Behind Enemy Lines

I'm very sad to here you have left sound teaching, biblical hermenuetics and exegesis in exchange for eisegesis- reading your own ideas and beliefs into Scripture. That sounds like apostasy.

I haven’t left sound teaching. I left unsound teaching.
I’m a Jewish monotheist on a trinitarian forum. The trinitarian hasn’t yet acknowledged that we’re spiritual enemies, even though he treats me as one.
I’m a Jewish monotheist on a trinitarian forum. The trinitarian hasn’t yet acknowledged that we’re spiritual enemies, even though he treats me as one.
you are projecting again. I said the Jews are Gods chosen people and I love the Jews they are not my enemy but are my friends.
you are projecting again. I said the Jews are Gods chosen people and I love the Jews they are not my enemy but are my friends.

They are my friends too, but they are not my spiritual friends. Unless and until they come to believe that one of their fellow Jews - Jesus of Nazareth - is the Messiah, they are my spiritual enemies.

Even they have acknowledged this when I’ve visited their synagogues.
No. I left trinitarianism in my 20’s. I obtained a BTh when I was 40.

My trinitarian professors were primarily trained at The Masters Seminary (located in Sun Valley, California) and Candler School of Theology (located in metro Atlanta, Georgia). My favorite trinitarian professor attended a seminary that I don’t recall the name of at the moment. (He taught a class on Conditional Immortality in the Church Fathers. After I graduated, he revised the textbook he had written to include my meager contribution to the subject.)
JAT is often surprised to discover that some seminaries and Bible colleges knowingly and willingly enroll students who aren’t trinitarians.

Most of my classmates were trinitarians. They knew, as did my trinitarian professors, that I was a Jewish monotheist. That’s not something that goes unnoticed for long in the classroom.
And like Paul the Trinitarian who loved his fellow Jews in Romans 9-11. He prayed for them like I do. He left Judaism.
And like Paul the Trinitarian who loved his fellow Jews in Romans 9-11. He prayed for them like I do. He left Judaism.

History is not your strength; trinitarianism - to a larger extent than the average trinitarian I meet and speak with - is.

Christianity began as a sect of, and within, Judaism.

Ask Jews For Jesus (a trinitarian organization which I think you’re familiar with) and they will be quick to tell you, as they tell everyone, that the religion of Jesus and the Apostles is Judaism.

They didn’t leave Judaism. The Church later did.
I’m a Jewish monotheist. So is Jesus. So is Paul. So are all of the Apostles. Not so is trinitarianism / trinitarians.

This isn’t controversial. Trinitarian writings are filled with it.

What is controversial is whether or not the gradual movement in the Church away from Jewish monotheism to trinitarianism is valid or not. (See Harold O.J. Brown, in his book Heresies: Heresy And Orthodoxy In The History Of The Church.)
I’m a Jewish monotheist. The Church, which began where I am now theologically, left me - and those like me - behind when it eventually became trinitarian. It anathematizes me / us.

A person who is anathematized is not the spiritual friend of the anathematizer.

I’m an anathematized person on a forum that represents the anathematizer.

I’m treated here as an anathematized person. It isn’t too much to expect, and it shouldn’t be too much to ask, that the anathematizers be true to their convictions. They aren’t, as long as they fail to recognize that the anathematized aren’t their spiritual friends.
I’m a Jewish monotheist. I have family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances who aren’t.

Do I love them? Yes.

Do they love me? Some of them do, some of them don’t.

Whether they do or they don’t, it’s very easy to see - from both my perspective and theirs - they aren’t my spiritual family, friends, neighbors, acquaintances; nor am I theirs.
I'm not a traitor. I'm to love God and my neighbor- not hate them.

Your deity, the Trinity, is not my God.

You’re a traitor to your trinitarian faith if you‘re unable to recognize and acknowledge that we aren’t spiritual friends. We are, in fact, spiritual enemies.

You’re a traitor to your faith if you don’t believe what you write.

How many more threads and posts will you make about what we must believe in order to be saved?

You aren’t a stupid person. You know that I don’t agree with your understanding of the scripture you post.

I’m a Jewish monotheist. There is no God besides the Father. Everything else is idols.

Jewish monotheism isn’t the spiritual friend of trinitarianism.

Trinitarianism isn’t the spiritual friend of Jewish monotheism.

I’ve quoted Gregory of Nyssa, who rightly says, trinitarianism destroys Jewish monotheism.

There‘s nothing controversial about what he said. It’s a simple historical fact. The whole world needs to know it.
Do you love the Muslims @civic? If you tell me that you don’t then I haven’t understood a word that you’ve said.

Is trinitarianism the spiritual friend of Islam?

No. Trinitarianism is not a spiritual friend of Islam; it is a spiritual enemy of Islam. You know it. The Muslims know it.

By the same token, Islam is not a spiritual friend of trinitarianism; it is a spiritual enemy of trinitarianism. They know it. You now it. Anyone who doesn’t know it doesn’t know much of anything about Islam.
Your deity, the Trinity, is not my God.

You’re a traitor to your trinitarian faith if you‘re unable to recognize and acknowledge that we aren’t spiritual friends. We are, in fact, spiritual enemies.

You’re a traitor to your faith if you don’t believe what you write.

How many more threads and posts will you make about what we must believe in order to be saved?

You aren’t a stupid person. You know that I don’t agree with your understanding of the scripture you post.

I’m a Jewish monotheist. There is no God besides the Father. Everything else is idols.

Jewish monotheism isn’t the spiritual friend of trinitarianism.

Trinitarianism isn’t the spiritual friend of Jewish monotheism.

I’ve quoted Gregory of Nyssa, who rightly says, trinitarianism destroys Jewish monotheism.

There‘s nothing controversial about what he said. It’s a simple historical fact. The whole world needs to know it.
I quote the bible and can care less about your appeal to authority fallacious arguments. Let me know when you can discuss the bible. I have been asking that for sometime now.
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