Baptismal Regeneration Debate


Staff member
This thread is a debate between @praise_yeshua and @Runningman only. Please do not reply to their posts in this debate. You can add Likes or dislikes by emojis

I will be moderating this debate and will maintain neutrality.

The topic is Baptismal Regeneration.

What is baptismal regeneration?​

This thread is a debate between @praise_yeshua and @Runningman only. Please do not reply to their posts in this debate. You can add Likes or dislikes by emojis

I will be moderating this debate and will maintain neutrality.

The topic is Baptismal Regeneration.

What is baptismal regeneration?​

In Scripture, there are many examples of people converting into the New Covenant then getting water baptized following that, but the idea isn't that water baptism is required for salvation. While it's true there are verses that seem to say you must be water baptized to be saved, there are a lot of verses that make no mention of such. I am of the mindset that it was expected of a true believer to get their public water baptism and, if they declined, probably meant they weren't a true believer and, not actually saved in the first place. Same issue with confession. There's probably something off if a true believer won't get baptized, won't confess their sins, won't pray, or do anything at all. There would be an obvious lack of evidence, but we can't judge the heart. Only God really knows who is saved and will judge them as such.
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My primary concern is with the requirement of water baptism for salvation. In this we appear to agree. However, to make sure we are saying the "same things".

Can you detail what is required for salvation? I don't see any requirements actually being applied with your statement "Only God really knows who is saved and will judge them as such."

While I generally agree with your conclusion, I do believe there are requirements that can be judged relative to fellowship and good doctrine.


1. Can you give a brief "set of requirements" you find to be in the "ballpark" of Salvation?
2. Though you don't require baptism, you do somewhat judge those who decline baptism. I see reasons why some people decline to be baptized. Do you have any exceptions to your "loose requirement" of rejecting baptism being a potential indication.

One of those reasons that comes to mind is the person setting the requirement of baptism. I believe we must admit, people have problems with some people.
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