Could it be happening now ?

And your point is?
- All that for that!
- For me it is empty!
- It doesn't bring anything!
- It leads to Yah.weh's kingdom as the only way to bring a solution to human society!
- I will make an effort to listen to the next lecture!
- If it's the same, it will lead nowhere!
- I prefer texts!
With texts you can go faster and to the essential!
- All that for that!
- For me it is empty!
- It doesn't bring anything!
- It leads to Yah.weh's kingdom as the only way to bring a solution to human society!
- I will make an effort to listen to the next lecture!
- If it's the same, it will lead nowhere!
- I prefer texts!
With texts you can go faster and to the essential!
In other words, it sounds like you're saying. I already have my end-time theology worked out. Don't contradict my beliefs with Bible teaching from a man who doesn't agree with me.
His teaching is ONLY from Bible texts, not from books or sermons on dispensationalism.

For example, he mentioned this passage in that lecture: Galatians 3:7-9 "Therefore, be sure it is those who are of faith who are the sons of Abraham."

The next verse refers back to Genesis 12:3, the very verse that you quoted.

Verse 8 "The Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, 'All the nations will be blessed in you.'"
Verse 9 "So then those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham the believer."

The solution to human society is already here! Maybe you missed it? It's called the cross. Those who have faith in God and in Jesus are blessed (right now) with Abraham the believer. The gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes. The only reason we still have troubles and sufferings in our society is because people REJECT God's solution, Jesus. Men love darkness rather than light.

You're waiting for Jesus to set up an earthly kingdom, just like the disciples in Acts 1:6: "Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?" Jesus could have said, "No, that will be at the end of time, when I come back, I'll set up My kingdom here on earth in Jerusalem for 1000 years." But He didn't.

In fact, He never promised an earthly kingdom, with Him sitting on an earthly throne, to bring a solution to human society. He said, "It is finished" on the cross - that was and still is and always will be HIS solution for human society.

In fact, what solution could be better than the cross - to change the hearts of men? A millennium? Jesus said His kingdom is not of this world. But many Christians today, with their mistaken interpretation of several "kingdom passages" in the Old Testament (which refer symbolically to Christ's FIRST COMING, NOT LITERALLY TO HIS SECOND COMING), are trying to FORCE Jesus (at least in their theology) to be their earthly king (just like they did after He miraculously fed the 5000).
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In the last 2 verses in the Old Testament God spoke through the prophet Micah. In Micah 4:5, God said, "Behold I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord."

Was that LITERAL? Did God literally send the actual prophet, Elijah? No, he sent the prophet John the Baptist, who came "in the spirit and the power of Elijah." Jesus said to His disciples: "And if you are willing to accept it, John himself is Elijah who was to come."
So Jesus was NOT speaking literally here.

How about this example?: Jeremiah 31:35-36

If the fixed order of the sun, the moon, the stars, and the sea, "departs from before Me, declares the Lord, then the offspring of Israel will cease from being a nation before Me forever."

Have the children of Israel ever ceased from being a nation
? Of course, they have, their city, temple, and nation were destroyed in 70 A.D. and they were never a nation again until 1948.
So was God lying? Obviously, NO. So the only way God could be speaking the truth here is if He is using a different definition of "the offspring of Israel", like Paul did in Romans 9:6-8:

"For they are not all Israel who are descended from Israel; nor are they all children because they are Abraham's descendants, ..."

Also in Galatians 6:16, Paul says: "And those who will walk by this rule, peace and mercy be upon them, and upon the Israel of God."

Also Peter says in 1 Peter 2:9:

"But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, ..."
So now we see that God was speaking, we could say, spiritually, not literally, because the New Testament says that Gentile believers are children of Abraham, part of the Israel of God, and they are a holy nation.

So the true Israel, made up of Jewish and Gentile believers, NEVER ceased being a nation.

So many times in the Old Testament, God speaks spiritually, or symbolically, like He did with the kingdom passages - they were never meant to be taken literally.
In other words, it sounds like you're saying. I already have my end-time theology worked out. Don't contradict my beliefs with Bible teaching from a man who doesn't agree with me.
His teaching is ONLY from Bible texts, not from books or sermons on dispensationalism.

For example, he mentioned this passage in that lecture: Galatians 3:7-9 "Therefore, be sure it is those who are of faith who are the sons of Abraham."

The next verse refers back to Genesis 12:3, the very verse that you quoted.

Verse 8 "The Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, 'All the nations will be blessed in you.'"
Verse 9 "So then those who are of faith are blessed with Abraham the believer."

The solution to human society is already here! Maybe you missed it? It's called the cross. Those who have faith in God and in Jesus are blessed (right now) with Abraham the believer. The gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes. The only reason we still have troubles and sufferings in our society is because people REJECT God's solution, Jesus. Men love darkness rather than light.

You're waiting for Jesus to set up an earthly kingdom, just like the disciples in Acts 1:6: "Lord, is it at this time You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?" Jesus could have said, "No, that will be at the end of time, when I come back, I'll set up My kingdom here on earth in Jerusalem for 1000 years." But He didn't.

In fact, He never promised an earthly kingdom, with Him sitting on an earthly throne, to bring a solution to human society. He said, "It is finished" on the cross - that was and still is and always will be HIS solution for human society.

In fact, what solution could be better than the cross - to change the hearts of men? A millennium? Jesus said His kingdom is not of this world. But many Christians today, with their mistaken interpretation of several "kingdom passages" in the Old Testament (which refer symbolically to Christ's FIRST COMING, NOT LITERALLY TO HIS SECOND COMING), are trying to FORCE Jesus (at least in their theology) to be their earthly king (just like they did after He miraculously fed the 5000).
- Sorry, the solution to human society is Yah.weh’s kingdom !

- Sorry, I’m not waiting for Jesus to set up an earthly kingdom !

- Yah.weh’s kingdom will turn the earth into a paradise as it was supposed to be at the beginning !

- That’s the meaning of Yah.weh, the God of the promise or of the promises !

- You must not forget that the god of this world is the devil !

- That’s a big problem !

- Now I have just listened to lecture 04 about the Millenium in Revelation !

- Man, when we are babies, we drink milk !

- When we are adults, we are supposed to drink solid food !

- Of course, we are free to stay babies and keep drinking milk !

- I am not interested in that !

- As I always say :


  • If you think like today’s people, you will never understand the Bible!
  • They used to write differently!
  • They used to speak differently!
  • They used to think differently!
  • They used to act differently!

- It is the same if we don’t see the difference between Ancient Hebrew and Ancient Greek :


Biblical Hebrew has a very small number of words, about 8,000, and around 1,700 of those words are
hapax legomena (being said once) in the Hebrew Bible. Modern Hebrew has about 100,000 words. For comparison modern English has over 450,000 words, and Spanish has just over 175,000 words. Standard English dictionaries typically have about 200,000 words, whereas Spanish dictionaries have about 80,000 words.

This means words often have multiple meanings determined by context.

yom is commonly rendered as day in English translations, the word yom can be used in different ways to refer to different time spans:

  • Point of time (a specific day)
  • time period of a whole or half a day:
    • Period of light (as contrasted with the period of darkness),
    • Sunrise to sunset
    • Sunset to next sunset
  • General term for time ( as in 'days of our lives')
  • A year "lived a lot of days"
  • Time period of unspecified length. "days and days"

The Greek language is ranked as the richest in the world with 5 million words and 70 million word types. According to Dr. MacDonald, only 600,000 Greek words are used today, making the Greek vocabulary the largest in the world and 3.5 times bigger than the English vocabulary.

Though there are 138,607 words in the Greek New Testament, only 5,394 are unique.
3) It’s the same with the book of Job :

- The majority misunderstand the book of Job because they miss an essential point !

- Job and the other guys in his book have only one reference : Yah.weh !
4) Now back to lecture 04 and the Millenium !

- How is it possible to misunderstand the end of Revelation 19 to the beginning of Revelation 20 ?

- Man, there is a war, no peace and love !

Revelation 19:17

- The birds are invited to gather for the great supper !

Revelation 19:18

The birds are going to eat the flesh of kings and commanders and mighty men, of horses and riders, of all men slave and free and great !

Revelation 19:19

- The beast and the kings of the earth with their armies assembled to wage war against the one seated on the horse and against his army !

Revelation 19:20

- But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed signs on his behalf, by which he deceived those who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image !

- Both of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur !

Revelation 19:21

- And the rest were killed with the sword that proceeded from the mouth of the one seated on the horse !

- And all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh !

Revelation 20:1

- An angel coming down from heaven with the key to the abyss, holding in his hand a great chain !

Revelation 20:2

- He seized the dragon, the ancient serpent who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years !

Revelation 20:3

- And he threw him into the abyss, shut it, and sealed it over him, so that he could not deceive the nations until the thousand years were complete !

- After that, he must be released for a brief period of time !

Revelation 20:4

- Then we are told about those who came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years !
5) Now what about the destruction of the earth and of heaven ?

- Let’s have a look at the context of the first part of the Bible !

Look now at Is. 13. 1, “ The burden of Babylon, which Isaiah the son of Amoz did see.“ The first verse establishes that the prophet is speaking to Babylon. Remember that when a prophet speaks he is going to use some figurative language, and it is not literal.

Is. 13:5, “They come from a far country, from the end of heaven, even the Lord, and the weapons of his indignation, to destroy the whole land.” (KJV)

The word country we know is a land, and it is a far land, “from the end of heaven”. In the figurative prophetic language country is land and is also heaven.

Is. 13:10, For the stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light: the sun shall be darkened in his going forth, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine.” (KJV)

In prophetic language “stars” and “sun” and “moon” are rulers, kings and princes. The “sun” is a greater ruler than the “moon” which is lesser. The moon does not shine as brightly as the sun. Rulers rule over countries and nations. So, when they do not give their light, they are no longer ruling. God has taken away their power, and their light does not shine any more over the nation.

Is. 13:13, Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.“

What is God shaking? The prophet is speaking of the destruction of Babylon, of the judgment against Babylon, which occurred in 539 BC when the Medes destroyed Babylon.

Is. 13:19-20, “19 And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees’ excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. 20 It shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt in from generation to generation: neither shall the Arabian pitch tent there; neither shall the shepherds make their fold there.” (KJV)

When God shook the “heavens” and moved the “earth” out of her place, He was not speaking of the literal physical cosmos, but of the nation of Babylon. He shook their world. He destroyed their world in judgment delivered by His rod and messengers, the Medes.

We can see that in figurative judgment language used by the prophets of God, that “heavens and earth” are nations under judgment. The phrase and words are used the same way all throughout Isaiah in the prophetic judgments against all of the nations God warned. God was going to change their “world”, or His covenant with them. How then shall we understand this same language when we see it in used in the New Testament?

Heb. 12:26-29, “ 26 Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. 27 And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. 28 Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: 29 For our God is a consuming fire.” (KJV)

Do you recognize now the prophetic figurative language? It is the same that was used in Isaiah, and the other prophets in the Old Testament. Shaking the earth and the heaven must be understood as the destruction of a nation and the change in God’s agreement with them, in the same way that it was used in the Old Testament. It is the judgment of Israel once more, and specifically Jerusalem of the first century A.D that is spoken of in Heb. 12.

In verse 27, what cannot be shaken? The answer is in verse 28, the Kingdom, which is everlasting. It is the Kingdom of the New Testament, the never-ending, everlasting, spiritual Kingdom. The New Testament, the new covenant brought by the blood of Christ, bought by the sacrifice of Christ in place of all of us, fulfilled the Old Covenant which God had made with the children of Israel. The New Covenant would be with spiritual Israel, the new Jerusalem, all those that are in the body of Christ.

The Old Covenant was removed, shaken, taken out of the way, and replaced with a New Covenant that would not be shaken. The last days spoken of in the New Testament were the last days of the Old Covenant.

2 Pet. 3:7, But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.” (KJV)

Peter wrote this letter sometime before 68 A.D., most probably between 64 – 66 A.D. It predates the destruction of Jerusalem, and the temple. The reference in verse 7 above is to the then future destruction of Jerusalem, and not to the literal physical cosmos as most people try to make it say. The verse specifically states “against the day of judgment”. So, we need to immediately associate judgment language with this verse.

All Old Testament prophesy of “fire” was judgment figurative language of destruction against a nation or land, against a group of people. Judgment was brought against a sinful people who would not repent and turn back to God.

What was being kept in store and reserved unto fire, that is destruction, was Jerusalem. That destruction occurred in A.D. 70, and the “heavens and earth” of the land of Judea, the remaining two tribes of the children of Israel, and the covenant with them, passed away. The destruction of the temple which Jesus foretold in Matt. 24, was the destruction of the Jewish world. It was the destruction of the Old Covenant sacrificial system that passed away.

Now look at Matt 5:17-18, ” 17Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. 18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” (KJV)

Paraphrasing… “till [the Mosaic covenant] pass…”; and “till [the temple] pass…”

Are we still under the law of the Old Covenant? Most people will agree that we are not! Then, working back through the scripture, “heaven and earth” must have passed. Today, some 2,000 years later, we still see the literal heavens and the literal earth. So Matt. 5:18, recorded in the first century A.D., is not speaking of the physical cosmos. It is the same figurative OT language of prophesy. It is speaking of the land nation of Judea and old Israel, and the covenant under which it still operated. That land and that nation whose capital was Jerusalem was going to have to pass away before the New Covenant with spiritual Israel could be completely probated and set firmly in place.

If you believe that the heaven and earth of Matt. 5:18 means the literal physical cosmos, then you must also believe that the Old Covenant, the old law is still in place.

I submit to you that the figurative “heaven and the earth” were always the nations who came under judgment of God for breaking His laws and commandments in both the Old and New Testaments; that the heaven and the earth of Matt. 5:18 was the Old Covenant God had established with the tribes of Israel; that they were the land of Judea and the two tribes remaining, and the surrounding nations that would come under judgment with her in A.D. 70; and that they have indeed passed away with the destruction of Jerusalem.

As we are under the New Covenant, the New Testament, then all has been completely fulfilled as Jesus stated would happen in Matt. 5:18. The New Heavens and the New Earth are the New Covenant, and the way God is now dealing with His people. They are the spiritual Jerusalem, and the spiritual Kingdom of Christ.

Is. 65:17, “ For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.”

Rev. 3:12, ” Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.“

Rev. 21:2, “ And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.”

For more study please see my posts titled “It’s Not The End of The World, Parts 1 – X”.

(Updated Sep. 6, 2022)
Could this happening in Israel right now trigger the the nations to come against them and usher in the tribulation period ?

This is the the worst assault on the Jews since the holocaust.
Could this happening in Israel right now trigger the the nations to come against them and usher in the tribulation period ?

This is the the worst assault on the Jews since the holocaust.
Actually, they are comparing this attack back to the 1973 middle east war.

I believe the world controllers are behind this. Biden gave Iran billions of U.S. dollars during his administration, and Iran controls and supports Hamas with weapons and training. I don't believe Biden is acting alone, but simply controlled by the shadow gov. that put him in office.

So if you believe Iran is involved, then that brings in Russia also, because Russia has had Russian advisors working in Iran and Syria for decades, sending them weapons and training. There's much bigger things in the works that the news media simply won't touch in public.

In my opinion, I believe the world controllers are... trying to create a world war 3 type situation, for the purpose of bringing in their false-Messiah to fix all the world's problems. I believe that is also why they are 'purposefully' dumping the world's economies, and trying to create chaos in all nations. They are actually following the strategy written in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, an old political document that came to public light in around the 1900's with a copy put in the British Museum, and which the Jews have tried to debunk.
Could this happening in Israel right now trigger the the nations to come against them and usher in the tribulation period ?

This is the the worst assault on the Jews since the holocaust.
We have been in the "Tribulation" since the first century. Satan already knows he will lose the war, but he refuses to give up. So he is making an all out push to take as many of the souls that God loves with him into Hell before the end comes.
We have been in the "Tribulation" since the first century. Satan already knows he will lose the war, but he refuses to give up. So he is making an all out push to take as many of the souls that God loves with him into Hell before the end comes.
So the tribulation is not 7 years but over 2000 years and longer than the millennium which is a 1000 years ?
So the tribulation is not 7 years but over 2000 years and longer than the millennium which is a 1000 years ?
The tribulation of the saints began shortly after Pentecost. The saints were driven out of Jerusalem, especially after the martyrdom of Stephen, and continued in other places (I do not believe that Saul was the only Pharisee who sought out Believers). This has continued in almost every country, in almost every time, since then.

Some say that there is a separation in the "weeks" of Daniel's prophecy in Dan 7, and that 69 of the weeks are past, but the final week is still future. But I do not believe there is. I believe that all of Daniel's prophecy was fulfilled before the middle of the first century.
Some say that there is a separation in the "weeks" of Daniel's prophecy in Dan 7, and that 69 of the weeks are past, but the final week is still future. But I do not believe there is. I believe that all of Daniel's prophecy was fulfilled before the middle of the first century.
You may say you believe that but can you know that for a certain. I don't think you can. If such were the case I think we could expect somewhere in the book of Acts or the New Testament you'd see a line like, "Now remember.....this fulfills that last week of Daniel that he spoke of" We don't see that in the text and I'm not convinced it's self evident.
You may say you believe that but can you know that for a certain. I don't think you can. If such were the case I think we could expect somewhere in the book of Acts or the New Testament you'd see a line like, "Now remember.....this fulfills that last week of Daniel that he spoke of" We don't see that in the text and I'm not convinced it's self evident.
"but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering" (Dan 9:27)
When and where was the "sacrifice and grain offering" done?
In the Temple in Jerusalem. This was the ONLY place that this could be done, according to the Law of Moses.
So, this is either referring to Jesus' death and resurrection (which put an end to the need for sacrifice (this is the direction toward which I lean)), or to the destruction of the Temple itself (which put an end to the entire practice).
And this occurs in the middle of the last 7 weeks. I believe that Jesus was born at the beginning of the last 7 weeks, He died in the middle, and the beginning of the Church in Israel was the last three and a half weeks. And this lead up to the desolation leading to the destruction that was decreed (the destruction of the Temple).
Have you ever thought about why it was necessary for the Lord to "encode" Revelation, instead of just plainly and literally stating what would happen? Well, I have heard that probably the main reason was because that the people in charge, the Romans, if they read a plain narrative of what was going to happen, especially if they themselves were depicted in the story, might use it as evidence against all Christians and persecute them even more. Couldn't that also be the reason why Daniel's visions were "encoded"? - because current emperors wouldn't want to hear about a future emperor that would overthrow them. That too, could cause trouble for Daniel's people, the Jews.
Could it also be a means of testing Christians, even today? I believe a devoted believer will WANT the blessing mentioned in Revelation 1:3, and so will read and study the book. On the other hand, some Christians may have little interest in the book, and not even bother to read it, and thereby reveal their lack of desire to grow spiritually. Unfortunately, I think I can say that I haven't always desired to study it, as I should have.
The book of Revelation is not "encoded". The messenger specifically told John NOT to seal up the book he was writing.
[Rev 22:10 LSB] 10 And he said to me, "Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near.
This is probably true. But an even more important reason, I believe, is that God does not want Satan to know the exact timing of these things. That is why even Christ did not know the time of His second coming; because if He knew it, then Satan could know it. And if Satan knew the time of his destruction, he would ramp up his assault against the Church to match the end he saw coming.
Ridiculous. The Accuser is one of the most intelligent beings in the universe. God made him that way. He knows the Scripture inside and out and knows much more than the most astute Bible scholar - and that includes the exact timeline of the Day of the Lord. (caveat - he does not know the timing of the rapture although he probably does have an educated guess).
Ridiculous. The Accuser is one of the most intelligent beings in the universe. God made him that way.
I'd say he's a being that does not have revelation from God. Some say they read the Bible knowing Greek well.....some say they understand it because they know Hebrew.....other say they read the Bible through the Holy Spirit. Reading the Bible through the Holy Spirit one sees absolute true connections of things. One can be a language expert and still miss the boat on what God is saying. Christians lament talking about 10 thousand denominations and throw up their hands in despair that know one knows true meaning.

Not possible. Jesus through the Holy Spirit is building his church but he does this through a different type of knowledge then just expert understanding of words. He's building it by revelation into the spirit of men. Some may dispute the conclusions doesn't matter. A consensus in the spirit grows and ignorance eventually falls off the body of Christ.
He knows the Scripture inside and out and knows much more than the most astute Bible scholar - and that includes the exact timeline of the Day of the Lord. (caveat - he does not know the timing of the rapture although he probably does have an educated guess).
He's still without spiritual enlightenment. That wisdom comes from God. You spoke of the rapture. We have today preterists (full or partial) and you have futurists. So what would Satan know or believe? I'm not convinced he knows or sees into the absolute truth of these things either. He knows a day of judgement for him is coming but the exact understanding I think he's bewildered about. Can't prove that but I think it's the case.
Ridiculous. The Accuser is one of the most intelligent beings in the universe. God made him that way. He knows the Scripture inside and out and knows much more than the most astute Bible scholar - and that includes the exact timeline of the Day of the Lord. (caveat - he does not know the timing of the rapture although he probably does have an educated guess).
He is the wisest, not necessarily the most intelligent. Yes, he knows the Scripture better than any other than God (the author), but he does not know the exact timeline of the Day of the Lord (only the Father knew that, even Jesus did not).
He is the wisest, not necessarily the most intelligent. Yes, he knows the Scripture better than any other than God (the author), but he does not know the exact timeline of the Day of the Lord (only the Father knew that, even Jesus did not).
Not true. Because if people can know it, he for sure knows it too.
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