What is an example of a sinful nature?
''Hatred'' (Gk echthra), i.e., intense, hostile intentions and acts; extreme dislike or enmity.
“Discord'' (Gk eris) quarreling, antagonism; a struggle for superiority (Rom 1:29; 1 Cor 1:11;3:3 )
''Jealousy'' (Gk zelos), i.e., resentfulness, envy of another's success (Rom 13:13; 1Cor 3:3)
My gosh! I just realized that some I needed to put on Ignore have a sin nature!
grace and peace ....................
Don't worry-
Rom_1:29-31 Paul lists vices that characterize those who reject God. Lists like this are common in Paul’s writing. Sometimes he gives them to instruct the righteous on how to live (Rom_13:13; Gal_5:19-21; Col_3:5). Other times, as he does here, Paul uses these lists to describe the ungodly (1Co_6:9-10; 1Ti_1:9-10).
1:29–31 This list of sins follows a popular Hellenistic literary form called a vice list. While not exhaustive, it reminds readers of various forms that evil might take. - NLTSB
being filled with -- Humans are filled and characterized by what they dwell upon. The rabbis would say that in every human heart is a black (evil yetzer) dog and a white (good yetzer) dog. The one who is fed the most becomes the largest. - Utley
unrighteousness -- It is a general word describing the evil effects in human relations that man’s suppressing the knowledge of God produces.
Unrighteousness, ἀδικια. This is a word denoting injustice, or iniquity in general. The particular specifications of the iniquity follow. - BN
sexual immorality --
[evil -- wickedness -- ] . . is what is contrary to what is right or just. Wickedness (evil, NIV) is what is vile and sinister.
Wickedness. The word used here denotes a desire of injuring others; or, as we should express it, malice. BN
covetousness . . [greed] -- Greed is the drive to obtain more.
Covetousness. Avarice, or the desire of obtaining that which belongs to others.
Greed (πλεονεξία, pleonexia ... greed is the insatiable desire to accumulate more and more things in general, without regard for the rights and needs of others. Col_3:5 says that this sin is idolatry, because acquisition of things becomes one’s god. - CPNIV
maliciousness -- Same word as 1Pe_2:1, (where E. V. “malice,”) 16. The Gr. is a wider word than these English words. - CBSC
Depravity (κακία, kakia). Barclay says it is “the most general Greek word for badness.… It is the degeneracy out of which all sins grow and in which all sins flourish” - CPNIV
full of envy -- Lit. brimful; a word as strong as possible.
Envy (φθόνος, phthonos). It means not just wanting what another person has, but also resenting that person for having it. It is an attitude of ill-will and jealousy that leads to division and strife and even murder. - CPNIV
murder -- The taking of human life with premeditated malice.
strife . .“Insolent” focuses on activities, “arrogant” on thoughts, and “boastful” on words
...the word in the original meant also contention, strife, altercation, connected with anger and heated zeal; Rom_13:13; 1Co_1:11; 1Co_3:3; 2Co_12:20; Gal_5:20: Php_1:15; 1Ti_6:4; Tit_3:9. This contention and strife would, of course, follow from malice and covetousness, &c. - BN
deceit -- (δόλος, dolos), guile, treachery, cunning, hypocrisy. This denotes fraud, falsehood.
evil mindedness -- [malignity, malice] -- Our “ill-nature” exactly.
This word signifies here, not malignity in general, but that particular species of it which consists in misinterpreting the words or actions of others, or putting the worst construction on their conduct. - BN
Hendriksen says it indicates “the desire to harm people”.
whisperers -- [gossips] -- (ψιθυριστής, psithuristēs) Those who secretly, and in a sly manner, by hints and inuendoes, detract from others, or excite suspicion of them. - BN
... literally, “whisperers,” or those who whisper gossip into someone’s ear behind another’s back. They are talebearers, rumormongers, “whisperers-behind-doors” (Phillips) who spread their slanders secretly. - CP