Bible Problem

It can be trustingly assumed that God's Word would be contained in the right translation, as He would not withhold any of His Words to us. It just has to be plenary first (Mat 4:4), even though the translation isn't perfect; this is how God works--using the sinful for good. He uses believers for good, though the "old man" still indwells them!

When people begin to doubt the Word of God concerning plenary inspiration, it reveals misunderstanding, and entreats disuse of the Word. God has relayed all His Word, and there is nothing more and nothing less for Him to show us in this life!

It’s my understanding that the word “perfect” concerning a translation is mostly in reference to being complete, entire, and plenary. Thus, only translations derived from the majority of extant manuscripts contain all of Word of God (Mat 4:4)! Studying a translation which has much less manuscript evidence cannot affect one’s salvation; but it will affect one’s spiritual growth in the Lord Jesus (Eph 5:14).
That's an interesting view. But I would argue that you just proved that the King James Version has an error in it
To date, no translation is errant-free, but the Word of God within it is--if it's plenary; and considering the amount of manuscripts involved with the Majority Text, it contains the fewest errors! It's the only manuscript source that contains at least 5000 manuscript copies. The other source, which was never used, only contain a handful few (they are the oldest, but the most corrupt).
It can be trustingly assumed that God's Word would be contained in the right translation, as He would not withhold any of His Words to us. It just has to be plenary first

Challenge for you brother. Do you believe we have every word God has ever spoken? That is what Matthew 4 details. We can not confine such a statement of fact as this solely to what has been written...

John 21:25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

God speaks to us through the Spirit of God. Daily Divine Direction. Matthew 4:4 is an open statement without end. We can't confine it to all extant witnesses in the Scriptures.
Challenge for you brother. Do you believe we have every word God has ever spoken? That is what Matthew 4 details. We can not confine such a statement of fact as this solely to what has been written...

John 21:25 And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.

God speaks to us through the Spirit of God. Daily Divine Direction. Matthew 4:4 is an open statement without end. We can't confine it to all extant witnesses in the Scriptures.
The thought line concerning "every word" is in reference to man living by every Word He spoke to the writers. Not every Word He ever spoke.
The thought line concerning "every word" is in reference to man living by every Word He spoke to the writers. Not every Word He ever spoke.

I disagree. How do you come to that conclusion? It does not say "every word written" or "every word given to my writers". Every word God speaks in important and worthy to live by. Even those that are not written down nor recorded.
I disagree. How do you come to that conclusion? It does not say "every word written" or "every word given to my writers". Every word God speaks in important and worthy to live by. Even those that are not written down nor recorded.
What God speaks man writes as His Word! We can't know every word He speaks, only what the writes write.
Every word God speaks is worthy of acceptance and adherance regardless of whether is record by men or not. They are Eternal. Pen and pass away. God writes on our hearts brother.
My point is that one can only go by what God gives the writers of Scripture. That's all He wants us to know for now.
My point is that one can only go by what God gives the writers of Scripture. That's all He wants us to know for now.

I disagree. Too many people try to live the lives of others they read about in the Scriptures. The Scripture are very important. I've spent a very large portion of my life learning them and discerning them. I can tell you, they are not always enough. I crave and NEED an intimate relationship with God that drives me daily to please Him. He writes those words on our heart brother. Looking to Scriptures and trying to the live the life of others can cause many problems in our lives.
I disagree. Too many people try to live the lives of others they read about in the Scriptures. The Scripture are very important. I've spent a very large portion of my life learning them and discerning them. I can tell you, they are not always enough. I crave and NEED an intimate relationship with God that drives me daily to please Him. He writes those words on our heart brother. Looking to Scriptures and trying to the live the life of others can cause many problems in our lives.
Not sure what you mean by "Looking to Scriptures." I've learned, after nearly 50 years of Christianity, that the most effective means in drawing close to God (Jas 4:8) is drawing close to others, esp. believers (1Jo 4:20).
Not sure what you mean by "Looking to Scriptures." I've learned, after nearly 50 years of Christianity, that the most effective means in drawing close to God (Jas 4:8) is drawing close to others, esp. believers (1Jo 4:20).

For example, many pretend they can live the life of King David. They've been told their entire life "What God has done for others, He will do for you". Which in one way is true and in many ways is not. People believe they have to do "big things" for God like King David did. When I believe God just wants us to love Him. Sometimes that involves small insignificant things. You know us "human being" we love significance.
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For example, many pretend they can live the life of King David. They've been told their entire life "What God has done for others, He will do for you". Which in one way is true and in many ways is not. People believe they have to do "big things" for God like King David did. When I believe God just wants us to love Him. Sometimes that involves small insignificant things. You know us "human being" we love significance.
I see, thanks for the clarification! God bless!!
Which translation of the Bible do you use? Many are unaware that the manuscripts used for the modern translations are highly spurious
You again. Pushing this again! The KJV is the worst translation available in English today. The manuscripts it uses is not as reliable as the older manuscripts Morden translations use. It is the KJV that is highly spurious.
“The doctrine of preservation does not guarantee the preservation of the autographs, for they perished within a few years after their writings. Neither does it guarantee the accuracy of the copies, because errant men copied them. It does guarantee that the complete contents of the infallible Scriptures have been preserved, not in any one manuscript, but somewhere within the manuscript tradition!” –D.O.Fuller, D.D.
If we got the best possible translation in print and everyone had a copy?

It will still not be understood in too many ways without finding oneself (by grace) an excellent pastor-teacher to teach you. Teach you as onto the Lord.

There would still be sects and cults popping up in spite of being the best possible translation.

Here is why I say that:

In the first place, I hear that when you come together as a church,
there are divisions among you, and to some extent I believe it.
No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which
of you have God’s approval." 1 Cor 11:18-19​

We must walk in the filling of the Spirit, or fail to find the right pastor for what God has assigned us.
An excellent Pastor will be a Bible scholar in his own right and will be guided by the Lord to lead us
to green pastures where we can feed upon God's daily provision for our spiritual sustenance...

Could you imagine a shepherd only having his flock feed one day a week?

The original churches met daily, or as often as possible. Acts 2:46

And, Jesus taught daily in the Temple. Luke 21:37

Being taught daily. Taught what they needed to hear.
Not, what they always wanted to hear like we find in too many churches today.

For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine.
Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great
number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." 2 Tim 4:3​

The best TRANSLATION is finding a dedicated pastor who is skilled at exegeting the Scriptures.

grace and peace .................
If we got the best possible translation in print and everyone had a copy?

It will still not be understood in too many ways without finding oneself (by grace) an excellent pastor-teacher to teach you. Teach you as onto the Lord.

There would still be sects and cults popping up in spite of being the best possible translation.

Here is why I say that:

In the first place, I hear that when you come together as a church,
there are divisions among you, and to some extent I believe it.
No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which
of you have God’s approval." 1 Cor 11:18-19​

We must walk in the filling of the Spirit, or fail to find the right pastor for what God has assigned us.
An excellent Pastor will be a Bible scholar in his own right and will be guided by the Lord to lead us
to green pastures where we can feed upon God's daily provision for our spiritual sustenance...

Could you imagine a shepherd only having his flock feed one day a week?

The original churches met daily, or as often as possible. Acts 2:46

And, Jesus taught daily in the Temple. Luke 21:37

Being taught daily. Taught what they needed to hear.
Not, what they always wanted to hear like we find in too many churches today.

For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine.
Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great
number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." 2 Tim 4:3​

The best TRANSLATION is finding a dedicated pastor who is skilled at exegeting the Scriptures.

grace and peace .................
Sounds like good common sense to me. I like to say the best Bible translation is the one that you pick up and read and continue reading it on a regular basis. If you don't mind my asking who is your favorite dedicated pastor?
Sounds like good common sense to me. I like to say the best Bible translation is the one that you pick up and read and continue reading it on a regular basis. If you don't mind my asking who is your favorite dedicated pastor?
Right here.....

Pastors and teachers have ordered his messages for their personal study.

Found about him after graduating Bible college and never looked back.
Right here.....

Pastors and teachers have ordered his messages for their personal study.

Found about him after graduating Bible college and never looked back.
I definitely think you're right, from what I've observed pastors from that era for the most part we're excellent. It seems like there was a Revival in the land during that time. I've been fortunate enough to know a couple.
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