Deity of Christ but not Trinitarian

I suspect other people make the same mistake as you. Although Jesus uses this topic to show the man's focus on riches, you take it as a general command to do works of the law. The absurdities are numerous. Works of the law represents a focus on gaining righteousness by one's own actions and thus was never a way to earn points -- since all people have sinned. It becomes more ludicrous to think you earn points each day you do not murder someone or commit adultery. As predictable, you have blatant misconceptions about basic items of scripture. The misconceptions go hand in hand with views that forget the divinity of Christ in the Godhead.
So Jesus made a mistake telling him to do something more than believe? Do you realize why the entire Bible tells you to stop sinning and why you will be judged according to your works?

Romans 2
5But because of your hard and unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of wrath, when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed. 6God “will repay each one according to his deeds.” 7To those who by perseverance in doing good seek glory, honor, and immortality, He will give eternal life. 8But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow wickedness, there will be wrath and anger.
People do receive praise from God according to Scripture.

I agree. I wonder why God praised Jesus? You don't deserve any praise but Jesus sure does.

Luk 3:22 And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.

When did you get baptized and praised by God?

Leviticus 4 says animal sacrifices forgive sins. I didn't write it.

You don't understand it. There was a sacrifice that only last a year. Then it had to be done again. Over and over. Doesn't sound like God actually enjoyed it. In fact, I know that God didn't. I read.

Isa 1:11 “Of what importance to me are your many sacrifices?” says the LORD. “I have had my fill of burnt sacrifices of rams and the fat from steers. The blood of bulls, lambs, and goats I do not want.

I've actually read Isaiah before. I can't say I believe you have. Have you read Isaiah? At least the first chapter? Even the DSS has an almost complete edition.

20He shall offer this bull just as he did the bull for the sin offering; in this way the priest will make atonement on their behalf, and they will be forgiven.

I don't have an ego about the Bible. I really wouldn't mind if it proved any such thing about Jesus being God, but it absolutely does not. This is simply a matter of truth against lies, light against darkness, as it always has been.

Oh tell me how much you love Jesus. Go for it. Tell me why you love Jesus. Care to share?

All you've done is belittle Jesus.

You have an ego about what you believe the Bible says about YOU. Instead of bowing to Jesus, you insist that you're the equal of Jesus.
At least we seem to agree that the manna was not inherently bread until it was refined.

The "light bread" was different than the "leavened bread" that Israel often ate. There is something to be understood there as well......

You have a long way to go in your understanding. You shouldn't even be disputing much of anything. Eat a little more meat and grow.
So Jesus made a mistake telling him to do something more than believe? Do you realize why the entire Bible tells you to stop sinning and why you will be judged according to your works?

Romans 2
5But because of your hard and unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of wrath, when God’s righteous judgment will be revealed. 6God “will repay each one according to his deeds.” 7To those who by perseverance in doing good seek glory, honor, and immortality, He will give eternal life. 8But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow wickedness, there will be wrath and anger.
You seem to have a logical mind but not an analogical mind -- i.e. the ability to interpret analogy. So you have to be careful trying to interpret passages into doctrines. Of course, scholars interpret Romans 2 incorrectly too, so you are in good company in your error here.
We just saw that the only work Jesus said was needed to the Jews in their questioning of him is that the believe that he was sent from heaven.

Also, to help you in your blindspot, I share that the highlighted point is not about good deeds in v7 but sort of a twist of emphasis by saying doing good. If you are in Christ you do good without the letter of the law. You do good by caring for your neighbor ... which are positive aspects of living that the law does not cover.
You seem to have a logical mind but not an analogical mind -- i.e. the ability to interpret analogy. So you have to be careful trying to interpret passages into doctrines. Of course, scholars interpret Romans 2 incorrectly too, so you are in good company in your error here.
We just saw that the only work Jesus said was needed to the Jews in their questioning of him is that the believe that he was sent from heaven.

Also, to help you in your blindspot, I share that the highlighted point is not about good deeds in v7 but sort of a twist of emphasis by saying doing good. If you are in Christ you do good without the letter of the law. You do good by caring for your neighbor ... which are positive aspects of living that the law does not cover.

Well said!
The "light bread" was different than the "leavened bread" that Israel often ate. There is something to be understood there as well......

You have a long way to go in your understanding. You shouldn't even be disputing much of anything. Eat a little more meat and grow.
I think this guy has a good mind especially reflected in asking probing questions. But his mind is geared to interpreting scripture without the nuance of meaning or context.
I think this guy has a good mind especially reflected in asking probing questions. But his mind is geared to interpreting scripture without the nuance of meaning or context.

If he is trying to find his error, that is possibly true. I know people think that I'm a "know it all" but I'll change if the evidence is there for change. Hopefully we all can be such.
I agree. I wonder why God praised Jesus? You don't deserve any praise but Jesus sure does.
According to Scripture, I will be praised by God. You're free to tell God no, but I would be happy to accept God's will. Why do you not want to receive praise from God?

1 Corinthians 4
5Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; wait until the Lord comes. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of men’s hearts. At that time each will receive his praise from God.
Luk 3:22 And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon him, and a voice came from heaven, which said, Thou art my beloved Son; in thee I am well pleased.
Yes. That's when the Father, who is exclusively God, anointed and empowered Jesus.

Acts 10
37You yourselves know what has happened throughout Judea, beginning in Galilee with the baptism that John proclaimed: 38how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how Jesus went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, because God was with Him.
When did you get baptized and praised by God?
My water baptism I didn't hear anything like that, but God is well pleased when we do His will. He doesn't have to talk from heaven for us to know that.

You don't understand it. There was a sacrifice that only last a year. Then it had to be done again. Over and over. Doesn't sound like God actually enjoyed it. In fact, I know that God didn't. I read.

Isa 1:11 “Of what importance to me are your many sacrifices?” says the LORD. “I have had my fill of burnt sacrifices of rams and the fat from steers. The blood of bulls, lambs, and goats I do not want.

I've actually read Isaiah before. I can't say I believe you have. Have you read Isaiah? At least the first chapter? Even the DSS has an almost complete edition.

20He shall offer this bull just as he did the bull for the sin offering; in this way the priest will make atonement on their behalf, and they will be forgiven.
I understand it, but the fact is a random animal forgave sins. Sounds like you don't understand the purpose of the sacrifices.

Oh tell me how much you love Jesus. Go for it. Tell me why you love Jesus. Care to share?
I love Jesus because he's my lord and brother. Why do you love Jesus?
All you've done is belittle Jesus.
No I haven't.
You have an ego about what you believe the Bible says about YOU. Instead of bowing to Jesus, you insist that you're the equal of Jesus.
Why do you disregard so much of the Bible? It began with you getting upset about Scripture teaching mana needed to be refined.
According to Scripture, I will be praised by God. You're free to tell God no, but I would be happy to accept God's will. Why do you not want to receive praise from God?

Then why did you say what you said previous? Have you changed your mind?

Here is what you said...

People do receive praise from God according to Scripture.
I suspect other people make the same mistake as you. Although Jesus uses this topic to show the man's focus on riches, you take it as a general command to do works of the law. The absurdities are numerous. Works of the law represents a focus on gaining righteousness by one's own actions and thus was never a way to earn points -- since all people have sinned. It becomes more ludicrous to think you earn points each day you do not murder someone or commit adultery. As predictable, you have blatant misconceptions about basic items of scripture. The misconceptions go hand in hand with views that forget the divinity of Christ in the Godhead.
Yep two thumbs up brother.
Then why did you say what you said previous? Have you changed your mind?

Here is what you said...

People do receive praise from God according to Scripture.
People do receive praise from God actively in the present tense according to Scripture.

John 12
43For they loved praise from men more than praise from God.
You seem to have a logical mind but not an analogical mind -- i.e. the ability to interpret analogy. So you have to be careful trying to interpret passages into doctrines. Of course, scholars interpret Romans 2 incorrectly too, so you are in good company in your error here.
We just saw that the only work Jesus said was needed to the Jews in their questioning of him is that the believe that he was sent from heaven.

Also, to help you in your blindspot, I share that the highlighted point is not about good deeds in v7 but sort of a twist of emphasis by saying doing good. If you are in Christ you do good without the letter of the law. You do good by caring for your neighbor ... which are positive aspects of living that the law does not cover.
Seems you are interpreting the Bible based on a subjective metric: your opinion. All of the "analogies" you're proposing are not explained in Scripture. They exist in this thread and probably some commentaries. Why do you have the truth but those who accept what the Bible literally says do not?
all over the pages of the N.T. which I have quoted.
Well, you didn't quote anything about Jesus being prayed to in the thread I opened. I understand you presented an argument, but none of them actually directly say Jesus was prayed to.

Yes Jesus and Christians are praised or will be praised.

Yes Jesus and Christians will be glorified.

Yes Jesus and Christians will have power. We will reign with him.

No Jesus is not worshipped as God.
Seems you are interpreting the Bible based on a subjective metric: your opinion. All of the "analogies" you're proposing are not explained in Scripture. They exist in this thread and probably some commentaries. Why do you have the truth but those who accept what the Bible literally says do not?
If you look in a mirror and see a big wart on your nose, it is not a problem with the mirror.
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