Calvinism : = Hellish

Then there was no possibility that left to free will no one would believe
You know Jews like stories and parables.
God is sitting on a very tall building viewing a parade. Adonai can see what has happened, what is currently happening and what will happen. You and I are in the parade and the only thing we can see is the back of the head and shoulders of the person in front of us.
You know Jews like stories and parables.
God is sitting on a very tall building viewing a parade. Adonai can see what has happened, what is currently happening and what will happen. You and I are in the parade and the only thing we can see is the back of the head and shoulders of the person in front of us.
Yes thats His omnipresence/omniscience and foreknowledge of future events. But the calvinist has God predetermining everything that happens in the parade controlling every though, action and deed that happens.
Yes thats His omnipresence/omniscience and foreknowledge of future events. But the calvinist has God predetermining everything that happens in the parade controlling every though, action and deed that happens.
It depends on how extreme you push Calvinism. If Adonai doesn't control the outcome of future events, but is constantly changing his plan to accommodate those future events?
Food for thought. If there was only 100% free will concerning salvation, then there is a mathematical possibility that no one will accept salvation. That would mean that God would have let Yeshua die for nothing. I don't think for a moment that was ever Adonai's intention. Some where between the poles of Calvinism and Armininism there exists truth about God's plan of salvation.

I avoid anything man made, that is a "theology", other then to try to get people to stop following some man's teaching.

"well what about the Trinity"....

That's a different situation, as this is related to so many verses that all agree, that you just have to want to not believe it.

So, There is this..

A.) "Paul's Doctrine" and that is the end game, the final word on it.
You know Jews like stories and parables.
God is sitting on a very tall building viewing a parade. Adonai can see what has happened, what is currently happening and what will happen. You and I are in the parade and the only thing we can see is the back of the head and shoulders of the person in front of us.
So what. God is not limited by what we know.
So what. God is not limited by what we know.
How do you define God's favor?
When I went to a super Walmart on a busy Saturday to pick up a prescription for my wife and a handicap ♿️ parking spot by the front door was vacant for me to use. Is that God's favor or happenstance? When I got a call from a medical provider that another person canceled their appointment and I could be seen today. Is that God's favor or happenstance? When I needed a small part for my gas furnace and I called the manufacturer and furnace manufacturer informed me that my cast iron heat exchanger model was involved in a defective lawsuit and according to the lawsuit resolution that particular model of the cast iron heat exchanger was to be replaced with a brand new gas furnace from the manufacturer at no cost to the customer (me). Is that God's favor or happenstance?
From my personal experience in the above events I believe God creates outcomes with his creation as he did in the tanakh. Is that predestination? Or God's will? Or both?
How do you define God's favor?
When I went to a super Walmart on a busy Saturday to pick up a prescription for my wife and a handicap ♿️ parking spot by the front door was vacant for me to use. Is that God's favor or happenstance? When I got a call from a medical provider that another person canceled their appointment and I could be seen today. Is that God's favor or happenstance? When I needed a small part for my gas furnace and I called the manufacturer and furnace manufacturer informed me that my cast iron heat exchanger model was involved in a defective lawsuit and according to the lawsuit resolution that particular model of the cast iron heat exchanger was to be replaced with a brand new gas furnace from the manufacturer at no cost to the customer (me). Is that God's favor or happenstance?
From my personal experience in the above events I believe God creates outcomes with his creation as he did in the tanakh. Is that predestination? Or God's will? Or both?

What you believe or do not believe is simply what you believe or do not believe

Quote scripture

But after reading through all the responses I find there is not much iron and a great deal of clay which wont mix.

First, who is the elect of God?

Israel (or the Hebrews) for they are the people CHOSEN of God and given a salvation covenant. Three iof them.

6 For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
7 The LORD did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people:
8 But because the LORD loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, hath the LORD brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt.
9 Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;
Dt 7:5–9.

There is no Scripture of God making any covenant with Gentiles. None.
But Gentiles have become saved and born-again and filled with the Holy Spirit of Promise (given to Israel.)
So, either God is saving non-Hebrew Gentiles without a covenant,


Through Exile and scatterings Jews and Gentiles intermarriage or through rape, concumbinage, etc., Gentiles who believe themselves Gentile just might have Abraham's DNA in their family ancestry and since Scripture cannot be broken in Genesis 17:7 it says the covenant is with Abraham and his seed.
Even if you have a small dilution of Abraham's descendants in your blood as long as there is Abraham's DNA in your family you just might be his seed and the reason of your salvation.
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