I'm not a traitor. I'm to love God and my neighbor- not hate them.
Your deity, the Trinity, is not my God.
You’re a traitor to your trinitarian faith if you‘re unable to recognize and acknowledge that we aren’t spiritual friends. We are, in fact, spiritual enemies.
You’re a traitor to your faith if you don’t believe what you write.
How many more threads and posts will you make about what we
must believe in order to be saved?
You aren’t a stupid person. You know that I don’t agree with your understanding of the scripture you post.
I’m a Jewish monotheist. There is no God besides the Father. Everything else is idols.
Jewish monotheism isn’t the spiritual friend of trinitarianism.
Trinitarianism isn’t the spiritual friend of Jewish monotheism.
I’ve quoted Gregory of Nyssa, who rightly says, trinitarianism destroys Jewish monotheism.
There‘s nothing controversial about what he said. It’s a simple historical fact. The whole world needs to know it.