As Far As Christianity is Concerned


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As far as Christianity is concerned, half of me thinks I'm doing it right, and the other half of me fears that it is doing it wrong. My interpretation of myself is, I got enough head knowledge to know right from wrong. However sometimes there are gray areas, even in the Bible. I think the gray show themselves when a person sets out to obey God. You begin to realize that obeying God is not as simple as black and white: Do this, but Don't do that. Once a person realizes that they are failing, they begin to look deeper into the scriptures to see if they are properly understanding them or not. At least that is what I have tried. Yet at the end of the day, the areas of obedience I do good in, I continue to do good in. But the areas that I do bad in, I continue to do bad in. This is when I often find myself praying about this. Asking God to do something in me so that I can obey the areas I don't do good in. I wish He would do something for me. I think there is a fine line between doing stuff in your own strength and doing stuff in God's strength. How do you know when it is God working through you, or you doing it on your own? I mean God created me like this. I asked Jesus into my heart, which should give me the Holy Spirit. One would think that would give me the power to handle it. But it doesn't seem to work that way for me.

One of my problems with my walk with Jesus is learning to love and trust Him. Thinking on good things, keeping my eyes on him, and not getting over whelmed by my circumstances. That is one of the things I think about the most!

There was a time in my life when I thought proper theology was important. That was until I started diving into it. Now I'm starting to wonder if theology is of the devil. Who uses it to distract us from doing the most important things a Christian should be doing. Like keep your faith in Jesus, and love each other. People take sides, and Churches, and even families divide up over it. (Can you say the word "resentment"?) All under the pretense of having the truth correct, so that we are following things in the right way. Maybe that is the job of the holy spirit to guide in truth?

People think that if they follow theology then that helps them know God better. But what I think it actually does is put a false image of God in your mind. Because you create that image by taking various scriptures and using them like a math problem at school. God is bigger and beyond math. He created math, and everything we use. We are supposed to be following Jesus, and doesn't mean we got to understand Him. The way of Jesus has always been mysterious. His own disciples couldn't understand his parables. Often times He had to explain it to them. As followers of Jesus, we are kinda in the same boat. Not to mention His kingdom is upside down. It doesn't work the way the world does. We tend to think like the world, because we are heavily influenced by the world, and we still struggle with sin influences.

I listen to an audio bible. One of the things I think it does well, is it won't let me take things out of context easy. The reason why I bring this up is because in order to create your theology, you need to be able to pull scripture from various parts of the bible and put it together that way. Then if you run into anything that doesn't sound like it fits your theology, then you got to figure out how it might fit your theology if you think it means something a little different then it sounds like. Or maybe one author meant it to be taken one way in the old testament, and but other person in the new means it to be taken another way. By doing this kind of gymnastic you can get things to come out the way you want them too. Who is God in this? You or God?

There are two reasons why I am not in Church anymore. 1) People are not friendly to me. 2) The theology. I think the truth is on my side, and they think the truth is on their side. I always wanted a Church that preached the word, people were friendly, and I could worship Jesus. But instead what I find is Churches that preach the word with a theological slant to it. Not friendly people who want people like me to get better. And some modern worship music, because people just like it that way. They think that modern music will make the Church get bigger.

I don't have anything against music styles. Most preaching, as long as they are preaching from the Bible, and believes the Bible I can get into that. However the lack of friendliness and caring for nobodies like me drives me nuts. I can even try approaching them, and they give me the "I don't care" attitude.

I have often wondered, if theology didn't exist, how would Churches decide on what they believe? It seems to me they would need to make the belief system more simplistic. Just now Galatians 1:6-9 popped into my head, because I have noticed that theology can change the Gospel message. I posted all of that chapter so that you can read it all in context.

Galatians 1
1 Paul, an apostle—sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead— 2 and all the brothers and sisters with me,

To the churches in Galatia:

3 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, 4 who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, 5 to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

No Other Gospel
6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!

10 Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

Paul Called by God
11 I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not of human origin. 12 I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.

13 For you have heard of my previous way of life in Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it. 14 I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers. 15 But when God, who set me apart from my mother’s womb and called me by his grace, was pleased 16 to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, my immediate response was not to consult any human being. 17 I did not go up to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before I was, but I went into Arabia. Later I returned to Damascus.

18 Then after three years, I went up to Jerusalem to get acquainted with Cephas and stayed with him fifteen days. 19 I saw none of the other apostles—only James, the Lord’s brother. 20 I assure you before God that what I am writing you is no lie.

21 Then I went to Syria and Cilicia. 22 I was personally unknown to the churches of Judea that are in Christ. 23 They only heard the report: “The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.” 24 And they praised God because of me.

You can keep reading on if you want:
One of my problems with my walk with Jesus is learning to love and trust Him. Thinking on good things, keeping my eyes on him, and not getting over whelmed by my circumstances. That is one of the things I think about the most!
People think that if they follow theology then that helps them know God better.
why not do what God say do? it's not hard..... Micah 6:8 "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?"

if God showed us what to do, why and what's the problem? it not this written in our hearts? then follow it/him.

why not do what God say do? it's not hard..... Micah 6:8 "He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?"

if God showed us what to do, why and what's the problem? it not this written in our hearts? then follow it/him.


Theology is not about obeying God. Theology is about how God is put together and how He works. For example, The Trinity which is based on scripture, breaks the God head down into three persons and then explains how they communicate with each other. Soteriology explains to you how salvation works. Soteriology is the one that causes the most problems. For another example, Do ask Jesus into your because you were convinced and wanted to?, or did you ask Jesus into your heart because God made you do it. That is a big problem! Because in one view you had accepted Christ as your savior, and in the other view God picked you while others didn't get picked. I'm keeping this really simple, but people spend hours arguing over this. They feel secure in knowing how everything works. The sad thing is, they really don't know how things work. But they will divide up Churches over it. Another problem, and an even more important problem is that it changes the Gospel. In one view God wants everyone to come to him. In another view, God only wants the one's He chose to come to him Which Gospel message is true?

Look folks, I'm not saying this to get anything going. You guys got lots of threads to talk about this. My point is theology puts all of this in a box and makes you believe that you got it right and someone else has got it wrong. Then Christian people start butting heads together.

The funny thing about it is, either way you flip the coin, you got to believe in Jesus, and you got to serve Jesus. That is what it means to be a follower of Christ!

I spent a lot of my time looking into theology simply because my local Bible Believing Churches wouldn't love me, or my parents. I knew that all these different Bible believing churches existed because of different theological opinions. And I also knew that in order to be apart of them you had to affirm their statements of faith. Often times I could go along with most of it, but I had to overlook at least one thing I didn't fully agree with. And yet that one thing, might be that one thing that Church holds the most dear to their hearts. The last church I thought about joining, it said, you must affirm eternal security. It was number one on the list of things you had to believe in order to be apart of them. My dad said, how come they didn't have "Believe on Jesus" as being number one? Did you know that Church did so many things I agreed with, that I was more than willing to join, and they could of won me over. All they had to do was love me, and I was ready to give up on my view on eternal security. But even after trying to get to know people there was no love for me. They had their group and I was out, and they were going to keep me out. I am not apart of their culture!

I run the Linux operating system on my computer. When you run this kind of operating system, you need to learn things to make it work right. I found someone on youtube that did videos that helped me. Then I learned the guy was a Christian too! I was so happy about this, until I started watching his Christian channel. I started hearing his theology. There was stuff in it that I couldn't agree with. It made me get curious about stuff. And did some research, and before I knew it I was listening to a theology channel. Then I just started taking in the information as much as I could! Then that channel lead me to another theology channel, and started taking in that information too. Gradually I started to see the problem with theology. I once believed that there is proper theology, and if you just hunted long enough you might find it. Now I see that theology captures you, and puts your mind in prison. Once you think you know everything you can't grow anymore. It doesn't matter how many times you read the bible. It doesn't matter how many sermons you hear. You think you know it all, therefor you will never grow. You will never be able to see the scripture from other perspectives because the only perspective you see it is through your own. God needs to be able to talk to you through his words! Your theology is blocking God's word, and what He needs to communicate with you.
As far as Christianity is concerned, half of me thinks I'm doing it right, and the other half of me fears that it is doing it wrong.
The ONLY IMPORTANT QUESTION IS: what are you trusting to cleanse you from your SIN???

You HAVE SINNED (just like everybody else).
Your SIN, unless it's cleansed, will damn you to hell.
FAITH in Jesus' SIN OFFERING (Isa 53:10) is the way the S(N will be cleansed.
FAITH comes by HEaring God's WOrd TO YOU (Rom 10:17). Normally the is in the form of "COnviction of SIN, which when followed by your Repentance, and calling on God in FAITH for salvation accomplishes TWO things: Cleansing from SIN, and The indwelling of the Holy SPirit.

THEN you take Jesus' yoke upon you an start learning of HIM - read the Bible.

I'm not fond of contemporary repetitive "Soft Rock" worship music. but that's the '20s for you.

Personally, I've been a member of the Assemblies of God Denomination for most of the last 60 years, and "theology wise", I find them acceptable. Baptists aren't too bad, just more "legalistic".

BUT if you have the FIRST things above in place, and FAITH in your relationship with God, then the "Which Church" issue is relatively unimportant. Familiarity with the BIBLE, and with the influence of the Holy Spirit, things will sort themselves out. BEING PART OF A CHURCH is important. "Lone Rangers" are more easily picked off by the enemy.
Theology is not about obeying God. Theology is about how God is put together and how He works. For example, The Trinity which is based on scripture, breaks the God head down into three persons and then explains how they communicate with each other. Soteriology explains to you how salvation works. Soteriology is the one that causes the most problems. For another example, Do ask Jesus into your because you were convinced and wanted to?, or did you ask Jesus into your heart because God made you do it. That is a big problem! Because in one view you had accepted Christ as your savior, and in the other view God picked you while others didn't get picked. I'm keeping this really simple, but people spend hours arguing over this. They feel secure in knowing how everything works. The sad thing is, they really don't know how things work. But they will divide up Churches over it. Another problem, and an even more important problem is that it changes the Gospel. In one view God wants everyone to come to him. In another view, God only wants the one's He chose to come to him Which Gospel message is true?

Look folks, I'm not saying this to get anything going. You guys got lots of threads to talk about this. My point is theology puts all of this in a box and makes you believe that you got it right and someone else has got it wrong. Then Christian people start butting heads together.

The funny thing about it is, either way you flip the coin, you got to believe in Jesus, and you got to serve Jesus. That is what it means to be a follower of Christ!

I spent a lot of my time looking into theology simply because my local Bible Believing Churches wouldn't love me, or my parents. I knew that all these different Bible believing churches existed because of different theological opinions. And I also knew that in order to be apart of them you had to affirm their statements of faith. Often times I could go along with most of it, but I had to overlook at least one thing I didn't fully agree with. And yet that one thing, might be that one thing that Church holds the most dear to their hearts. The last church I thought about joining, it said, you must affirm eternal security. It was number one on the list of things you had to believe in order to be apart of them. My dad said, how come they didn't have "Believe on Jesus" as being number one? Did you know that Church did so many things I agreed with, that I was more than willing to join, and they could of won me over. All they had to do was love me, and I was ready to give up on my view on eternal security. But even after trying to get to know people there was no love for me. They had their group and I was out, and they were going to keep me out. I am not apart of their culture!

I run the Linux operating system on my computer. When you run this kind of operating system, you need to learn things to make it work right. I found someone on youtube that did videos that helped me. Then I learned the guy was a Christian too! I was so happy about this, until I started watching his Christian channel. I started hearing his theology. There was stuff in it that I couldn't agree with. It made me get curious about stuff. And did some research, and before I knew it I was listening to a theology channel. Then I just started taking in the information as much as I could! Then that channel lead me to another theology channel, and started taking in that information too. Gradually I started to see the problem with theology. I once believed that there is proper theology, and if you just hunted long enough you might find it. Now I see that theology captures you, and puts your mind in prison. Once you think you know everything you can't grow anymore. It doesn't matter how many times you read the bible. It doesn't matter how many sermons you hear. You think you know it all, therefor you will never grow. You will never be able to see the scripture from other perspectives because the only perspective you see it is through your own. God needs to be able to talk to you through his words! Your theology is blocking God's word, and what He needs to communicate with you.

I've been struggling to understand how I should respond to you. There comes a time when a person can only get real answers directly from God. I "kinda" feel that you're at this point in your life.

There is a difference between knowing about God and knowing God personally. An intimate and personal relationship with God is the only means of finding peace in this life.

The God of the "Scriptures" is alive and active today even though He often not "noticed" by most....

Devotion and silence often get me past my struggles. There is also healing to be found in worship and praise to God but you can't worship Him without "Truth". He fellowships in no lies.

We are all at different points in your relationship with God but I believe you need to "nail down" your relationship and keep it "nailed down". Apart from Him, we all struggle. While God is with us.... Who can separate us from Him?
Theology is not about obeying God. Theology is about how God is put together and how He works. For example, The Trinity which is based on scripture, breaks the God head down into three persons and then explains how they communicate with each other.
if so, one question, "is the ONE person in John 1:3 who MADE ALL THINGS is this the same one person who MADE ALL THINGS in Isaiah 44:24".
just a YES or NO please.

I've been struggling to understand how I should respond to you. There comes a time when a person can only get real answers directly from God. I "kinda" feel that you're at this point in your life.

There is a difference between knowing about God and knowing God personally. An intimate and personal relationship with God is the only means of finding peace in this life.

The God of the "Scriptures" is alive and active today even though He often not "noticed" by most....

Devotion and silence often get me past my struggles. There is also healing to be found in worship and praise to God but you can't worship Him without "Truth". He fellowships in no lies.

We are all at different points in your relationship with God but I believe you need to "nail down" your relationship and keep it "nailed down". Apart from Him, we all struggle. While God is with us.... Who can separate us from Him?

I think if God wanted to talk to me, He would! Like I have always said, it is possible that Jesus hasn't saved me. I wouldn't know why because of what John 3:16 says... On one of my theories is that somehow when I asked Jesus into my heart I had wrong motives as a child. And maybe if a person has the wrong motive Jesus doesn't come in. That theory doesn't make any sense since Jesus comes inside and then begins the process of changing you. This is one of the things that I get tired of with Christianity. If something doesn't work the way we think it should, then we start coming up with possible reasons for how the person is doing something wrong, or isn't doing what they need to do. Like just be quiet long enough and He will speak to you. He's God! He is all powerful! And yet he won't talk to you unless you sit in silence for X amount of time? I got nothing against turning the world off, and just spending time with God. I am just trying to make a point by this example.
if so, one question, "is the ONE person in John 1:3 who MADE ALL THINGS is this the same one person who MADE ALL THINGS in Isaiah 44:24".
just a YES or NO please.


John 1:3
3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

Isaiah 44:24

Jerusalem to Be Inhabited

“This is what the Lord says—
your Redeemer, who formed you in the womb:

I am the Lord,
the Maker of all things,
who stretches out the heavens,
who spreads out the earth by myself,

Your answer is YES.
I think if God wanted to talk to me, He would! Like I have always said, it is possible that Jesus hasn't saved me.
Probable, in fact. It's obvious that you have no FAITH in your salvation, which is an indication that you were never born again. I'd suggest a sit-down with a Baptist, or Assembly of God pastor to discuss your spiritual condition.
As far as Christianity is concerned, half of me thinks I'm doing it right, and the other half of me fears that it is doing it wrong. My interpretation of myself is, I got enough head knowledge to know right from wrong. However sometimes there are gray areas, even in the Bible. I think the gray show themselves when a person sets out to obey God. You begin to realize that obeying God is not as simple as black and white: Do this, but Don't do that. Once a person realizes that they are failing, they begin to look deeper into the scriptures to see if they are properly understanding them or not. At least that is what I have tried. Yet at the end of the day, the areas of obedience I do good in, I continue to do good in. But the areas that I do bad in, I continue to do bad in. This is when I often find myself praying about this. Asking God to do something in me so that I can obey the areas I don't do good in. I wish He would do something for me. I think there is a fine line between doing stuff in your own strength and doing stuff in God's strength. How do you know when it is God working through you, or you doing it on your own? I mean God created me like this. I asked Jesus into my heart, which should give me the Holy Spirit. One would think that would give me the power to handle it. But it doesn't seem to work that way for me.
I don't know what you're asking if you're asking anything at all but I will tell you what I think and give you something which if you are honest with Scripture you'll find that its theology is of God.

God commands us to get head knowledge since it is knowledge of His Word through which we are to move about and have our being. There is theology of the Scripture and there is no knowledge of Scripture at all. The word theology is compound. It is from "Theos" which means "God" and "ology" or "logos" which means "thought" or "word." Taken together theology means "Word of God." So, having knowledge of the Word of God is commanded of His people because those that "lack knowledge are destroyed." Head knowledge of God's Word or theology is commanded and with all thy getting get wisdom, right? So, don't look down on theology or head knowledge since repentance occurs first in the mind.

Whatever "failing" you think you are accomplishing bear in mind that God gives each of us a "measure of faith" which based on head knowledge or theology means that we are always in His will - even if we sin or fail. He gives us a "measure" or "portion" of faith with which to live our daily lives, and we grow in knowledge in order to reach that measure to which we are ordained. Once we reach that measure of faith which is based on theology or head knowledge we can grow no more, and it is time to take us home. Yes, we die. And, for your information, there is no such thing as "asking Jesus into your heart." We don't ask anything towards salvation. At the appointed time we are born into this world and at the appointed time we are born-again. Then comes the instruction and knowledge in order to live out our lives towards that preordained measure of faith He gives us the moment we are born-again. He also gives us our gifts at the beginning. Then we spend our days growing in knowledge until at His timing He reveals our gifts, and for most, their calling.
One of my problems with my walk with Jesus is learning to love and trust Him. Thinking on good things, keeping my eyes on him, and not getting over whelmed by my circumstances. That is one of the things I think about the most!
If you give that which is holy (God's love) to dogs (unbelievers), then you are casting your pearls to swine. God doesn't do this and neither should you. God's love is meant for those that are saved and born-again. It comes with profit and God is interested in our profiting among each other and towards Him.
There was a time in my life when I thought proper theology was important. That was until I started diving into it. Now I'm starting to wonder if theology is of the devil. Who uses it to distract us from doing the most important things a Christian should be doing. Like keep your faith in Jesus, and love each other. People take sides, and Churches, and even families divide up over it. (Can you say the word "resentment"?) All under the pretense of having the truth correct, so that we are following things in the right way. Maybe that is the job of the holy spirit to guide in truth?
Theology (Word of God) cannot be of the devil. So, let's get this straight.
People think that if they follow theology then that helps them know God better. But what I think it actually does is put a false image of God in your mind. Because you create that image by taking various scriptures and using them like a math problem at school. God is bigger and beyond math. He created math, and everything we use. We are supposed to be following Jesus, and doesn't mean we got to understand Him. The way of Jesus has always been mysterious. His own disciples couldn't understand his parables. Often times He had to explain it to them. As followers of Jesus, we are kinda in the same boat. Not to mention His kingdom is upside down. It doesn't work the way the world does. We tend to think like the world, because we are heavily influenced by the world, and we still struggle with sin influences.
That is true. When we become born-again, we bring into our new lives all the garbage from the old. Then, through head knowledge and the Word of God we are to see things as God sees them for we now must look at life from God's perspective rather than man's perspective. We bring into our new lives all the false beliefs about God until God through His Word washes us and causes our minds to change with regard to what we used to believe and what the Word of God tells us to believe. That is, IF you are honest with Scripture. And with regards to the 'upside down kingdom'? We have to get upside down, too. A complete contradiction. The world says in order to get rich we gather and gain, but God says to give it all away and you will be rich. The world says to attain fame and recognition we are to publish ourselves and exalt ourselves. God says to humble yourself and you will be exalted. The world says that to live you must live to and for yourself. God says that in order to live you must die. Totally upside down. God's ways/Word and man's ways are completely opposite of each other. We come into our walk with Jesus believing this and that about God until we read and study His Word and He reproves and corrects us with the goal of instructing in righteousness in order that we may be throughly furnished unto all good works. More head knowledge, more theology. And this is good.
I listen to an audio bible. One of the things I think it does well, is it won't let me take things out of context easy. The reason why I bring this up is because in order to create your theology, you need to be able to pull scripture from various parts of the bible and put it together that way. Then if you run into anything that doesn't sound like it fits your theology, then you got to figure out how it might fit your theology if you think it means something a little different then it sounds like. Or maybe one author meant it to be taken one way in the old testament, and but other person in the new means it to be taken another way. By doing this kind of gymnastic you can get things to come out the way you want them too. Who is God in this? You or God?
That's exactly what happens when one does not give up that which they brought into their new lives believing. It's supposed to be the Word of God (theology) which tells us what to believe, we are not supposed to tell God or the Word of God what to say. And to give you a clue....spend more time studying and reading the Hebrew Scripture (Old Testament.) This is important and key to understanding what the New Testament says. Any interpretation that you reach from reading the New Testament, if it contradicts the Old Testament then it is wrong. The New Testament authors do not contradict the Old Testament. It is our interpretations of the New Testament that contradict what has been written in the Old Testament and that is why knowing the Old Testament should take precedent over knowing the New Testament. And stay away from commentaries. They tend to short-circuit our thinking. Come under the anointing when you read and study, and when you see something in the Old Testament that challenges what you hold as true, let it go and accept what is written. We must all see the same Jesus. We must all say the same thing as God. To do otherwise is to oppose Him.
There are two reasons why I am not in Church anymore. 1) People are not friendly to me. 2) The theology. I think the truth is on my side, and they think the truth is on their side. I always wanted a Church that preached the word, people were friendly, and I could worship Jesus. But instead what I find is Churches that preach the word with a theological slant to it. Not friendly people who want people like me to get better. And some modern worship music, because people just like it that way. They think that modern music will make the Church get bigger.
That is true. The "Gentile" churches in the world today are under a strong delusion. Come out from among them and be ye separate.
I don't have anything against music styles. Most preaching, as long as they are preaching from the Bible, and believes the Bible I can get into that. However the lack of friendliness and caring for nobodies like me drives me nuts. I can even try approaching them, and they give me the "I don't care" attitude.
As far as music goes...if the person is not called to such ministry, then don't listen to them. This requires knowledge of the Hebrew Scripture. If a person is a musician when they become born-again does not immediately qualify them to make music for the brethren and the Lord. Worldly music ministers to the soul, which is not good for us. But a person who is in their calling and anointed will produce music that ministers to our spirit, and this is what we want. Today's contemporary "Christian" music is all boo boo. Consider Rich Mullins.
I have often wondered, if theology didn't exist, how would Churches decide on what they believe? It seems to me they would need to make the belief system more simplistic. Just now Galatians 1:6-9 popped into my head, because I have noticed that theology can change the Gospel message. I posted all of that chapter so that you can read it all in context.

Galatians 1
1 Paul, an apostle—sent not from men nor by a man, but by Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead— 2 and all the brothers and sisters with me,

To the churches in Galatia:

3 Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, 4 who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father, 5 to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

No Other Gospel
6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse!

10 Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

Paul Called by God
11 I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not of human origin. 12 I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it; rather, I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ.

13 For you have heard of my previous way of life in Judaism, how intensely I persecuted the church of God and tried to destroy it. 14 I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers. 15 But when God, who set me apart from my mother’s womb and called me by his grace, was pleased 16 to reveal his Son in me so that I might preach him among the Gentiles, my immediate response was not to consult any human being. 17 I did not go up to Jerusalem to see those who were apostles before I was, but I went into Arabia. Later I returned to Damascus.

18 Then after three years, I went up to Jerusalem to get acquainted with Cephas and stayed with him fifteen days. 19 I saw none of the other apostles—only James, the Lord’s brother. 20 I assure you before God that what I am writing you is no lie.

21 Then I went to Syria and Cilicia. 22 I was personally unknown to the churches of Judea that are in Christ. 23 They only heard the report: “The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy.” 24 And they praised God because of me.

You can keep reading on if you want:
I think if God wanted to talk to me, He would! Like I have always said, it is possible that Jesus hasn't saved me. I wouldn't know why because of what John 3:16 says... On one of my theories is that somehow when I asked Jesus into my heart I had wrong motives as a child. And maybe if a person has the wrong motive Jesus doesn't come in. That theory doesn't make any sense since Jesus comes inside and then begins the process of changing you. This is one of the things that I get tired of with Christianity. If something doesn't work the way we think it should, then we start coming up with possible reasons for how the person is doing something wrong, or isn't doing what they need to do. Like just be quiet long enough and He will speak to you. He's God! He is all powerful! And yet he won't talk to you unless you sit in silence for X amount of time? I got nothing against turning the world off, and just spending time with God. I am just trying to make a point by this example.

You keep speaking about being on a journey. According to Scriptures this is absolutely true. Our journey has a "Path" or as it is called the "WAY of the Lord" and the Jesus "of the Bible" instructs us to "Strive to be on this Path". This journey is rejected by the masses, the religions of this world and replaced with a broad path filled with the religious traditions of man. They are seductive, and Jesus said "Many" will be deceived by them. Like Israel, we are being led though a wilderness, surrounded by these many different religions with their doctrines and tradition of this world. This journey is not an easy way. Jesus said there is a cost. We will be ridiculed. Seduced by the promoters of the Broad Path that many are on.

I completely understand your post because I too, am on the same journey. I too, see "Theology" as a tool used by the serpent in the garden to deceive Eve. I used to think God was silent too. But HE isn't. He speaks to me though HIS Inspired Word every day. His Word's in me guide me. Jesus once said to "Seek First the Kingdom of God and HIS Righteousness". I would advise you to keep going as you are. Don't listen to the "many voices" in the garden God placed you in. If God exists, and I believe HE does, HE is certainly capable of bringing you Home. Just Trust in His Way, like Jesus and the Faithful examples of the Bible did.

Jesus said "man shall Live by Every word of God". This journey is a way of life. You won't find God in the manmade shrines of worship, made of wood and stone. He exists in the mind where His Temple resides.

We have been influenced by these religions since our youth, so there is darkness or deceptions that exist in us. God promised Israel to "Drive out the inhabitants of the land" little by little, not all at once. I believe this is Spiritually speaking about these deceptions, beliefs we have that we sometimes don't even know we have.

Trust His Way my friend. Be very careful of or beware and take heed of those who Jesus was most concerned about in Scriptures. He will bring you to others who are on the same journey, at least he did for me over the last 30 years. You are already showing that God's Word is guiding you. I will leave you with these Inspired Words. And feel free to reach out if you wish.

1 Peter 1: 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

4 To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you,

5 Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

6 Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, "ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations":

7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:

8 Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:

9 Receiving "the end of your faith", even the salvation of your souls.
You keep speaking about being on a journey. According to Scriptures this is absolutely true. Our journey has a "Path" or as it is called the "WAY of the Lord" and the Jesus "of the Bible" instructs us to "Strive to be on this Path". This journey is rejected by the masses, the religions of this world and replaced with a broad path filled with the religious traditions of man. They are seductive, and Jesus said "Many" will be deceived by them. Like Israel, we are being led though a wilderness, surrounded by these many different religions with their doctrines and tradition of this world. This journey is not an easy way. Jesus said there is a cost. We will be ridiculed. Seduced by the promoters of the Broad Path that many are on.

I completely understand your post because I too, am on the same journey. I too, see "Theology" as a tool used by the serpent in the garden to deceive Eve. I used to think God was silent too. But HE isn't. He speaks to me though HIS Inspired Word every day. His Word's in me guide me. Jesus once said to "Seek First the Kingdom of God and HIS Righteousness". I would advise you to keep going as you are. Don't listen to the "many voices" in the garden God placed you in. If God exists, and I believe HE does, HE is certainly capable of bringing you Home. Just Trust in His Way, like Jesus and the Faithful examples of the Bible did.

Jesus said "man shall Live by Every word of God". This journey is a way of life. You won't find God in the manmade shrines of worship, made of wood and stone. He exists in the mind where His Temple resides.

We have been influenced by these religions since our youth, so there is darkness or deceptions that exist in us. God promised Israel to "Drive out the inhabitants of the land" little by little, not all at once. I believe this is Spiritually speaking about these deceptions, beliefs we have that we sometimes don't even know we have.

Trust His Way my friend. Be very careful of or beware and take heed of those who Jesus was most concerned about in Scriptures. He will bring you to others who are on the same journey, at least he did for me over the last 30 years. You are already showing that God's Word is guiding you. I will leave you with these Inspired Words. And feel free to reach out if you wish.

1 Peter 1: 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,

4 To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you,

5 Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

6 Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, "ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations":

7 That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:

8 Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory:

9 Receiving "the end of your faith", even the salvation of your souls.
Peter, as apostle to the Jews writes his epistle to Jews and Jewish Christians. Therefore, his words must be taken in context to the people he writes his epistle to.
The children of Israel. It is the salvation of their souls.
Theology (Word of God) cannot be of the devil. So, let's get this straight.
If any book that claims to be revealed by God leads to evil thoughts, words and acts, then it is evil and not from God.
So, based on the genetically-based salvation that you preach in this Forum, we have either two options

  • OPTION A: Your interpretation of the Bible is incorrect, and you should get rid of that interpretation.
  • OPTION B: The Bible is incorrect, and you should get rid of the Bible.
Any interpretation that you reach from reading the New Testament, if it contradicts the Old Testament then it is wrong. The New Testament authors do not contradict the Old Testament.
Any interpretation that you reach from reading the Bible, that does not bring joy and hope for the Congolese youngsters singing below, on the basis of the lack of Semitic-derived nucleotide sequences in their DNA, is wrong.

If any book that claims to be revealed by God leads to evil thoughts, words and acts, then it is evil and not from God.
It's a good thing this is never the case concerning God's Word.
So, based on the genetically-based salvation that you preach in this Forum, we have either two options

  • OPTION A: Your interpretation of the Bible is incorrect, and you should get rid of that interpretation.
I do not interpret. The Word of God is revealed and is plainly spoken (and written.) There is no need to interpret anything written in the Hebrew Scripture.
All I do is say the same thing as God (Scripture.)
  • OPTION B: The Bible is incorrect, and you should get rid of the Bible.
Seems you've already done that and picked up your eastern Baha'i religion and its scripture.
Any interpretation that you reach from reading the Bible, that does not bring joy and hope for the Congolese youngsters singing below, on the basis of the lack of Semitic-derived nucleotide sequences in their DNA, is wrong.
Why would the Hebrew Scripture bring "joy and hope for the Congolese youngsters singing" anything. God has no covenant with the Congolese. God has covenant with Abram the Hebrew (Gen. 14:13) and with his Hebrew seed (Isaac, Jacob, and Jacob's twelve sons), a people known today and in Scripture as the children of ISRAEL.
Why would the Hebrew Scripture bring "joy and hope for the Congolese youngsters singing" anything.
The interpretation that Hebrews get from their own Scriptures recognize God’s love for all mankind, including the Congolese.
Yet you believe that you know more than them.
Our Jewish brothers understand that being a chosen people among all peoples on Earth has to do with special responsibilities and blessings, and not with God’s hate or indifference to other peoples.
On the contrary, gospel is intended for all mankind
Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the eternal gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth, to every nation and tribe and tongue and people. Rev 14:6

God has no covenant with the Congolese.
How does God save the soul of Congolese little girl who dies of malaria?
Does He need a written covenant in a book to love her and bring her to His presence?

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Peter, as apostle to the Jews writes his epistle to Jews and Jewish Christians. Therefore, his words must be taken in context to the people he writes his epistle to.
The children of Israel. It is the salvation of their souls.
The eternal gospel is intended for all earthlings.
The author of the Book of Revelation MAKES EVERY EFFORT to be as explicit and inclusive as possible:

Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the eternal gospel to preach
to those who dwell on the earth,
to every

and tribe
and tongue

and people.
(Rev 14:6)
The interpretation that Hebrews get from their own Scriptures recognize God’s love for all mankind, including the Congolese.
Yet you believe that you know more than them.
God's love is predicated on covenant promises.

6 For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
7 The LORD did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people:
8 But because the LORD loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, hath the LORD brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. Deut. 7:6–8.

In my studies of the Hebrew Scripture, there are no covenant promises of God towards non-Hebrew Gentiles. Thus, God does not love non-Hebrew Gentiles such as the Congolese, or Germans, or Chinese, or any other offspring of Ham and Japheth. But if the supposed non-Hebrew Gentile has a Hebrew parent somewhere in their ancestry, then they are the seed of Abraham and heirs according to the [covenant] promises of God.
It's that simple.
Our Jewish brothers understand that being a chosen people among all peoples on Earth has to do with special responsibilities and blessings, and not with God’s hate or indifference to other peoples.
More errors. In order to call Jews your "brother" you MUST have the same father. Spiritual or physical, it is only biological truth. Unless you want to claim to be of mixed heritage. But where's your proof? Do you have any documentation or stories in your family about such a thing? No, you don't. You'd rather feign salvation without claiming a Hebrew/Jew in your family ancestry.
On the contrary, gospel is intended for all mankind
Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the eternal gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth, to every nation and tribe and tongue and people. Rev 14:6
That would refer to mixed heritage Hebrews. God scattered His covenant people the twelve tribes of Israel into Gentile lands and beyond And for 15-20 generations after the Assyrian conquest Jews mixed it up with non-Hebrew Gentiles and mixed heritage Hebrews had children with full-blooded Hebrews and the result of that occurrence were the Samaritans. Still the seed of Abraham. The woman at the well knew the truth. This one of the reasons why the "Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans." So, God does that also in 5:9.

9 And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;
Rev. 5:9.

So, God is Sovereign. God's will is Sovereign, so is God's love and His hate of sin and sinner. If God loves "you", God will save "you." If God doesn't love you, then God will not save you. Remember, God saves because of covenant promises such as the promises in Deuteronomy 7:6-8.
How does God save the soul of Congolese little girl who dies of malaria?
Does He need a written covenant in a book to love her and bring her to His presence?
According to Scripture, YES, HE DOES.

6 For thou (the 12 tribes) art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
7 The LORD did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people:
8 But because the LORD loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, hath the LORD brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. Deut. 7:6–8.

See the conditions God set upon Himself in order to express His love towards anyone?

In order to be loved by God one must be in covenant with God. Says right there in the bible.
Do you accept this word in Deuteronomy 7:6-8?
God's love is predicated on covenant promises.
Dear readers:

God’s love is predicated in millions of ways, INCLUDING written covenants.
When Jesus asked us to love our enemies, He used as example of God’s love the fact that He made rain and sunshine bless good and evil men alike. Therefore, since no people is deprived from God’s rain and sunshine, written covenants are not a condition for God to extend his mercy.
The theology defended by brother @jeremiah1five that equals God intersctions and love with the presence of a written covenant is false, and its implications are perverse.
6 For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.
7 The LORD did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all people:
8 But because the LORD loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your fathers, hath the LORD brought you out with a mighty hand, and redeemed you out of the house of bondmen, from the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt. Deut. 7:6–8.
Dear readers

The passage in Deuteronomy 7:6-8 simply describes the love of God for Israel, and how it was connected to the promises done to their ancestors.
The Torah was not meant to describe why God loved the Incas, Celts or Bantus.
So, brother @jeremiah1five is trying to guess how to treat malaria from reading a book of Oncology.

In my studies of the Hebrew Scripture, there are no covenant promises of God towards non-Hebrew Gentiles.
That’s why you shouldn’t limit your understanding of God to Hebrew Scripture.
Study science. Study History of every nation. Study arts, archeology and geopolitics. Study the Quran*
But more importantly, study the notions of good and evil that you got from mom and grandma.

*In the Quran, for example, God considers in equal terms the covenant made from Prophet Muhammed and Noah with the covenants made from Abraham, Moses and Jesus.
Thus, God does not love non-Hebrew Gentiles such as the Congolese, or Germans, or Chinese, or any other offspring of Ham and Japheth. But if the supposed non-Hebrew Gentile has a Hebrew parent somewhere in their ancestry, then they are the seed of Abraham and heirs according to the [covenant] promises of God.
It's that simple.
That argument is a non-sequitur.
From a lack of a written covenant with Nordic people it does not follow that God does not love Nordic people.
More errors. In order to call Jews your "brother" you MUST have the same father. Spiritual or physical, it is only biological truth. Unless you want to claim to be of mixed heritage. But where's your proof? Do you have any documentation or stories in your family about such a thing?
Documentation or stories? What documentation or stories had the people at the Areopagus?
Furthermore, what is the validity of any story a person could bring to a discussion versus a DNA test?
Is brother @jeremiah1five recommending all people in the world to perform a DNA test (considering that even this test is not fully reliable to track ancestors back to Israel?

That would refer to mixed heritage Hebrews.
Absolutely not.
That is why the author, writing at the end of the first century (perhaps as late as 90 AD, when thousands of non-Hebrews were converting) makes every effort to include in his terminology every nation, TRIBE, language and PEOPLE, and that is why he stresses that gospel is preached to those WHO DWELL ON EARTH.
The twisted theology of brother @jeremiah1five , therefore, has been refuted.
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