that it's just your opinion. And as far as accusing me of being deceived i'll let that one slide. BUT It's not very cool to tell someone they called Jesus a liar. That's just not cool at all. The majority of Christianity believe in the trinity that puts you in the minority.

I would never say anything derogatory about my King. So please do not put words in my mouth.

Jesus is God!
LOL, LOL, LOL, 101G will laugh at your statement. now READ, Matthew 19:4 "And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female,"

how many is "he?" ONE, not "THEY" made them male and female in the beginning. and YES, you're deceived, and yes, you're contradicting the Lord Jesus in Words, ..... better known as LYING. when the Lord Jesus said, "he" made them male and Female, then YOU say they made them male and female, either YOU or the Lord Jesus is simply lying. and 101G knows the Lord Jesus don't LIE, so that narrowed it down.

Same spiritual rock -- During the wilderness wanderings, the Israelites drank water from the rock in Rephidim? what do spiritual water look like? and if it was referencing the Word/Water, then the Word was Manifested in them, which it was not, so that reasoning falls flat on it's face.

another ERROR on your Part. now the Rock is in a figurative sense? so, then they drank figuratively?
agent "J", agent "J", regain your senses..... ok. this is not figurative, this is FACT. Christ/the Spirit was in the OT in the wilderness with the People. and came .... in TIME, in Flesh. showing us who is the ONE TRUE GOD, Jesus the Christ, God in Flesh.

You are not going to interrogate me regarding the Triune Godhead brother-there is a gospel to be promulgated and you are still stuck on Echad-forgetting Yachid.
A Remesh-Pardesh or a Sod?
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