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You know that the central message in the gospel is the bodily Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus right ?IS JESUS STILL A MAN?
Civic and I have discussed this maybe 20 times over the years but for those who have not heard my position: NO, Jesus is no longer a man.
1. Psalm 8:5, Heb 2:19 - He was for a litle while lower than the angels. As a man he was lower than angels just like all men.
2. 1 John 3:2 Rom 8_19- When we see Him as He is, we will be like him but the aposle John having seen Him resurrected says we have not yet seen Him as He is (otherwise John would hae ben transformed) - When Christ comes back there will be a revealing of the Sons of God and the universe will see what we are?
3. 1 Cor 15:20 - flesh and blood cannot enter an imperishible Kingdom. WIthout flesh and blood we are not human.
4. Rom 1:23 - The form of human flesh is corruptible. God is incorruptible.
5. Col 2:9 is in the present and future. Jesus is in Heaven, it says the fullness of deity dwells in Him
6. Heb 8:6. A mediator is a court term. Many of you know what a mediator does. He brings the two parties to agreement and then presents the pact to the judge. He does not defend either party. He brings them together and then to the Judge. He does not agrue before the judge.
If you want any more detail on theses, I will do what I can
The Apostles talked more about His Resurrection than any other aspect of the gospel.