Everyone is born with a sin nature, because this is passed down from Adam to us all.
"by one man's sin".. you ended up as a sinner, same as us all.
Total Depravity, this doctrine, becomes a demonic heresy, once it proclaims that you have no Free Will and that you have no capacity to offer God your own = Faith in Christ.
Now where this can be confused.......is.........
The Holy Spirit, takes the Gospel that is heard, and opens the heart of a unbeliever, the HEARER..... to SEE that this Gospel is TRUE.
So, that is the moment they have : "come to the knowledge of the Truth".. and from that moment they decide to Believe or to not.
TotL Deprav.......according to the Tulip Heads, that teach it...say that the sinner can't come to this understanding.... So God has to cause them to believe..
The worst of the TULIPS will tell you that you have no free will, and God has to give you the new birth.. .so that after you are born again, you can THEN have faith in Christ.
And that, is not true. As that crazy demonic theology, is teaching that you are born again in sin......to then have faith in Christ, later.
That'll never happen, as that would be God joining an unforgiven sinner to Himself, before they have Given God their Faith.