Did David cheat versus Goliath?!


Well-known member
I had this thought the other day really for the first time.

It seems to me, it is assumed in the fight that it would be hand to hand combat.

Yet David used a projectile weapon that can kill from a distance, like a bow and arrow.

One might point out Goliath had a (single) spear, but these are also used in melee.

So isn't that really cheating?
I had this thought the other day really for the first time.

It seems to me, it is assumed in the fight that it would be hand to hand combat.

Yet David used a projectile weapon that can kill from a distance, like a bow and arrow.

One might point out Goliath had a (single) spear, but these are also used in melee.

So isn't that really cheating?
Worse than that!!!! David was acting in God's power. The poor 'ol "G" man didn't have a chance!!!
Since when is fairness a consideration in war ? One does whatever is needed to win the battle.

Where do you find the cheat code for war in the bible ?
Since when is fairness a consideration in war ? One does whatever is needed to win the battle.

Where do you find the cheat code for war in the bible ?

There certainly are ethical laws even in wartime.

The question would be, what do they fall under.
Was it unfair for the then Colonists to hide and shoot the Redcoats behind rocks and trees instead of standing in formation only to be mowed down by their gunfire?
exactly especially in war. does Jesus fight fair at His 2nd Coming when He wipes everyone out ? Did God fight fairly in the flood ?

God does not have the same rules he gives humans.

Certainly God could kill Goliath without David.
There certainly are ethical laws even in wartime.

The question would be, what do they fall under.
Can you quote these ethical rules ?

Like the ones where God commands to wipe out every person and child and take all their belongings ?
Was it unfair for the then Colonists to hide and shoot the Redcoats behind rocks and trees instead of standing in formation only to be mowed down by their gunfire?

Do you believe wartime erases all ethical considerations?

You I would imagine recall wartime ethics laws in the OT....
Yes, I can.

I would hope you don't think torture for example is somehow justified simply because of war?

Again, God has his own prerogatives mankind never will have.
yet you say and blame God the Father tortured and punished His beloved Son. The horrific doctrine of PSA

oh the irony in that one lol.
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