An honest inquiry into the nature of Christology by a Trinitarian

You need to find a better lawyer than that.....

You have no defense.

I still think you are playing a game of not getting it.
lol I’ve defended the Trinity from much more astute people with biblical degrees. :) who also read and translate greek
You need to find a better lawyer than that.....

You have no defense.

I still think you are playing a game of not getting it.
I think you are playing a game of not knowing the definition of the Trinity. I line up with the creeds and scripture and every Protestant denomination that has the Trinity in their statement of faith.
Natures are not persons :) you are conflating them. If that’s the case you are a tritheist not a trinitarian. You can’t have your cake and eat it too as they say.
I am not conflating nature and persons, I am recognising that a person with one nature is not the same person as one who has two natures. Do you honestly believe if we slapped on another nature to you that you would be the same person? The last time we got a person with two natures was Genesis 6 and they were singled out as being different.
Oh that’s funny as it’s the other way around. I get the Trinity and the Hypostatic Union. I’m orthodox and biblical with my view.

  1. Those who allege to speak in tongues claim to be orthodox and biblical.
  2. Those who say you must be water baptized to be saved claim to be orthodox and biblical.
  3. Those who say you can lose your salvation claim to be orthodox and biblical.
  4. Those who claim you must tithe 10% of your income claim to be orthodox and biblical.
  5. Those who say that you must observe the Sabbath day on Saturday claim to be orthodox and biblical.
  6. Those who say you should not eat shellfish and ham claim to be orthodox and biblical.
  7. Those who say God has predestined certain souls to the Lake of Fire claim to be orthodox and biblical.
  8. Those who claim God must force a person (irresistible grace) to believe claim to be orthodox and biblical.

Good company you are keeping....
I am not conflating nature and persons, I am recognising that a person with one nature is not the same person as one who has two natures. Do you honestly believe if we slapped on another nature to you that you would be the same person? The last time we got a person with two natures was Genesis 6 and they were singled out as being different.
lol another false teaching man and angels
  1. Those who allege to speak in tongues claim to be orthodox and biblical.
  2. Those who say you must be water baptized to be saved claim to be orthodox and biblical.
  3. Those who say you can lose your salvation claim to be orthodox and biblical.
  4. Those who claim you must tithe 10% of your income claim to be orthodox and biblical.
  5. Those who say that you must observe the Sabbath day on Saturday claim to be orthodox and biblical.
  6. Those who say you should not eat shellfish and ham claim to be orthodox and biblical.
  7. Those who say God has predestined certain souls to the Lake of Fire claim to be orthodox and biblical.
  8. Those who claim God must force a person (irresistible grace) to believe claim to be orthodox and biblical.

Good company you are keeping....
I’m not a Calvinist another misrepresentation from you
He took on flesh. "A body you prepared for me" (Heb.10:5). He did not get His human nature from Mary, our parents only create our bodies. "flesh gives birth to flesh" (Jn.3:6). Only God can create souls (Gen1:27) from where our human nature originates. If the Lord Jesus is not two natures in one person eternally, you must necessarily have him partly created. You must also have Him become another person. One person with one nature eternally and then become another person with two natures at a point in time. You can not expect to get a second nature and be the same person you always were.

The soul of God has existed eternally and that soul is in the Word.
You are CORRECT.

Here is the EVIDENCE

The Soul of Jesus is as much Deity as He Himself IS.

His flesh was deity only in this perspective = his Body was Divinely Begotten = being formed without sin

Leviticus 26:11
For I will look on you favorably and make you fruitful, multiply you and confirm My covenant with you.
You shall eat the old harvest, and clear out the old because of the new.
I will set My tabernacle among you, and
My soul shall not abhor you.
I will walk among you and be your God, and you shall be My people.

Dwell on that!
You are CORRECT.

Here is the EVIDENCE

The Soul of Jesus is as much Deity as He Himself IS.

His flesh was deity only in this perspective = his Body was Divinely Begotten = being formed without sin

Leviticus 26:11
For I will look on you favorably and make you fruitful, multiply you and confirm My covenant with you.
You shall eat the old harvest, and clear out the old because of the new.
I will set My tabernacle among you, and
My soul shall not abhor you.
I will walk among you and be your God, and you shall be My people.

Dwell on that!
You may as well say Adam's body was divine on that basis, maybe even more divine as only God had anything to do with preparing that body. That body also was without sin.

Christ's body on earth was exactly like ours except it didn't have a sin nature because He had no biological father.
You may as well say Adam's body was divine on that basis, maybe even more divine as only God had anything to do with preparing that body. That body also was without sin.

Christ's body on earth was exactly like ours except it didn't have a sin nature because He had no biological father.
He didn't have a sin nature because no one if born having a sin nature. Thats augustinian nonsense he got from the greek philosophers, Platonists, pagans and manacheans/gnostics.
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