Bible Problem

You again. Pushing this again! The KJV is the worst translation available in English today. The manuscripts it uses is not as reliable as the older manuscripts Morden translations use. It is the KJV that is highly spurious.
kjv is sorcery.
Which translation of the Bible do you use? Many are unaware that the manuscripts used for the modern translations are highly spurious, because of the numerous differences between them and the Traditional Text (TT). The manuscripts used for the TT (Majority Text, or Textus Receptus, or Received Text) are much latter (5 century and latter) than those used for the modern translations (MT). The MT manuscripts were not used for copying purposes like those of the TT, because they had too many errors and therefore were rejected and did not wear out. This is what allowed the modern text to gain much ascendancy in popularity, due to their antiquity (3-4th century). As there are many differences between the manuscripts use for the MT, due to omissions, transpositions and interpolations, the early church would not use them (Vaticanus, Sinaticus and Alexandrinus).

What we have today now is that there are so many differences in these modern translations that attempting to memorize Scripture is impossible; and you can’t use a concordance with them because of the above problems stated. This produces a much less significant text that many do not know which should be followed, and thus the usual response is not reading them very much.

In the Hebrew text there are no manuscripts that contain the phrase “the brother of” in 2Sam 21:19. But instead of adding this phrase to make it a truthful reading, the MT’s have omitted it as well, making it an errant reading. Thus, it should read “Elhanan the son of Jaareoregim, a Bethlehemite, slew the brother of Goliath.” But the MT has it “Elhanan the son of Jaareoregim, a Bethlehemite, slew Goliath,” making it an errant reading in conflict with 1Chron 20:5, which states that “Elhanan the son of Jair struck down Lahmi the brother of Goliath” (the NIV had this omission until correcting it recently).

In David Fuller’s book ”Which Bible,” he states that in the winter of 1928 there was a prominent publication company that had a newspaper come out saying “Who Killed Goliath.” He continues to say that “a cablegram came from the most learned and devout scholars of the Church of England” and they “said in substance, that the Revised Version was correct, that Elhanan and not David killed Goliath; and that there were many other things in the Bible which were the product of exaggeration, such as the story of Noah and the ark, Jonah and the whale, the garden of Eden and the longevity of Methuselah.”

The Three manuscripts mentioned above are pretty much the ones these detractors use for their translations (compared to thousands of manuscripts used for the TT). The Vaticanus was found on a shelf in the Vatican library, which was there unused for 1500 years; the Sinaticus was found at monastery, where a monk was using some of the parchments for kindling to get a fire started. Both of these codexes are the oldest manuscripts (3rd century), and this is why they are given too much attention.

It can be trustingly assumed that God's Word would be contained in the right translation, as He would not withhold any of His Words to us. It just has to be plenary first (Mat 4:4), even though the translation isn't perfect, the Word of God within the translation is; this is how God works--using the sinful for good. He uses believers for good, though the "old man" still indwells them! When people begin to doubt the Word of God concerning plenary inspiration, it reveals misunderstanding, and entreats disuse of the Word. God has relayed all His Word, and there is nothing more and nothing less for Him to show us in this life!

A greater harm these MT’s produce is from their omitting Scripture. For one of hundreds of examples, they omitted the entire passage of 1Jn 5:7, which is the primary Trinity doctrine.

Hope this is enough to get others interested in this problem, and I have a great deal more omissions to share on this if you are interested, just let me know.

God bless and always guide us to truth!


Here are some facts few realize-- God willed his personal name( YHWH(Jehovah) in his bible over 7000 spots. Wicked men by satans will, out of fear of taking Gods name in vain removed Gods name and replaced it with titles-GOD or LORD( all capitols in OT) nearly 6800 spots to mislead--quoted in NT over 200 spots. They had no right. So by using altered translations ones are being mislead into supporting satans will over Gods will. How sad that this world is so blind( 2 Cor 4:4)--Fact--The righteous do not fear taking Gods name in vain, they run to that name as a strong tower of protection (Prov 18:10)
Another sad fact, the blind guides condemned the ones who put Gods name back, they put it back out of Love and respect for Gods will, those keeping Gods name out lack love and respect for Gods will.
Back when the councils were held, many false teachings were made, and small errors translated in to mislead by satans will. Errors that contradict Jesus' truth.
No wonder Jesus teaches--FEW will find the road that leads off into life( be saved)
Back when the councils were held, many false teachings were made, and small errors translated in to mislead by satans will. Errors that contradict Jesus' truth.
No wonder Jesus teaches--FEW will find the road that leads off into life( be saved)
Amen, and thanks for the reply! God bless!
kjv is sorcery.
Every bible on earth with Gods name removed by satans will, is altered. God inspired his name in his bible over 7000 places Why? Because God wants his name in every one of those places. . Thus ones religion shows all of creation whose will they support by their translation. The ones who use the altered translations, even condemned the ones who put Gods name back=The New world translation. That is called darkness-here is why-2Cor 4:4, 2 Cor 11:12-15
Every bible on earth with Gods name removed by satans will, is altered. God inspired his name in his bible over 7000 places Why? Because God wants his name in every one of those places. . Thus ones religion shows all of creation whose will they support by their translation. The ones who use the altered translations, even condemned the ones who put Gods name back=The New world translation. That is called darkness-here is why-2Cor 4:4, 2 Cor 11:12-15
I would include those who wrote the words down
after rejecting his prophets --- they cursed themselves by that
went into captivity
and the vision was sealed.
- and in that situation of not obeying Him
and instead listening to their own traditions,
they wrote down their version.

- later ptolemy a pagan brought in,
after interviewing them probably to see
their sympathies, jewish translators
to translate scripture for his library.

- today bible scholars admit they speculate
and cut and paste based on possible
narrative flow in their opinion. some do not
even believe Christ resurrected yet
many denominations bow to them as experts.
even though God never spoke to them.
our job is to find His humble words in between
the alterations, additions, and rearranged lines,
and omissions and to listen to Him

but that's impossible to do
while living as a philistine christian
- listening to this world and all
its needs and wants
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so we have the OT scribes,
cursed, yet writing down whatever,
- even though they disobeyed -
during captivity...
that making all they interpret vulnerable to corruption
and then ptolemy's version and king james
...a total mess.
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I would include those who wrote the words down
after rejecting his prophets --- they cursed themselves by that
went into captivity
and the vision was sealed.
- and in that situation of not obeying Him
and instead listening to their own traditions,
they wrote down their version.

- later ptolemy a pagan brought in,
after interviewing them probably to see
their sympathies, jewish translators
to translate scripture for his library.

- today bible scholars admit they speculate
and cut and paste based on possible
narrative flow in their opinion. some do not
even believe Christ resurrected yet
many denominations bow to them as experts.
even though God never spoke to them.
Satan owns 99% of all religion on earth=Babylon the great, the Harlot. Like this-2Cor 11:12-15--The same way 99% on earth will worship( support) the image of the beast and be mislead at the end to stand in opposition to Gods king, 3 inspired expressions hitting mortals in their hearts like 3 9?11,s at once will cause it. -----Rev 16) Says-EVERY kingdom( govt, armies, supporters) on earth will stand in opposition to Gods king because of those 3 expressions. Rev 19:11-18 is the result. Jesus compared these last days to Noahs day( 99.9% mislead) Luke 17:26--99% then( Rev 19 results) minimum.
so we have the OT scribes,
cursed, yet writing down whatever,
- even though they disobeyed -
during captivity...
making all they interpret vulnerable to corruption
and then ptolemy's version and king james
...a total mess.
The new world translation fixed it. By Gods holy spirit leading righteous men. Truth had to come back here in these last days, it took correction.
Satan owns 99% of all religion on earth=Babylon the great, the Harlot. Like this-2Cor 11:12-15--The same way 99% on earth will worship( support) the image of the beast and be mislead at the end to stand in opposition to Gods king, 3 inspired expressions hitting mortals in their hearts like 3 9?11,s at once will cause it. -----Rev 16) Says-EVERY kingdom( govt, armies, supporters) on earth will stand in opposition to Gods king because of those 3 expressions. Rev 19:11-18 is the result. Jesus compared these last days to Noahs day( 99.9% mislead) Luke 17:26--99% then( Rev 19 results) minimum.
this is babylon.
not His paradise.

and the idol is the flesh...

for no one wants to die to it.
a lovely man named Wyatt
understood some of this
and found the ark..though
not understanding some important
things about his find

we came to this earth because of noah was a dimensional flood..
note the shorter lifespan after that -
once we are very much farther from home...
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The new world translation fixed it. By Gods holy spirit leading righteous men. Truth had to come back here in these last days, it took correction.
i will look sometime if there is time

these days i only read what i myself translate...
so that has meant that i find every other
version foreign
Satan owns 99% of all religion on earth=Babylon the great, the Harlot. Like this-2Cor 11:12-15--The same way 99% on earth will worship( support) the image of the beast

yes ... this body is that image.

and be mislead at the end to stand in opposition to Gods king,

yes the evil realm opposing Gods son , Christ, a being
free of sin nature

who as deity came to this earth
for us.

3 inspired expressions hitting mortals in their hearts like 3 9?11,s at once will cause it. -----Rev 16) Says-EVERY kingdom( govt, armies, supporters) on earth will stand in opposition to Gods king because of those 3 expressions. Rev 19:11-18 is the result. Jesus compared these last days to Noahs day( 99.9% mislead) Luke 17:26--99% then( Rev 19 results) minimum.
Christ and His Spirit are the hands of God.
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Satan owns 99% of all religion on earth=Babylon the great, the Harlot. Like this-2Cor 11:12-15--The same way 99% on earth will worship( support) the image of the beast and be mislead at the end to stand in opposition to Gods king, 3 inspired expressions hitting mortals in their hearts like 3 9?11,s at once will cause it. -----Rev 16) Says-EVERY kingdom( govt, armies, supporters) on earth will stand in opposition to Gods king because of those 3 expressions. Rev 19:11-18 is the result. Jesus compared these last days to Noahs day( 99.9% mislead) Luke 17:26--99% then( Rev 19 results) minimum.
all His sons, a remnant out of jacob,
will meet christ on the clouds soon..

of jacob left behind, they will suffer tribulation
but Christ and the sons as His witnesses
now in their resurrection nature
which is what we lost because of adam
... they will visit jacob during tribulation
and much of jacob after that will go home
to paradise.
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Satan owns 99% of all religion on earth=Babylon the great, the Harlot. Like this-2Cor 11:12-15--The same way 99% on earth will worship( support) the image of the beast and be mislead at the end to stand in opposition to Gods king, 3 inspired expressions hitting mortals in their hearts like 3 9?11,s at once will cause it. -----Rev 16) Says-EVERY kingdom( govt, armies, supporters) on earth will stand in opposition to Gods king because of those 3 expressions. Rev 19:11-18 is the result. Jesus compared these last days to Noahs day( 99.9% mislead) Luke 17:26--99% then( Rev 19 results) minimum.

It is quite bad... good comparison to noah's day.

I do not catch all your references
after image of the beast, as (in your post) they are compressed.
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can you imagine the huge step down
Christ took out of love for us
as deity
to come into this mortal flesh to save us...
and suffer and die
to make possible for us
to be free
for Christ said that he is not from here was that phrased....
He being from above
and we below

and then to arrive here
and be scoffed and murdered by esau

but now our price is paid
much to their chagrin the satanic realm
will not rule us anymore
which is why they are so frantic in these end times

and His Souls will meet Christ on the clouds
and go home soon
and all the sons and daughters
will be restored to their land
and with Christ the sons will rule paradise
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