Compatibilism equals double think

Trinity Theological Seminary, Dr. Braxton Hunter, said,

The Bible is a collection of books that seems to be a story of choice all the way through. Two trees in the midst of the garden, we have a story of choice. “Choose me that you will live, you and your descendants”…. “Choose you this day who you will serve. For me and my house will serve the Lord.” A story of choice all the way through.
Calvinists will look at that and say “yeah it is choice, of course it’s choice,” but that’s a choice that is determined by God on Calvinism . . . Some Calvinists speak as though there’s a third option between determinism and libertarian freedom and that’s compatibilism. Compatibilism just is determinism. Many times people new to this discussion think that compatibilism is a third option, like it’s kind of libertarian freedom and it’s kind of determinism. No, it’s determinism. It’s all determinism.
Still avoiding the obvious. Compatibilism brought scripture. The very words you are saved by. Point still unaddressed or disputed.
No I had a free will choice to love and serve Christ unlike you. Your choice is only an illusion since everything you say, do or think was predetermined or as MacArthur says you were PREPROGRAMMED.

In other words a ROBOT- a PUPPET by the PUPPETEER. :)

gotta luv old Mac :)

hope this helps !!!
Hey @Presby02 From your buddy's Macs website. :)

“But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me.” Now just think about that in an evangelistic context. Understand this, when you go to give someone the gospel: Because it’s the truth, they can’t believe it. Did you get that? Because it’s the truth, they can’t receive it. Because they are preprogrammed to believe lies. Verse 47, “He who is of God hears the words of God; for this reason you do not hear them, because you are not of God.”

Did you read that all men are preprogrammed to believe lies. This is what determinism teaches, what the doctrine of total depravity teaches and why irresistible grace must be believed in calvinism.

Robots and Computers are preprogrammed by their designers just like man in Calvinism. This is deterministic fatalism. :ROFLMAO:

God by means of divine decree determines all peoples decisions/actions
Potter by means of molding determines all pots decisions,actions,shapes, etc...
Programmer by means of preprogramming determines the Avatars/Robots decisions and actions
Puppeteer by means of strings determines all the puppets movements, actions, decisions
Author by means of writing a story determines all characters decisions, actions

Preprogrammed definition: (of instructions or data) programmed into an electronic device to control future action.
"the drones are designed to follow a preprogrammed route at the push of a button"

defined for clarity in this discussion. )

This life in calvinism has everything completely and fully scripted with every thought, action, deed. Welcome to the world of the avatar. The world of make belief- sounds much like the world of Walt Disney.

hope this helps !!!
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No I had a free will choice to love and serve Christ unlike you. Your choice is only an illusion since everything you say, do or think was predetermined or as MacArthur says you were PREPROGRAMMED.

In other words a ROBOT- a PUPPET by the PUPPETEER. :)

gotta luv old Mac :)

hope this helps !!!
STILL, not addressing the point and a obvious case of compatibilism.

Keep running
Hey @Presby02 From your buddy's Macs website. :)

“But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me.” Now just think about that in an evangelistic context. Understand this, when you go to give someone the gospel: Because it’s the truth, they can’t believe it. Did you get that? Because it’s the truth, they can’t receive it. Because they are preprogrammed to believe lies. Verse 47, “He who is of God hears the words of God; for this reason you do not hear them, because you are not of God.”

Did you read that all men are preprogrammed to believe lies. This is what determinism teaches, what the doctrine of total depravity teaches and why irresistible grace must be believed in calvinism.

Robots and Computers are preprogrammed by their designers just like man in Calvinism. This is deterministic fatalism. :ROFLMAO:

God by means of divine decree determines all peoples decisions/actions
Potter by means of molding determines all pots decisions,actions,shapes, etc...
Programmer by means of preprogramming determines the Avatars/Robots decisions and actions
Puppeteer by means of strings determines all the puppets movements, actions, decisions
Author by means of writing a story determines all characters decisions, actions

Preprogrammed definition: (of instructions or data) programmed into an electronic device to control future action.
"the drones are designed to follow a preprogrammed route at the push of a button"

defined for clarity in this discussion. )

This life in calvinism has everything completely and fully scripted with every thought, action, deed. Welcome to the world of the avatar. The world of make belief- sounds much like the world of Walt Disney.

hope this helps !!!
Irrelevant rhetoric and dodging the question.

The words of God by which you are saved are brought to you by compatibilism.

Glad I could help.
Notice folks His Romanism is not the topic. Compatibilism is.

My example stands and the great debater has no answer.

Your welcome
Its unbiblical as I have demonstrated there is no compatibilism/determinism/fatalism in scripture -thats a false god
Hey @Presby02 From your buddy's Macs website. :)

“But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me.” Now just think about that in an evangelistic context. Understand this, when you go to give someone the gospel: Because it’s the truth, they can’t believe it. Did you get that? Because it’s the truth, they can’t receive it. Because they are preprogrammed to believe lies. Verse 47, “He who is of God hears the words of God; for this reason you do not hear them, because you are not of God.”
Um That would make God a God of deception. It's blasphemy
You accused him of deception. Deliberate deception.

Repent. Maybe you have lost your salvation.
pseustés from the same as NG5574: liar.
Original Word: ψεύστης, ου, ὁ
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: pseustés from the same as NG5574
Phonetic Spelling: (psyoos-tace')
Definition: liar
Usage: a liar, deceiver.
HELPS Word-studies
Cognate: 5583 pseústēs (from 5574 /pseúdomai, "to falsify, lie") – properly, a lair; a person who falsifies, misrepresents (distorts, misleads).
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