Dr. James White on Functional Kenoticism


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Kenoticism Examined

I am not a Calvinist, and I do not agree with Dr. White on many things, but I thought he had some very perspicuous things to say on this topic.

--- Quoted from the Dividing Line ---

If you look at that particular definition then obviously the large majority of people that are being accused of Kenoticism wouldn't wouldn't qualify, but what we have now up until this time period talking about the veiling of certain aspects of the divine nature was common language; you can fill pages with people going all the way back that have used terms veiling/hiding because you everybody has to.

So Kenosis as I would understand it involves a fundamental change in the divine nature in the incarnation. So I had a student once I remember very clearly in which classroom at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminar, we were somewhere in this particular area of discussion, and I remember he said, "Well, if we really believe this, then we have to believe that God changed," and I remember he and I had quite an interesting back and forth conversation in class over that very issue.

I've said, well you know it's possible that for the purpose of accomplishing his role as Messiah and sacrifice that the Son speaking in Matthew veils his knowledge, and people go, "Nope, can't happen, because the Son always has to be omniscient; the Divine Son always has to be omnicient, and can't be anything other." Does the Divine Son always have to be glorious, is that just as definitional of the divine nature? And if the glory was hidden, why couldn't the knowledge be? "Nope, can't do it, can't do it," because they differentiate somehow. I've never seen a Biblical argument, but they somehow go "The glory of the divine nature is different than the knowledge of the divine nature, the knowledge of divine nature cannot be veiled for any reason."

[Quoting a Tweet from Mike Riccardi:]

"Through all of it, Functional Kenotic Christology teaches not that Christ surrendered the attributes themselves but limited them in some sense, or just curtailed their use and function during his humiliation."

This is serious Christological error? Okay so, John MacArthur was guilty of serious Christological error during his entire ministry.... So what terms do you want to use, because I've read the article. If you don't like veiling, all they're doing is coming up with other terms that mean the same thing. You have to deal with the reality that the Son did something, you've got to deal with what Kenosis means, and I say you define Kenosis on the basis of Paul's theology. The New Testament as a whole, yes, but first you start with Paul. He's the one using it. What does he say, how does he present this, and then you flesh that out with the Gospel and everything else that comes from that, but you have to deal with it, you can't just say nothing happened. So this is saying that you are in serious Christological error if you say there is limiting of the divine attributes in the incarnation, and I go, uh, you just made EVERYBODY a Christological heretic going all the way back in history, everybody has to has to deal with this. This is serious Christological error?! The Kenosis of Philippians 2:7 is not a surrender, a divesture, a limitation or a laying aside of any aspect of the Son's divine existence. Again, it is not that the Son does not cease to be, the question is what is the manifestation of all of the divine attributes in the incarnation? We know beyond question, no one can argue this, that there is the fundamental definitional reality of the glory of Yahweh that is veiled in the Son. He did not walk through the streets of Jerusalem glowing in the dark, no one was consumed in his presence. Okay, so there it is, that's the reputation of this hyper-limitation.... did the Son in no way have any reliance upon the Spirit of God at all?! I know that full-on Kenosis like the guy at Bethel, whatever his name is, yes Johnson, I know they take that as their big thing, that Jesus relies on the Spirit and then therefore we can rely in the Spirit the same way Jesus relied on the Spirit, the whole nine yards, so that every miraculous thing that Jesus does is just dependence upon the Spirit, and of course you know Jesus feels power coming out of himself when the woman touched him, all that. So you know that's not a balanced perspective, but there's no relationship at all in in the incarnation in regards to the Spirit of God?! Again, instead it is a taking on, an assumption of a distinct essence, a human one, by means of which such limitations can be experienced. What does that mean? How is that different than saying there's a veiling? I'm saying that by taking on a distinct essence, a human one, such limitations were experienced. That's what veiling means, we are arguing over minutia, and yet willing to say, "Ah, but you're in error, you are a heretic, if you don't agree with my terminology." Okay... all right.


"To say something like Christ limited the use of his omniscience in his incarnation, is to deny what cannot be denied: his true deity, in order to affirm what must be affirmed: his true humanity."

Now think,. let's change that to say something like, "Christ limiting the expression of his glory in his incarnation is to deny what cannot be denied: his true deity, in order to affirm what must be affirmed: his true humanity." And that's exactly what everybody has to do. So obviously this argument isn't true, it's not true. What else could be said? So the affirmation is, Christ in the incarnation could NOT limit the use of any divine attribute. I'd say the incarnation itself requires a self-limitation. Not a changing of the divine nature—but the fundamental idea here is, "No God can't do it!" That's what the Muslims say! That's what the Muslims say! We don't want to go there. And I know he's not going there, this is a nice man, he's a good man, he's a good young scholar. But you don't want to go there. You don't want to go there.

"It is impossible for God to limit his Godness because part of what it means to be God is to be infinite and unlimited."

Uh, you really want to go there? 'Cause we're not talking about a change in the divine essence, we're talking about expression here. We're talking about demonstration, we're talking about, what does it mean to be incarnate? And shouldn't we all be sitting here going, "You know there is only one source for us to answer any questions on this subject and it's right here [pointing at Bible.]" And may I suggest to you that a lot of Post-Nicene theological speculation doesn't believe this Bible is enough, and goes way beyond this, way beyond this.


Quotation from John Howe the Puritan:

"Whatsoever simplicity the ever blessed God hath by any express revelation claimed to himself, or can by evident and irrefragable reason be demonstrated to belong to him, as a perfection, we ought humbly and with all possible reverence and adoration, to ascribe to him. But such simplicity as he hath not claimed, as is arbitrarily ascribed to him by over-bold, and adventurous intruders into the deep and most profound arcana of the divine nature, such as can never be proved to belong to him, or to be any real perfection, such as would prove an imperfection, and a blemish, would render the divine nature less intelligible, more impossible to be so far conceived as is requisite, as would discompose and disturb our minds, confound our conceptions, make our apprehensions of his other known perfections less distinct or inconsistent, render him less adorable or less an object of religion, or such as is manifestly unreconcilable with his plain affirmations concerning himself, we ought not to impose it upon ourselves, or be so far imposed upon, as to ascribe to him such simplicity. It would be an over-officious and too meanly servile religiousness to be awed by the sophistry of presumptuous scholastic wits, into a subscription to their confident determinations concerning the being of God, that such and such things are necessary or impossible thereto, beyond what the plain undisguised reason of things, or his own express Word do evince: to imagine a sacredness in their rash conclusions, so as to be afraid of searching into then, or of examining whether they have any firm and solid ground or bottom: to allow the schools, the making of our Bible, or the forming of our creed, who license (and even sport) themselves to philosophize upon the nature of God with as petulent, and irreverent a liberty, as they would upon a worm, or any the meanest insect, while yet they can pronounce little with certainty even concerning that, hath nothing in it either of the Christian or the man. It will become as well as concern us, to disencumber our minds, and release them from the entanglements of their unproved dictates; whatsoever authority they may have acquired, only by having been long, and commonly, taken for granted. The more reverence we have of God, the less we are to have for such men, as have themselves expressed little."

And so I would say getting back to Kenoticism, that the ultimate has to be found here [pointing at Bible], and that until especially my critics answer the challenge that I've read on this program and the article I've posted last year, I think it was October 22... on the Theology Matters blog, and I gave a paragraph where someone can go to Matthew, and go, so what you're saying is this means this that means that, and you're reading in a definition of Son that you're not reading out of the text, but reading into the text. How do you respond to that? No one has! Until you do, you're making the divine nature less intelligible, not more intelligible, okay.

[Resuming Tweet from Mike Riccardi:]

"The Son did not restrict or limit or dial back his infinity so he could sell fit himself into finite humanity, he assumed finite humanity into personal union with his infinite deity and subsisted in two whole perfect and distinct natures right alongside one another."

I agree... but why use infinity? Why not use glory? Because you can't. Because that was limited for the purpose of accomplishing what the incarnation is to accomplish... right? Tell me where I'm wrong, I just I want to hear. I keep hearing people say, "Well, but that's that's not what this is for," I don't care! Tell me where I'm wrong biblically. Please?! Think we can do that, we're supposed to be able to do that, right?

"He did not become less God in order to be man [agreed], so we must say the of the incarnate son he is infinite according to his deity at the same time he is finite according to his Humanity. It'd be wrong to say the sun limited his infinity during his incarnation."

Did the Son limit the expression of his glory to the incarnation, yes or no? Yes or no. Is glory definitional of the divine being, yes or no?

"For the same reason it is wrong to say the Son limited his omniscience in his incarnation. God cannot limit his omniscience because omniscience is essential to the infinite perfections of being God."

Gloriousness isn't?! Of course it is. Of course it is.

"If a person is not omniscient, he may be many things, but he is not God."

So if a person is not glorious, he may be many things but he's not God?

"So the Son did not restrict or limit or dial back his omniscience, so he could fit himself into ignorant humanity, he assumed finite ignorance into personal union with his infinite omniscience, and subsisted in two whole perfect and distinct natures right along one another."

Again, that's a nice theological statement, but it's not dealing with it. This is meant to be this is meant to be saying, no, Matthew 24:36 cannot mean, that because of this. That's what the argument is. And again, how many times do I have to say, this is a really difficult text. But I can't take this kind of theology outside of the church and say you need to accept this before you can then understand what Matthew 24:36 is saying. Because they can turn around and say, "Well then you need to accept this, so you can understand what Titus 2:13 is saying, right?" And I guess the only response that is to say well we we don't have to worry about you know taking this stuff outside, we just need to have it it nice and neat and tidy for us.

"In other words because Jesus is truly and fully God and truly and fully man, Scripture makes statements about him, the whole person, that are true only because of one or the other nature. That doesn't mean that an opposite statement isn't true according to the other nature."

So this is your standard. Again, the confession itself says there are times the scripture speaks this way. I agree. Prove it in Matthew 24:36! You can't just quote from the Westminster or the London Baptist. You have to demonstrate that in that context you're deriving your interpretation from that text, and if you don't see that, if you don't do that, you will fundamentally eventually have to capitulate to the authority of external developed traditions over time. You can't avoid it. You can't avoid it! So yes, Scripture makes statements about him, the whole person, that are true only because of one or the other nature, agreed, and the context will show you that; but you're taking this and making it the overarching interpretive principle rather than doing what you have to do, which is demonstrating that my "partitive exgesis" in Matthew 24:36, is actually drawn from Matthew 24:36. And I think the honest folks in the great tradition movement would say we can't do that and we won't try. I think the honest folks would do that. That's why I'm ringing this big old bell and saying to the guys at Masters you can't go there without changing who you've always been. You can't go there! I know who's trying to drag you there. I know their names. I know when you've met. But you can't go there, you won't be consistent. Now again maybe you know I keep going, and I think it's important to be consistent, but why? Because I want to take this message outside of our little confines, and it's got to be consistent out there because those people out there are smart and they will see the inconsistencies.

"Sometimes you get them right next to each other, Acts 20:28 speaks of the blood of God, incarnational. God is a spirit and has no blood, there Paul predicates attributes of deity, and attributes of attributes of humanity (blood) to the same person Jesus according to his distinct Natures."

Yep, that's clearly what you have in what the incarnation is. No two ways about it. He doesn't use the one that I think is the best, and that is, "They would not have crucified the Lord of Glory." Lord Of Glory is obviously deity language, you can't crucify the Lord Of Glory; but you could, because the incarnation—because it was real, because he truly became man.

"So in John 16:30 he is said to know all things and in Mark 13:2 he is said to be ignorant of the time of his return, those aren't contradictory. John affirms something that's proper to his deity and Mark affirms something is proper to his Humanity."

Okay, but once again, and there's a textual issue there that we won't get into right now, derive it from the context. Pretty easy to do with John 16... how do you do it in Mark 13 or Matthew 24? That's the issue.

"It is wrong and a species of Kenoticism [because we now get to define these things for ourselves], to say that one of those things, omniscience or ignorance must be limited or curtailed in order to say the other one is genuine."

In Matthew 24:36 once again if what you're saying is, Jesus when he makes reference to the Son, is making reference to the human nature, okay, it's all I've been saying all along. I am not dogmatic on my interpretation of Matthew 24:36, I am dogmatic on you having to give an exegesis of Matthew 24:36, that's the difference between us. You guys aren't giving an exegesis, you're giving a theologesis. You're telling us what your theology says the text must say, and I'm sitting here going, you can't do that and be consistent. That's all I've been saying. "You Kenoticist!" No, I'm not a Kenoticist. Jesus' deity was not changed, but you have to believe that he had the power to, whatever term you want to use, veil, limit, not get rid of—but veil or limit his glory to do what he said that he did. His glory is just as definitional as anything else, and you cannot get around that no matter what, you do no matter what! You can stand on your head, you can spin in circles, you can't get around it. It's just reality. So I'm sorry that I'm not in the "in" group, I'm out here with the lost folks that already have religious beliefs, and I'm trying to go, "Hey guys, if you ever decide to come out here and help with this stuff, what you are doing in there ain't going to help much, you're not going to be able to do that! It's not going to work."

"So we have to say that Jesus predicated ignorance of himself according to the properties of his human nature; note, not the human nature is ignorant, but the one person Jesus could be spoken of as ignorant by virtue of the finitude of his human mind."

Except that the divine could reveal supernatural knowledge to that finite mind, right? So why would that particular piece of information be too much for the finitude of his human mind? That one I don't get, okay. And can we all admit we are way past Matthew 24 or Mark 13 now, right, can we all admit that we're not there anymore, we're four, five, six steps down the road now. Can we all admit that? You know for some folks they're like, yep, and we always have to be. And again I go, think about where that's going to lead you, where is that going to take you.

"But because he was subsisting in the divine nature at the very same time it can also be said that he did know the time of his return according to the properties of his divine nature by virtue of the infinity of his divine mind."

Look, I understand the theology, but A., you didn't get that from here [pointingat Bible]. Please don't pretend you did. And B., I start going, "would render the divine nature less intelligible, more impossible to be so far conceived as his requisite as would discompose and disturb our minds confound our conceptions make our apprehensions of his other known perfections less distinct or inconsistent render him less adorable or less an object of religion." [Quoting John Howe.]

I'm concerned that's where this type of stuff goes eventually. Not necessarily in this context but, I just remember a young man that I helped when he was in high school and in college and then he goes off to seminary and I just remember meeting with him before he left and I said to him "You become a liberal, you abandon the foundations that we've been talking about at seminary, and I'm going to get you, you'll never see it coming." If you fire from more than 500 yards away you, you never hear the shot. I've just seen it happen so many times, and sadly what a lot of these guys are doing is when I make that warning, they just say, "Oh see, there's White saying I'm going to become a Roman Catholic again." I didn't say anything about Roman Catholicism, that's one of the directions you can end up going once you lose confidence in Solo Scriptura. Yeah, that could end up there, or Orthodoxy and lots of other places. But it's like, why don't you just stop for a second, and listen to me. I've got a lot of experience with people that have done this, a lot more than you do, but you won't listen. I'm not talking about Mike Riccardi, I'm talking about the people pushing this stuff.

"It's counterintuitive, but it's not contradictory. It's the miracle of the Hypostatic Union."

Okay. I believe in the Hypostatic Union. Why do I believe in Hypostatic Union? Because I believe this [pointing at Bible]. And I have to make sense of this. Why do YOU believe in the Hypostatic Union? Is this enough? Or is this only enough to give you broad outlines and now we need something beyond that.

"He can know and be ignorant of the same fact at the same time, because he knows it according to the divine nature and he doesn't know it according to the human nature."

And all you got to do is prove that in Matthew 24:36, that's how you can use the term Son. Right? That's what you got to do. He says Calvin agrees, of course there's more to this context, we don't have time now, I was going to cover that. Wow. He goes Calvin, Gregory of Nazianzus, and concludes:

"Kenoticism whether ontological or functional does not behave consistently with the truths the Hypostatic Union and therefore Kenoticism should be rejected in all its forms."

Well, the real question is who gets to define it—and the real question I have to ask of Dr. Riccardi and everybody else is, "I thought, at the Master Seminary, this Bible was the final word for definition. Is it still?" That's the question. And am I being unfair, am I being unkind, because my belief all along has been that, without a doubt, without a doubt. On a Wednesday night I got to speak at Grace from behind the pulpit, (that's how I know that if you lean into it, it moves...), the night that I spoke there, there wasn't a person in that room or on that staff that would have for a second taken offense at being called a "Biblicist." And you know it, you know it, so do I, so does every graduate at that school. You know it... you know it!
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Jesus Christ did not empty Himself of any of His attributes as God. Nor did Jesus Christ empty Himself of His divinity. But what some do not understand is the fact that "omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience" ARE His attributes. What Jesus Christ did do because He is God (now pay attention) was render or make void the prerogatives of His attributes which He has always had.

Look at Philippians 2:6 closely. "who, (meaning Jesus Christ) ALTHOUGH (or in spite of the fact) that He existed in the form of God, ended up taking the form of a servant, by being made in the likeness of men." He was God all along but suspended the use of His attributes by taking the form of a servant/man.

This is also why the Apostle Paul at Philippians 2:1-4 explains to the Philippians not to be selfish, conceited and put others first before yourself just like Jesus Christ did when Paul says at vs 5 to have the same attitude as Jesus Christ. Now do you get it, I hope? And PS: Can you please give me a list of Gods attributes?

• Deity cannot be gained, lost, laid down, or set aside. It either is or it isn’t.
• Deity is defined as: non-contingent eternal existence.

Christ emptied himself (i.e., poured himself) into the form of a servant. Whether Greek grammar requires, or even permits, this interpretation, it is clear that the context emphasizes the change of form, not the change of content, of the Divine Being. He did not give up deity, but he gained humanity. There was no attribution of the divine nature in the incarnation; his life incarnate, containing the fullness of the Godhead bodily, was offered for man's redemption.ward

Heresy Error Adoptionism Denied true deity
Docetism Denied true humanity
Arianism Denied full deity
Apollinarianism Denied full humanity
Nestorianism Divided Christ’s natures (two persons)
Monophysitism Confused Christ’s natures (tertium quid)
The Chalcedonian Definition In October of 451, 520 bishops gathered in the town of Chalcedon to settle these various Christological disputes. And it was there that the church, following the teaching of Scripture, formulated the doctrine of the hypostatic union—that the incarnate Christ is one divine person who subsists in two distinct yet united natures, divine and human. riccardi

The Chalcedonian Creed is the definition of orthodox Christology, and states:
“We, then, following the holy Fathers, all with one consent, teach men to confess one and the same Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, the same perfect in Godhead and also perfect in manhood; truly God and truly man, of a reasonable [or rational] soul and body; consubstantial with the Father according to the Godhead, and consubstantial with us according to the Manhood; in all things like unto us, without sin; begotten before all ages of the Father according to the Godhead, and in these latter days, for us and for our salvation, born of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, according to the Manhood; one and the same Christ, Son, Lord, Only-begotten, to be acknowledged in two natures, without confusion, without change, without division, without separation; the distinction of nature’s being by no means taken away by the union, but rather the property of each nature being preserved, and concurring in one Person and one Subsistence, not parted or divided into two persons, but one and the same Son, and only begotten, God the Word, the Lord Jesus Christ, as the prophets from the beginning [have declared] concerning him, and the Lord Jesus Christ himself has taught us, and the Creed of the holy Fathers has handed down to us.”8

Scripture records Jesus exercising the divine prerogatives that kenoticism claims were incompatible with His humanity. He is the Lord of salvation in the same manner as the Father: “For just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, even so the Son also gives life to whom He wishes” (John 5:21; cf. 11:25). He heals the paralytic by announcing, “Friend, your sins are forgiven you,” and the Pharisees once again accuse Him of blasphemy, thinking to themselves, “Who can forgive sins, but God alone?” Jesus does not correct them, but only affirms that the Son of Man rightly exercises the divine prerogative to forgive sins (Luke 5:18–26). Only God can forgive sins, and the incarnate Christ forgives sins. Jesus is not only the Lord of salvation but also the Lord of revelation. He delivers revelation to God’s people, not as the prophets who spoke from the derived authority of God and declared, “Thus saith the Lord.” No, Jesus proclaims revelation from His own authority, declaring, “I say to you” (Matt. 5:22, 28, 32, 34, 39, 44).

Gregory of Nazianzus wrote of this text, “We are to understand the ignorance in the most reverent sense, by attributing it to the manhood, and not to the Godhead.”33 We ought to say that the person of Christ did know the hour of His return according to His divine nature; otherwise He could not be God. But the one and the same Son did not know the hour of His return according to His human nature. He always had access to His divine consciousness, but He never exploited that privilege for Himself. He only accessed that knowledge when it was in accordance with the mission His Father had given Him.riccardi

Now, “form” does not mean that Jesus only seemed to be like God. The Greek term μορφή does not connote merely the outward appearance of something, as we think of in English. The word is notoriously difficult to translate. One scholar writes, “‘Form’ is an inadequate rendering of μορφή, but our language affords no better word.”37 Rather than a single, one-to-one word equivalent, we have to explain what the term means. In the next verse, it describes the genuine humanity that Christ assumed to Himself in the incarnation. Christ took the μορφή δούλου, the form of a slave. He did not merely appear human or merely have the external features of humanity; that is the very docetic heresy the rejection of which the apostle John makes the test of orthodoxy (1 John 4:2–3). Instead, the μορφή δούλου refers to the fact that Christ was fully and truly human—that He possesses a genuine human nature. In the same way, then, the μορφή θεοῦ refers to the fact that Christ was fully and truly God—that He possesses the genuine divine nature. Yet μορφή is not just a synonym for οὐσία or φύσις, the other words that refer to one’s substance, essence, or nature. μορφή is used nowhere else in the New Testament (except in the long ending of Mark, the authenticity of which is disputed), but in the Septuagint it speaks clearly of one’s appearance.38 Besides this, a cognate form of μορφή is used to describe Jesus’ transfiguration: He was μετεμορφώθη—changed in μορφή (Matt. 17:2).

But Christ’s immutable divine essence was not changed at the transfiguration. Rather, the outward expression of the glory of Christ’s divine nature had been veiled, and for a moment He was removing the veil and once again letting His glory shine forth. Taking that all together, we ought to conclude that μορφή refers to the outward manifestation that corresponds to the inward essence—to the external form that represents what is intrinsic and essential.39 It is “a form which truly and fully expresses the being which underlies it.”40 In other words, μορφή is not the essence, but no one can appear or exist in view of others in the form of God, manifesting all the perfections of God, unless that person is in fact God.41 Christ was existing in the μορφή of God precisely because in His very essence and His being He is God from all eternity. The context of Philippians 2 makes that clear. In verse 6, Paul says that Christ did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped. “Equality” is rendered from the Greek word ἴσος, from which we get the word isomers, which describe chemical compounds that have the same number of the same elements but have different structural formulas. They are distinct compounds, but on a chemical level, they are equal to each other. To switch from chemistry to geometry, an isoscelestriangle is a triangle that has two equal sides. Jesus is ἴσα θεῷ, equal to God. When one considers such statements as Isaiah 46:9, in which God says, “For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is no one like Me,”

the conclusion is inescapable. If Veiled in Flesh the Godhead See can be equal to God but God Himself, and (b) Christ is equal to God, then (c) Christ Himself must be fully God. “The form of God” refers to the dignity of the Son’s essence, while “equality with God” refers to the dignity of the Son’s station, or position. If μορφή refers to the outward manifestation of the inner essence and nature, what is the outward manifestation of the inner essence and nature of God? Answer: glory. Throughout the Old Testament, when God’s presence is represented as dwelling with His people, there is always a manifestation of that shekinah glory—the pillar of cloud, the pillar of fire, the bright light that filled the Tabernacle and the Temple. But the Son is the very radiance of the glory of God (Heb. 1:3), the image of God in whose face the glory of God shines in fullness (2 Cor. 4:4, 6). He is the exalted Lord seated on the throne of heaven, the train of whose robe fills the heavenly temple, of whom the angels declare, “The whole earth is full of His glory” (Isa. 6:1–8; cf. John 12:37–41). Before the world was, the Word that became flesh and dwelt among us was eternally existing in the very nature, essence, and glory of God.

But of what did Christ empty Himself? The kenoticists have answered, “He emptied Himself of His deity,” or “of His ‘relative’ divine attributes,” or “of His divine consciousness,” or “of His divine prerogatives.” Yet we have observed why those answers fall short of biblical fidelity and theological soundness. Of what, then, did the divine Son empty Himself? Even asking the question demonstrates a misunderstanding of the language. Though κενόω literally means “to empty,” everywhere it is used in Scripture it is used in a figurative sense.43 According to New Testament usage, κενόω doesn’t mean “to pour out,” as if Jesus was pouring His deity, attributes, or prerogatives out of Himself. If that were Paul’s intent he would have used ἐκχέω, which he employs elsewhere to speak of pouring something out of something else.

But everywhere κενόω appears in Scripture, it means “to make void,” “to nullify,” “to make of no effect.” Paul uses it that way in Romans 4:14, where he says, “For if those who are of the Law are heirs, faith is made void (κεκένωται) and the promise is nullified.” Yet no one thinks to ask, “Of what has faith been made empty?” The idea is that faith would be nullified—it would come to naught—if righteousness could come by the Law.45 The text teaches, then, not that Christ emptied Himself of something, but that He emptied Himself. He nullified Himself; He made Himself of no effect. The Son Himself is the object of this emptying. He did not empty the form of God, nor the divine attributes, nor His divine prerogatives, but Himself.

The King James Version captures this well by translating verse 7 thus: “[He] made himself of no reputation.” The NIV’s rendering is also helpful: “[He] made himself nothing.” Then, the very next phrase explains the manner in which the Son made Himself nothing: “[He] emptied Himself, taking the form of a slave, and being made in the likeness of men.” Christ made Himself of no effect by taking on human nature in His incarnation. He nullified Himself not by subtracting from His deity, but by adding His humanity. This is an emptying by addition!

John Murray writes,
“It is sometimes thought that, when the Son of God became man and humbled himself, he thereby ceased to be what he was and, in some way, divested himself of the attributes and prerogatives of deity, that he changed the form of God for the form of man. He became poor, it is said, by emptying himself of divine properties, became poor by subtraction, by divestiture, by depotentiation. The Scripture does not support any such notion. . . . Even in his incarnate state, in him dwelt all the fullness of Godhood (Col 2:9). When the Son of man became poor, it was not by giving up his Godhood nor any of the attributes and prerogatives inseparable from Godhood. When he became man, he did not cease to be rich in his divine being, relations, and possession. He did not become poor by ceasing to be what he was, but he became poor by becoming what he was not. He became poor by addition, not by subtraction.”

Christ remained what He was, even when He became what He was not. He did not exchange His deity for His humanity. Nor did He become a human person. Veiled in Flesh the Godhead See divine person, He assumed a human nature. The divine, second Person of the Trinity, who was eternally existing in the form of God, nullified Himself by taking the form of a slave and being born in the likeness of man. In the majesty of Heaven, to look on Him would have been to look on the epitome of all beauty. But being found in appearance as a man (Phil. 2:8), He had “no stately form or majesty that we should look upon Him, nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him. He was despised and forsaken of men . . . and like one from whom men hide their face He was despised, and we did not esteem Him” (Isa. 53:2–3). The rich became poor (cf. 2 Cor. 8:9). The worshiped became the despised. The blessed One became the man of sorrows. The Master became the slave. As John Calvin wrote: “Christ, indeed, could not divest himself of godhead, but he kept it concealed for a time, that it might not be seen, under the weakness of the flesh. Hence he laid aside his glory in the view of men, not by lessening it, but by concealing it.”

Bavinck adds, “He laid aside the divine majesty and glory . . . in which he existed before the incarnation, or rather concealed it behind the form of a servant in which he went about on earth.”49 We ought then to understand that a significant aspect of the kenosis was a krypsis—that is, a concealment or a veiling of the glory that is the external manifestation of His nature.50 Christ fully possessed His divine nature, attributes, and prerogatives, but for the sake of becoming truly human, He did not always fully express the glories of His majesty. When He is tempted by Satan in the wilderness to exercise His divine omnipotence to turn the stones into bread or to throw Himself from the top of the temple and manifest His divine glory by being rescued by angels, He refuses (Matt. 4:1–11). When Jesus is betrayed in Gethsemane, He is the divine Son who has twelve legions of angels at His disposal (Matt. 26:53), but He refuses to dispatch them to His service. Whenever any exercise of His divine power or any manifestation of His divine glory would have functioned to benefit only Himself, or to ease the limitations of a truly human existence, and would not be for the benefit of those He came to serve in accordance with His messianic mission, He refused to exercise those prerogatives.

The Humility of the Incarnate Christ (v. 8)
And yet the Son’s humility did not stop at taking on a human nature. We go on to observe the humility of the incarnate Christ: “Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross” (Phil. 2:8). The divine Son became not just a man, but an obedient man. From all eternity, the Son was equal to the Father in glory, majesty, and authority. In His incarnation, however, He began to relate to the Father in terms of authority and submission (e.g., John 5:30; 6:38). The Master had become the slave. The Lord who rightfully issues commands subjected Himself to obeying commands. And that is not all. He was not only obedient, but obedient to the point of death. The Author of Life humbly submitted to death. The One without sin humbly submitted to sin’s curse. The One who has life within Himself (John 1:4; 5:26)—who gives life to whomever He wishes (John 5:21)—humbly released His grip on His own human life in submission to the Father and in love for those whom His Father has given Him. Here is humility shining like the sun in its full strength.

We rightly sing, “Amazing love! How can it be, that Thou, My God, shouldst die for me?” And yet there are greater depths to plumb before the humiliation of the Son of God reaches rock bottom. He was not just man, not just obedient, and not just obedient unto death. The holy Son of God, the Lord of glory, “humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” The horrors of the cross scarcely need describing. One commentator said, “The cross displayed the lowest depths of human depravity and cruelty. It exhibited the most brutal form of sadistic torture and execution ever invented by malicious human minds.”51 In crucifixion, metal spikes were driven through the victim’s wrists and feet, and he was left to hang naked and exposed, sometimes for days. Because the body would be pulled down by gravity, the weight of a victim’s own body would press against his lungs, and the hyperextension of the lungs and chest muscles made it difficult to breathe. Victims would gasp for air by pulling themselves up, but when they would do that the wounds in their wrists and feet would tear at the stakes that pierced them, and the flesh of their backs—usually torn open from flogging—would grate against the jagged wood.

This was the purpose for the kenosis. Man had sinned against God, and so man was required to make atonement for sin, but he was absolutely powerless to do so. Only God can atone for sin, and yet only man’s sacrifice would be accepted on behalf of man. So, in the marvelous wisdom of God, God became man to reconcile man to God: “Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and might free those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives. . . . Therefore, He had to be made like His brethren in all things, so that He might become a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining. Riccardi

hope this helps !!!
A Biblical and Theological Bible.org

Answer to the False Doctrine of Kenosis


An increasingly prevalent teaching in evangelical circles, particularly in charismatic circles, is the doctrine of Kenosis. This false teaching is drawn from impure wells, it is dangerous because of the other false doctrines it leads to, and it flies in the face of the heart of Christian teaching. What is it? The doctrine teaches that the Messiah, in order to assume the form of a servant and become incarnate (into human flesh), had to give up some, several, or even all the powers and attributes of God and "live as a mere man." The advocates of this heresy, in an effort to assume an orthodox posture, try to say that the Son somehow "remains God," though He has given up all parts of that being. This teaching, which denies so much of the heart of the orthodox faith, comes from the misinterpretation and misconstruction of one Greek word.

This word, and the doctrine it describes, refer to the deep, mysterious, but vitally important passage of Philippians 2:5-8, and especially in verse 7, where it says Christ "made himself of no reputation," or "emptied himself." The word in the original is ekenosen, from the root wordkenoo, which can mean "to empty." The other references to the word are Romans 4:14, where the meaning is "made void," 1 Corinthians 1:17, where it means "of none effect," 1 Corinthians 9:15, where it means "make void," and 2 Corinthians 9:3, where it means "to be in vain." These references all refer to abstract principles, such as faith, preaching, or boasting--none of them refer to a person, or even to an object. Therefore, the use of the word as it is used inPhilippians 2:7 is unique. The question, which shall be repeated later is "of what did Christ empty Himself?" The teachers of Kenosis say that what Christ did was to "empty Himself of all power."

The doctrinal area in which we are dealing is not academic, it involves the very heart and center of our faith. It is also not just a matter for scholars, but is for all of us. Kenotic teaching has become prominent in charismatic circles, and is the basis for much of what they promulgate. Indeed, much of the weird theology that surrounds the so-called "faith" movement is based on a Kenotic understanding of the incarnation, combined with a new-age-like leap of logic that says that since Jesus left His powers and attributes behind and lived as a mere man, we born-again believers are ". . . just as much an Incarnation of God as Jesus was" (Kenneth Copeland)

In another leap of logic, these teachers move then to the Mormon-like doctrine of apotheosis (we are little Gods). This trend so concerned Walter Martin that the last thing he wrote before going home to be with the Lord was a contribution to a book refuting these theological trends among TV evangelists.1 This paper on Kenosis is not a detailed analysis, but is instead an expanded outline with footnotes, covering these major areas:
o The Doctrine of Kenosis This part of the paper includes reference material that traces this view to the 19th-century German liberal theologians that first promulgated the Kenotic teaching, and compares it with modern Kenotic teaching.
o The orthodox position on Christ's humiliation. Includes quotations from noted Evangelical Scholars on the subject.
o A Critical Refutation of the Kenosis doctrine.
o An alternative method of handling the "problem verses" without deviating from orthodox Christology.
I. The Doctrine of Kenosis

A. Classic Kenotic Teaching

(1) "About the middle of the nineteenth century a new form of Christology made its appearance in the Kenotic theories."2 This is how Berkhof introduces the subject. He then delineates three forms of Kenotic teaching--the first, and least offensive, seems to fit the general view: "Thomasius distinguishes between the absolute and essential attributes of God . . . and His relative attributes, which are not essential to the Godhead, such as omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience; and maintains that the Logos while retaining His divine self-consciousness, laid the latter aside, in order to take unto Himself veritable human nature."3

(2) "The essence of the original kenotic view is stated clearly by J. M. Creed. 'The Divine Logos by His Incarnation divested Himself of His divine attributes of omniscience and omnipotence, so that in His incarnate life the divine Person is revealed and solely revealed through a human consciousness.'"4

(3) Charles Hodge classes this view under Modern Forms of the Doctrine [Christology], and includes it under a class of doctrines called Theistical Christology taught by various German theological liberals of that era.5 One form of the view is as follows. "...that the Eternal Logos, by a process of self-limitation, divested Himself of all his divine attributes. He ceased to be omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. He reduced Himself, so to speak, to the dimensions of a man."6

B. Comparison with the view of Kenneth Copeland (as a representative of the "Faith Message" school of thought).
This seems to be the general view of the entire "faith message" school of thought, and it is becoming prominent in other charismatic circles as well.
(1) "Jesus hadn't come to earth as God; He'd come as a man. He'd laid aside His divine power and had taken on the form of a human being--with all its limitations."7
(2) "They [orthodox Christians] mistakenly believe that Jesus was able to work wonders, to perform miracles, and to live above sin because He had divine power that we don't have...They don't realize that when Jesus came to earth, He voluntarily gave up that advantage [deity] living His life here not as God, but as a man. He had no innate supernatural powers. He had no ability to perform miracles until after He was anointed by the Holy Spirit... He ministered as a man anointed by the Holy Spirit."8

C. General Comment
The writer of this paper has encountered this teaching in other theological circles, and in at least one other prominent tele-evangelist who is not from the "faith message" camp.
II. A Positive Affirmation, from Scripture, of the Orthodox Position on Christ's Humiliation in Relation to Philippians 2:5-11.
Includes quotations from noted Evangelical Scholars on the subject.
A. The self-emptying of Christ was mainly an emptying of the external trappings and Glory of Deity.
The context of Phil. 2:5-11 is that Christ emptied Himself by taking on the form of a servant. Indeed, the overall issue, from 2:1 through the end of verse 15, is on various forms of outward expression, Christ being the example for the life of the saints in Philippi.

(1) Paul was stressing to the Philippians that they should be self-sacrificing, and should not have personal glory in mind as they live their life. Then, he used the Incarnation as an example. (2:1-5)

(2) Christ, says Paul, was in the form (morphe, an outward expression of an inward reality) of God, and did not consider this Glory, this expression of equality with the Father something to be grasped, or held on to (see John 17:1-5, 24).

(3) Most modern translations say in verse 7 "emptied Himself", but the King James and the New King James read, "made Himself of no reputation." About this difference, one evangelical scholar wrote "The A.V., while not an exact translation, goes far to express the act of the Lord."9 ( In this quote, A.V. stands for Authorized Version, or King James). Then it says, "taking the form of a servant." As we have been talking about outward expressions, vainglory, outward form, etc., and as that is the subject from here through verse 15, the plain sense of scripture here is that Christ's self-emptying was of the outward glory and majesty of Godhood, and that He accomplished that action by taking the form of a servant. This, of course, is what Paul is asking the Philippians to do. Context is vital here--Paul is not telling the Philippians to lay aside, discard, or disregard their natural abilities and talents, (attributes and powers), he is telling them to submit them to the will of God and the good of the whole church.
a. Possibly because of the negative theological background for it, B.B. Warfield went so far as to call the literal translation of kenoo as "emptied Himself" a "mistranslation."10

b. "Nothing in this passage teaches that the Eternal Word (John 1.1) emptied Himself of either His divine nature or His attributes, but only the outward and visible manifestation of the Godhead."11
c. "He emptied, stripped Himself if the insignia of Majesty"12 (Emphasis added)
d. "When occasion demanded, He exercised His divine attributes."13
(4) Verses 8-11 continue the thought--Christ is "...found in appearance as a man...", and continued His voluntary humiliation through to the Cross, then is exalted by the Father (as He discussed with the Father in John 17).

(5) Other Scriptural references that establish the same principal:
a. John 1:1-14. After laying out His perfections, [(1) "The Word was God"--Deity; (2) "He was in the beginning with God," Eternity; (3) "All things were made through Him..." Creator; (4) "In Him was life..." Self Existence;] John says "and the Word became flesh." It is not that God the Son gave up anything, but that He added something--He took humanity to Himself.

b. 2 Cor 8:9 "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich." He gave up the external glories of His riches, but did He really give up ownership? No--in His earthly ministry, He claimed to be Lord of the Sabbath, and exercised dominion over natural phenomena, disease and demonic forces, and even demonstrated His possession of the power of life and death. His poverty did not consist as much in what He gave up (for He still retained title to it) as in what He took on--our nature.

c. 2 Cor 5:21 "For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." In His act of atonement, did He give up His own essential Holiness? No, again, it was not that He gave up anything, it was that He added something--He took our sins upon Himself.
B. Do the Scriptures bear out that He possessed the attributes and powers of deity while on earth?

The first, and most obvious reference is His personal conversation with the Father in John 17--He asks (in a "man to man, equal to equal" way) for the return of His Glory. He never mentions the return of His power or attributes--because He still retained them!
(1) Omniscience--John 11:11-14 ("...when Jesus was fifty miles away...")14 John 2:24-25, 6:64, 70-71. As for the instances when He seems to be claiming ignorance, they have to do with Him speaking from His humanity, and taking our place, and involve a complete understanding of the orthodox teaching concerning the relationship between the Divine and Human in Christ, which will be discussed in section IV.
(2) Omnipotence: (demonstrated most vividly in the power over life and death) John 10:17-18, 5:21-23, Luke 7:14, John 11:43-44, Mat 28:18-20, John 18:5-6.
(3) Omnipresence: Matt 18:20, John 1:48 (Ps 139, Gen 16:13), John 3:13 (MAJ . . . Text)
(4) Providence: Heb 1:1-3--Note that "upholding all things" was predicated of Him in the context of His earthly ministry of declaring God's truth, and before His atonement, resurrection, and exaltation. Col. 1:17--"In Him all things consist [hold together]" The universe is upheld by His word of power--He holds it together--that is an essential part of who He is. There is no intimation anywhere in scripture that He gave up this function upon Incarnation.

(5) Sovereignty: Mk 2:28, Mat 11:27, John 17:2. John 3:35

C. Having looked at the issue piecemeal, we can now conclude it with the powerful testimony of the book of Colossians.

(1) Paul says that in Christ ". . .are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge," (2:3) and ". . . Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily." (2:8-9, emphasis added)
(2) The argument might be (and has been) made that those verses apply to Christ in His exaltation, and not in His humiliation. First, that logic leans to the Gnostic idea of "progression," that the Logos after His exaltation was materially and essentially different (and improved) as a person from what He was during His humiliation. This is the very idea that Paul was fighting in the book of Colossians! The clincher, however, lies in the earlier verses in chapter 1: ". . . It pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself...through the blood of His cross." (1:19-20) All the fullness of God dwelt in Him bodily during His earthly ministry!
III. A Critical Refutation, from Scripture and from Evangelical Scholars,of the things implied and taught by the Kenosis Doctrine.
The theologians who crafted Kenotic doctrine were trying to deal with two problems. The first problem was in how to deal with those texts of scripture (as used by the cults) which seem to indicate that Christ was less than fully God, yet do justice to the obvious Biblical teaching that He was "Very God of Very God." The second problem was posed by their understanding that He lived His life in submission to the will of the Father, and largely as a man with a full indwelling of the Holy Spirit. They could not reconcile that in their minds with His full deity. The problem with these teachers was that they were theological liberals--they did not accept the verbal, plenary, inspiration of the Bible. Because of this, they crafted an erroneous philosophical theological answer, and ignored the fact that the problems were already solved by scripture, and had been fully worked out by the teachers and leaders of the early church during the period from A.D. 250-451. In their effort to improve on the Council of Chalcedon, they created many more problems than those they sought to solve--and did not really solve what they had originally perceived to be problems in the orthodox faith.

A. The philosophical and theological bases for the Doctrine of Kenosis are highly suspect.
The thought process began with an incorrect concept of God as the Absolute and Almighty God.
(1) Thomasius of Erlangen, one of the first and leading proponents, ". . . distinguishes between the absolute and essential attributes of God," and taught that omniscience, omnipresence, and omnipotence ". . . are not essential to the Godhead..."15

This is patently ridiculous, and there is absolutely no Biblical basis for classing the three "omni" attributes as non-essential for Deity. Philosophical theologians may find a way to make this add up, but in the words of one of this century's great Bible teachers, ". . .There is no other possible alternative between an absolutely supreme God, and no God at all."16 It is impossible to conceive of any being worthy of the title of I AM who does not possess the essential attributes continually posited to God by the Bible. The Bible never mentions God as anything but absolute. The three attributes in question, absolute Knowledge, Potency, and Presence, are foundational to who Jehovah is. The sarcastic charges made by Jehovah against false "gods" usually center in their ignorance, impotence, and immobility (Deut 4:28, Is 45:20,Jer. 10:5, 15). In comparison to idols, Jeremiah says "He who is the Portion of Jacob is not like these, for He is the Maker of all things...the LORD Almighty is His name." (10:16) Indeed, if one reads the awesome passages like Is 40, Job 38:1-42:6, Ps 90, Rom 11:33-36, etc., as well as the countless other verses and passages that extol and marvel at the greatness of the Almighty Jehovah, there can be no other conclusion but that God is Absolute. There is no Biblical way that the Son could give up his divine knowledge, potency, and presence, and remain "in essence" God. The distinction is strictly one of human philosophy. Concerning Kenosis, Charles Hodge, the leading American evangelical scholar of the last century, wrote

"The theory in question is inconsistent with the clear doctrine both of revealed and natural religion concerning the nature of God. He is a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and immutable. any theory, therefore, which assumes that God lays aside His omnipotence, omniscience, and omnipresence, and becomes as feeble, ignorant, and circumscribed as an infant, contradicts the first principle of all religion..."17
It must be pointed out here that Hodge fully accepted the doctrine of the incarnation, that God came in the flesh, as an infant and a man. However, he saw it in the light of historic Christology, as discussed in section IV, that while all of that was true, Christ was not confined to that form of a servant, and was not limited by it, except that He willingly gave up the exercise of His Glory, and sometimes chose not to use His other powers, though He retained them fully.

Berkhof shines more light on the philosophical antecedents of Kenosis when he writes: "The theory is based on the pantheistic conception that God and man are not so absolutely different but that the one can be transformed into the other. The Hegelian idea of becoming is applied to God, and the absolute line of demarcation is obliterated."18 The theologians who concocted this heresy were German scholars steeped in the insidious philosophy of Hegel, the forerunner of both communism and fascism.

B. The vital doctrine of Immutability is completely destroyed by Kenotic teaching.
(Cf. Malachi 3:6; James 1:17; Hebrews 13:8)
(1) Biblically, there was no essential change of the nature of the Second Person of the Trinity in His Incarnation, because He did not lose the essential attributes of deity, He took on human flesh and a human nature. In His own essence, He did not change (Heb 13:8).
(2) Beyond its effect on the immutability of the Son, it would destroy the integrity of the Triune God if He ceased to be fully and totally the Absolute God during His Incarnation, . "It means a virtual destruction of the Trinity, and therefore takes away our very God. The humanized Son, self-emptied of His divine attributes, could no longer be a divine subsistence in the Trinitarian life."19

C. If the God-Man who died on the cross was not both fully God and fully Man, then the integrity of the atonement is destroyed.
The Blood that redeemed the Church was the "Blood of God." Acts 20:28 If He was any less than God, then His blood sacrifice was not infinitely powerful and able to redeem all who believe in every age.

IV. An alternative method of handling the "problem verses" without deviating from orthodox Christology.
There are three Biblical concepts which are at the heart of this method: (A) Understanding the biblical doctrine of the two natures of Christ. (B) Understanding His role as our Kinsman-Redeemer and substitute, and (C) Understanding and admitting the existence of the Biblical concept of "mystery"--the fact that there are some things which must be just believed, because there is no way to understand them.

A. Understanding the biblical doctrine of the two natures of Christ.
The Trinitarian Controversy (A.D. 320-381) led directly into a great controversy over the Nature of Christ's Person. Understanding the doctrinal dimensions of this fight, and understanding the conclusions reached by the church are vital to understanding how to combat the cults in this area, since the cults of today are merely the heresies of yesterday refried. During this period of Church History, there were many evil things done in the name of one doctrine or another, yet miraculously, truth triumphed.

(1) As the early church wrestled with understanding the Biblical teaching about Christ, there were three views that became most prominent. I will try to illustrate these views by assigning different ways of writing the term , "God-Man" to each view.

a. The Monophysites taught that Christ was the God-man, that is, He was not fully God and Fully man, but a third entity which was a fusion of the two natures (The Kenotic teaching is closest to this among the early heresies.) This heresy was basically a leftover of the Origenistic tendencies of Arianism, and grew strongest in the areas that had been strongest for the Arian view. The battle cry of this party was that Mary was theTheotokos, or Mother of God. The Monophysites carried this erroneous teaching (which survived, though without the Christological conclusions attached) to extremes, and made of Christ a new category of being, with one nature, will, and personality, each a fusion of God and Man.20
b. The Nestorians taught that Christ was the God, Man with two natures so separate as to be a split personality. This teaching developed because of the objections of the church and theological school of Antioch to the growing cult of Mary among monophysite believers.21

c. The orthodox view, which was approved by the Council of Chalcedon in 451, and which has been accepted and proven to be fully Biblical by evangelical Christians since the Reformation, was that Christ was the God-Man, fully God and fully Man, one person with two unmixed natures.22
(1) The important key concept in the orthodox doctrine is whatever Christ did, He did as a whole person. For instance, when His human body was beaten, tortured, and died, He suffered as a whole person, so that though God cannot be killed, it can be said that God Died for Our Sins.23
(2) Because of the Truth of the two natures, we can Biblically say:24
a. Christ is infinite OR Christ is finite. He existed from all eternity OR He was born in Bethlehem
b. He was omniscient OR He was limited in knowledge
c. He is David's Lord YET David's son
d. He is the Ancient of Days YET He was born as an infant
e. He is God over all YET He is the son of Mary
f. He upholds all things YET He is weary with His journey
g. Without Him was nothing made that was made YET He can do nothing without the Father
h. His natural form is the form of God YET He takes on Him the form of a servant
i. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever, YET He increases in stature
j. He Knows the Father perfectly YET He increases in wisdom
k. In His own name, he gives a new and more perfect law and proclaims Himself Lord of the Sabbath and greater than the temple, YET He is born under the law and is subject to the law
l. He is the Prince of Peace YET His souls is troubled
m. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, YET He goes to death at the order of a Roman governor
n. He is with us always unto the end of the world, YET The disciples saw Him being received into heaven out of their sight.
B. Understanding His role as our Kinsman-Redeemer and substitute.
Why was is necessary for the Redeemer to be the God-Man? Why is the doctrine of the two natures of Christ so important? The answers lie in God's law of the goel, or Kinsman-Redeemer, (Lev 25) illustrated beautifully by the historical story of Ruth.

Scofield summarizes the principle concisely in his note on Is 59:20.25

(1) The kinsman redemption was of persons, and an inheritance (Lev 25:48, 25:25; Gal 4:5;Eph 1:7, 11, 14.).
(2) The Redeemer must be a kinsman (Lev 25:48-49; Ruth 3:12-13; Gal 4:4, Heb 2:14-15).
(3) The Redeemer must be able to redeem (Ruth 4:4-6; Jer. 50:34; John 10:11, 18).
(4) Redemption is effected by the goel (Kinsman-Redeemer) paying the just demand in full (Lev 25:27; 1 Pet 1:18-19; Gal 3:13).
(5) Therefore, what we see as Christ's humiliation was done as our goel, our redeemer, our substitute. When He was living, acting, speaking, suffering, denying full knowledge of events, claiming total dependence on the Spirit, etc. as a man, he was doing these things out of His human nature, and in our place. Yet, because He was also God, He could pay the whole price--he lived, acted, spoke, and suffered as no other man ever had or ever could.

C. Understanding and admitting the existence of the Biblical concept of "mystery."
There are some things which must be just believed, because there is no way to understand them.
(1) God is unsearchable (Eccl. 3:11, Is 40:28, Rom 11:33-36, Job 5:9, Job 11:7)
(2) There are many mysteries in the gospel (1 Tim 3:16, Eph 5:25, 1 Cor 15:51)
(3) Christ Himself is a mystery (Rom 16:25, 1 Cor 2:7, Eph 1:9, 3:4, 3:9, Col. 1:27)

D. The three core concepts related above should help us understand how Christ lived His life on earth.
He lived in appearance as a man (Isaiah 53:3, Phil. 2:8), and submitted His will to the Father, and lived His life as a man anointed by the Spirit (Luke 4:16-21). Yet, He retained all His powers, and demonstrated His abilities often as a vindication of His messiahship and proof of His authority (Mk 2:1-12). In the mysterious verse John 5:17, ". . . My Father has been working until now, and I have been working," we are given a clue that He did many of His works "in His own right," though they were always in accordance with the will of the Father. On one occasion, He even lifted the veil of His flesh, took off His servant nature, so His three closest disciples could see Him as He really was (Mat 17:2). On another occasion, He "lifted the hem of His veil a bit"--when they came to arrest Him, He said "I AM," and they all fell down (John 18:4-6).

If we were to make an illustration of Jesus as if He were a policeman going under cover in a bad neighborhood, the Kenosis doctrine has the policeman leaving his weapons at home, along with his badge and other symbols of authority. He can call on headquarters for help, but he himself is helpless and defenseless. The orthodox teaching has the policeman himself as a "lethal weapon", he is a martial arts expert who can kill with a blow--he is skilled on the level that he can reach within a man's chest and pull out his still-beating heart--he can defeat multiple opponents. He can leave His I.D. , badge, uniform, etc., behind just like cop number one, but he cannot cease to be the walking weapon that he is. He looks normal, he appears as helpless as the first policeman, but he has the ability within himself to defend himself. He might choose to call for help; he might even choose to allow himself to be shackled, hurt or killed for the good of the mission--but he has the ability within himself to defeat his enemies. Raise that illustration, and the powers of the second policeman to infinity, and the illustration shows the difference in the two doctrines.

E. It is from applying the core concepts above that we can construct meaningful and orthodox answers to the questions of those who refuse to believe in the God of the Bible.

The answer is not to deviate from Truth ourselves through less-than-precise theology--it is to present the whole Truth unvarnished and uncut.
J.I. Packer, the dean of living evangelical theologians, completely rejects the doctrine of Kenosis, as illustrated in his book Knowing God. He says plainly, "The Kenosis theory will not stand."26 I encourage the reader, to see what this Christian leader says about the subject. I hope that my study will be of help, and if you have been infected with this false doctrine I pray you will seriously consider modifying your views in this vital area.
1 Walter Martin's last published writing was a refutation of apotheosis in the book The Agony of Deceit , (Moody Press, 1990). Included in that same book is an article by Dr. Rod Rosenbladt entitled Who Do TV Preachers Say That I Am?, which refutes, among other things, the teaching of Kenosis.
2 L. Berkhof, Systematic Theology, (Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1940) pg 327.
3 Ibid.
4 Ralph P. Martin, Kenosis, The New Bible Dictionary (Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1973), pg 6.89
5 Charles Hodge, Systematic Theology vol. II/III, (Reprint by Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1977) pp 428-440.
6 Dr. Rod Rosenbladt, Who Do TV Preachers Say That I Am? The Agony of Deceit, (Moody Press, 1990) pp 114-115.
7 Ibid.
8 Ibid.
9 W. E. Vine, (Edited by F. F. Bruce) Vine's Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words (Fleming H. Revell Company, 1981) N. T. Vol. 2, pg 25.
10 Berkhof, op. cit. pg 328.
11 C. I. Scofied, The Scofield Reference Bible (Oxford University Press, 1917), pg 1258.
12 Lightfoot, cited by Scofield, ibid.
13 Moorehead, cited by Scofield, ibid.
14 Scofield, op. cit. pg 1145.
15 Berkhof, op. cit. 327.
16 A. W. Pink, The Attributes of God (Baker Book House, 1975) pg 29.
17 Hodge, op cit, pg 439.
18 Berkhof, op. cit. pg 328.
19 Ibid. 329
20 Phillip Schaff, History of the Christian Church, Vol. III (Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1977) p705-783.
21 Ibid
22 Loraine Boettner, Studies in Theology, (The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Company, 1973) pp 195-203.
23 Hodge, op. cit.
24 Boettner, op. cit. 197.
25 Scofield, op. cit. pg 765.
26 J. I. Packer, Knowing God, (InterVarsity Press, 1973) pg. 52.
Related Topics: Christology, Theology Proper (God)
Don't forget to add links to credit all your sources for their hard work.

I shouldn't have to reverse search everything, lol.
Jesus Christ did not empty Himself of any of His attributes as God. Nor did Jesus Christ empty Himself of His divinity. But what some do not understand is the fact that "omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience" ARE His attributes. What Jesus Christ did do because He is God (now pay attention) was render or make void the prerogatives of His attributes which He has always had.

The bold is by definition what Functional Kenosis teaches.

Look at Philippians 2:6 closely. "who, (meaning Jesus Christ) ALTHOUGH (or in spite of the fact) that He existed in the form of God, ended up taking the form of a servant, by being made in the likeness of men." He was God all along but suspended the use of His attributes by taking the form of a servant/man.

The bold is by definition what Functional Kenosis teaches.

Can you please give me a list of Gods attributes?


• Deity cannot be gained, lost, laid down, or set aside. It either is or it isn’t.

Functional Kenosis does not say the Deity is lost.

It says the attributes are present but no longer in use.

• Deity is defined as: non-contingent eternal existence.

No it isn't, lol.

Deity is way more than just timelessness.
The bold is by definition what Functional Kenosis teaches.

The bold is by definition what Functional Kenosis teaches.


Functional Kenosis does not say the Deity is lost.

It says the attributes are present but no longer in use.

No it isn't, lol.

Deity is way more than just timelessness.
You know that is a source I quoted and not me lol. I'm not saying I agree 100% with it. But your points of agreement with the references I posted are duly noted. :)

Kenotic Christology Explained and Defended​

Last updated on: May 12, 2021 at 10:06 am

May 12, 2021 by Roger E. Olson

Throughout my career as student and professor of theology I have often talked and written about “kenotic Christology.” I have read many books about the subject, had conversations with theological proponents and opponents of it, and sought to explain it to students—both in academic and ecclesiastical settings.

In brief, kenotic Christology is the idea that the Son of God, God the Son, the Word/Logos, voluntarily decided to “set aside” (or retract) his attributes of glory and power in becoming incarnate as the boy and man Jesus Christ and function throughout his life on earth as a human being, not using his attributes of glory and power or even knowing about them except through revelation from his heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit.

This theologoumenon (theological proposal, not dogma) seems always to have had some defenders, but it was first fully expounded by German theologian Gottfried Thomasius in the mid-19th century. Thomasius is generally considered a “mediating theologian”—one of those like I. A. Dorner who attempted to find a via media between Schleiermacher and Hegel or between the budding liberal theology and orthodoxy. After Thomasius kenotic Christology found expositors and defenders mainly in Great Britain: P. T. Forsyth, H. R. Mackintosh, Charles Gore and others. It found some expositors and defenders in America such as Southern Baptist theologian Fisher Humphreys. The best monograph on the subject is The Form of a Servant by Donald G. Dawe.

But kenotic Christology has its detractors. Dorner opposed it and proposed as its alternative “progressive incarnation.” Scottish theologian Donald M. Baillie opposed it and proposed as its alternative “the paradox of grace”—similar in structure to Dorner’s semi-Nestorian Christology. (Baillie’s Christology book is entitled God Was In Christ.) Several American conservative theologians have implied that kenotic Christology is a heresy. In my opinion, most of them have not understood it correctly.

Kenotic Christology does not say that the Son of God, God the Son, the Word/Logos stopped being divine in the incarnation. That is a total misunderstanding of kenotic Christology. Rather, building on several New Testament passages such as Philippians 2:7-8 and Luke 2:52 and Mark 13:32, kenotic theologians believe and teach that the Son of God voluntarily restricted the use and knowledge of his attributes of glory and power such as omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence in order to experience human existence.

I find that most people need analogies, illustrations, to help them understand theological concepts. For example, some of the ancient church fathers used the analogy of the sun for the Trinity—the sun itself, its light, and its heat. All are the same substance but are also distinct. (This particular illustration was and is favored by those who believe in the monarchy of the Father and who reject the filioque clause in the Nicene Creed.)

So what illustration do I use in teaching kenotic Christology? Simply sleep. When a person goes to sleep, he or she remains the same person and has the same abilities (as when awake) but he or she undergoes an alteration of consciousness and power. During REM sleep, for example, a person is paralyzed. He or she cannot move. This is painfully known by those who experience sleep paralysis—waking up during REM sleep and being temporarily unable to move a muscle. Yet, even as the person is asleep, he or she is still the same person—only in an altered state of consciousness that affects his or her knowledge and power.

This illustration takes in and absorbs the main alternative to kenotic Christology—the so-called “two minds theory”—which says that Jesus Christ, the God-man, God incarnate, both truly human and truly divine, had two minds—a divine mind and a human mind. (The best book expounding and defending this view is The Logic of God Incarnate by Thomas V. Morris.)

My sleep analogy avoids the clearly implied Nestorianism of the two minds theory. The two minds theory says that Jesus was able to switch between being omniscient and having limited knowledge and also between being weak and being almighty. That at least borders on Nestorianism. The sleep analogy agrees that Jesus had two states of consciousness, but it says that one was dormant during his earthly life; it was asleep, as it were.

There are people who have a particular sleep disorder (often associated with narcolepsy) in which they are sometimes both asleep and awake at the same time. They might have “lucid dreaming” or they might dream as they are falling asleep or waking up and know that they are dreaming. This is not my illustration of kenotic Christology; it is only to make the point that many people have “two minds” in this sense. My sleep illustration for kenotic Christology points out that even when a person is fully asleep, he or she has two minds—but one is asleep. The other one is the same mind in its awake state. But in my illustration they are not simultaneous. And the sleeping state of mind cannot control the awake state of mind.

The main point is not to push the illustration too far but to “see” that a sleeping person is still the same person possessed of the same knowledge and powers even if that knowledge and those powers are dormant.

So what is the advantage of kenotic Christology? First, it’s only useful insofar as a person accepts the hypostatic union doctrine of Christology (Chalcedonian Christology). That doctrine raises some questions about Jesus’s humanity in light of his true deity. How did he “grow” in wisdom? How was he tempted? How did he not know the day or hour of the Son of Man’s return? How did he empty himself and take on the form of a servant? How as his humanity not a charade? How was he still truly God, truly divine, equal with the Father and the Holy Spirit, while he was not omniscient or omnipotent or omnipresent?

He (the Son of God) did not “divest” himself of those attributes of glory and power but retracted them—from activity into dormancy—just like a person voluntarily falls asleep.

Critics of kenotic Christology routinely misrepresent it—as the Son of God “giving up his deity” for the sake of experiencing human life. So far as I know, no orthodox (believing in the hypostatic union) theologian has ever said that. Nor do we who believe in kenotic Christology think or say that.

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You know that is a source I quoted and not me lol. I'm not saying I agree 100% with it. But your points of agreement with the references I posted are duly noted. :)

Uh... no, that wasn't even close to clear.

Where is the link to the source?
Uh... no, that wasn't even close to clear.

Where is the link to the source?
From Riccardi on Academia.edu. You must be a member to view the article. I mentioned Riccardi at the end of my post as the source with no link. The link is useless without being a member. :)
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