Answering some objections to a true atonement

If you discuss the poster and not the issue and mud sling the posts will be deleted. Let’s all try to remember the golden rule principle and not attack the other person but their argument.
Yes I should have copied and pasted the whole book. You can say whatever you like and it's too bad you're unhappy with my post but I gave the reference where it came from and quoted what was in it. I'm fine with it.
The same “ rules “ apply when they rip out a verse from Isaiah 53 and disregard the “ context “ from the rest of the Bible .

A text without the context is a pretext for a proof text . It’s called proof texting which is the opposite of biblical exegesis.

PSA entire doctrine is built upon one verse in Isaiah 53 disregarding the entire NT interpretation of Isaiah 53 and the atonement. It’s shaky ground at best.

hope this helps !!!
4. This means God can't run the universe anymore.

Death is not "ceasing to exist," but a change in ontos (mode of being), and spiritual death is relationally experiencing the negative aspects of God. God experiencing a negative relation to himself does not entail the loss of his attributes.

5. Physical death is the only price of sin.

This is just not Biblical. Else everyone pays their debt upon death. There is a second death.

6. But Jesus was a sinless person so he could physically die for us.

God did not tell Adam, "in the day you eat of it, you will die if you are sinless." The wages of sin is death, so sinlessness prohibits dying.
was not Adam sinless, before he began to died in sin, which came physical death?. and true, death is not ceasing to exist, but it is a progressive neutralizer of existence. but, our bodies .... DIE. . for the wages of sin is death, which starts with just one act, in a series of acts of sin, which produce death.... better known as "spots" or wrinkles... yes the result is death. but was this change necessary to comes, after sin.? supportive scripture, 1 Corinthians 15:36 "Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die:" 1 Corinthians 15:37 "And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other grain:"

this is why God made the creature vanity, and subject the same in hope, see Romans 8:20-25.

Does a God with wrath against sin come from paganism?

Yes or no.
equivocting again I see. Gods wrath needing to be appeased is pagan as I have demonstrated via many historical sources in the PSA threads. Also a false god being angry with himself- god is another pagan idea pouring his vengeance on his own being is another anti- biblcal and pagan concept- appeasing the angry gods.

hope this helps !!!
The reason we feel passionately about it is because Scripture completely supports it.
thats the same thing the calvinist claims about tulip, the JW about Jesus, the Mormon, the Catholic about their beliefs. The same with you and PSA. Its unbiblical and not supported with Scripture but eisegesis just like the other above mentioned heresies. You are passionate about the false teaching of kenosis. Passion does not equal truth.

hope this helps !!!
thats the same thing the calvinist claims about tulip, the JW about Jesus, the Mormon, the Catholic about their beliefs. The same with you and PSA. Its unbiblical and not supported with Scripture but eisegesis just like the other above mentioned heresies. You are passionate about the false teaching of kenosis. Passion does not equal truth.

hope this helps !!!
Passion does not equal truth? how so?
thats the same thing the calvinist claims about tulip, the JW about Jesus, the Mormon, the Catholic about their beliefs. The same with you and PSA. Its unbiblical and not supported with Scripture but eisegesis just like the other above mentioned heresies. You are passionate about the false teaching of kenosis. Passion does not equal truth.

hope this helps !!!

Twisting what I said.

You really should stop doing that.
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