An honest inquiry into the nature of Christology by a Trinitarian

Teach me :) in teachable, a student

I would rather teach you about from whom God has provided to know how to teach on the level needed.
Someone whom even many pastors used for their reference studies.
But on the other hand? I would have to be naïve to try with the way you keep receiving everything I say here.

I am not here to teach you.
I am here to learn from you and your friends example a lesson that God wants me to benefit from by means of growing in grace.

Have a nice Day.
On Ignore.

Others reading your post will see why its a good idea....
Thank you for the blessing.

"Blessed are you when men shall hate you, and when they shall exclude you, and shall insult you, and shall cast out your name as evil, on account of the Son of Man." - Luke 6:22
So you believe you've received advanced revelation and knowledge because you know a name of God?
No. I just know THE name of THE one true God, Jesus' God.

Pretending the one true God of the Bible has more than one name is childish. Other verses may reveal one of many titles but that is a change in subject.

From a logical perspective, why would God say his one and only is name is YHWH and this is his eternal name to be remembered for all generations, only to contradict himself by saying he has all kinds of names?
It’s an oxymoron:)

He is the Eternal Son not eternally begotten :)

Then.. your way?
God the Son only has one nature.

Why do you seem to feel duty bound to resist immediately anything that you have not been shown before?

You should take some time first to think.

If the two natures of the Son of God were merely eternally existing, and one was not begotten?
Then NOTHING was begotten. And, NOTHING could be a second nature.
Both natures would be one nature. And, that nature would have to be God.

I hated my first year at Bible college because everything seemed so confusing.
Painfully, I wanted to be sure of what I believe.
But, there was a need to endure until answers were to be provided by God.

Instead of enduring, some just make up their minds and say, "This is it!" (and refuse to budge from then on)

Refusing to grow... Even Jesus grew in wisdom! Luke 2:52

“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.”

Your way of see Him as only being one nature (God)? Makes increasing in wisdom an impossibility...

;) ................ I'll keep bringing you back to what you have avoided dealing with time after time...

“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.”

I shouldn't feel too bad. Jesus faced much worse from the "religious" men who kept on resisting his mind.

Sung to the tune..
Santa is Coming to Town

You better watch out! You better not lie.
You better stop now, I'm telling you why.

The Rapture... is just around the bend!
That's when, all this nonsense will end!

No more time to play pretend..
Playing silly games!

No more... calling others out....
By labeling them with heretical names!

Yippeee I-Oh - Yippee I-yay!
Yippee I-Oh,
- keep that in mind!

He willllllllllllllllllllll.... instantly snatch us away!

Leaving all excuses, behind!

No. I just know THE name of THE one true God, Jesus' God.

Pretending the one true God of the Bible has more than one name is childish. Other verses may reveal one of many titles but that is a change in subject.

From a logical perspective, why would God say his one and only is name is YHWH and this is his eternal name to be remembered for all generations, only to contradict himself by saying he has all kinds of names?

Wrangler's Book of Biblical Standards?
Page 315, section 64.
Then.. your way?
God the Son only has one nature.

Why do you seem to feel duty bound to resist immediately anything that you have not been shown before?

You should take some time first to think.

If the two natures of the Son of God were merely eternally existing, and one was not begotten?
Then NOTHING was begotten. And, NOTHING could be a second nature.
Both natures would be one nature. And, that nature would have to be God.

I hated my first year at Bible college because everything seemed so confusing.
Painfully, I wanted to be sure of what I believe.
But, there was a need to endure until answers were to be provided by God.

Instead of enduring, some just make up their minds and say, "This is it!" (and refuse to budge from then on)

Refusing to grow... Even Jesus grew in wisdom! Luke 2:52

“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.”

Your way of see Him as only being one nature (God)? Makes increasing in wisdom an impossibility...

;) ................ I'll keep bringing you back to what you have avoided dealing with time after time...

“And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.”

I shouldn't feel too bad. Jesus faced much worse from the "religious" men who kept on resisting his mind.

Sung to the tune..
Santa is Coming to Town

You better watch out! You better not lie.
You better stop now, I'm telling you why.

The Rapture... is just around the bend!
That's when, all this nonsense will end!

No more time to play pretend..
Playing silly games!

No more... calling others out....
By labeling them with heretical names!

Yippeee I-Oh - Yippee I-yay!
Yippee I-Oh,
- keep that in mind!

He willllllllllllllllllllll.... instantly snatch us away!

Leaving all excuses, behind!

Two natures when He became man at the Incarnation not before

Christ himself was like God in everything [ Who, being in the form of God].
But he did not think that being equal with God was something to be
used for his own benefit [or grasped; seized; held on to].

But he gave up his place with God and made himself nothing [ emptied himself].
He ·became like [took the form of] a servant [slave; bondservant]
and was born as a man [ in the likeness of humanity/men].

And ·when he was living [ being found in appearance/likeness] as a ·man [human being],
he humbled himself and was fully obedient to God,
even ·when that caused his [to the point of] death—death on a cross.

Philippians 2:6-8
Expanded Bible​

God is immutable. God can not cease being God.
Causing us to conclude?
Having two natures in union - Soul and Deity -
It was His Soul that emptied itself of all the powers that had been granted to Him,

And, with His Soul.. entered the body that God provided by means of His servant Mary.


He (Jehovah) was eternally existing having a Soul before the body from Mary came into being!

'You will eat the old supply and clear out the old because of the new.
Moreover, I will make My dwelling among you, and my soul will not reject you.'
I will also walk among you and be your God, and you shall be My people."
Lev 26:10-12

And they began to remove the foreign gods from their midst and to serve Jehovah,
so that his soul became impatient because of the trouble of Israel.
Jdges 10:16

Jehovah himself examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one,
and anyone loving violence his soul certainly hates."
Ps 11:5​

God in essence is not soul.

Soul essence is not Deity.

= Two natures *before* the Incarnation....

Please do not deny what it says again. It says that God has a soul in the OT Scriptures!

grace and peace ..............
John 1:1-14.
He took on flesh. "A body you prepared for me" (Heb.10:5). He did not get His human nature from Mary, our parents only create our bodies. "flesh gives birth to flesh" (Jn.3:6). Only God can create souls (Gen1:27) from where our human nature originates. If the Lord Jesus is not two natures in one person eternally, you must necessarily have him partly created. You must also have Him become another person. One person with one nature eternally and then become another person with two natures at a point in time. You can not expect to get a second nature and be the same person you always were.

The soul of God has existed eternally and that soul is in the Word.
John 1:1-14.

"The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us." John 1:14a​

It says in the Greek that the flesh acted as a tent. That he "tabernacled" among us.

To become something different? Indicates pre-existing as something else before it changed.
It indicates that the Word was existing prior to there being any flesh to indwell...

Just like a person exists before putting up a tent to dwell in.

Why do you have such a hard time with this?

Its not been difficult for most believers I have known.

Its as if you have you sworn allegiance to some group not to believe, and they are watching you
to make sure you stay true to what you swore to. Not saying you are doing that. But, its as if
you had done so....

In light of what the Word of God tells us, and many understand with out a problem?
You are making no sense.

He took on flesh. "A body you prepared for me" (Heb.10:5). He did not get His human nature from Mary, our parents only create our bodies. "flesh gives birth to flesh" (Jn.3:6). Only God can create souls (Gen1:27) from where our human nature originates. If the Lord Jesus is not two natures in one person eternally, you must necessarily have him partly created. You must also have Him become another person. One person with one nature eternally and then become another person with two natures at a point in time. You can not expect to get a second nature and be the same person you always were.

The soul of God has existed eternally and that soul is in the Word.
Natures are not persons :) you are conflating them. If that’s the case you are a tritheist not a trinitarian. You can’t have your cake and eat it too as they say.
He took on flesh. "A body you prepared for me" (Heb.10:5). He did not get His human nature from Mary, our parents only create our bodies. "flesh gives birth to flesh" (Jn.3:6). Only God can create souls (Gen1:27) from where our human nature originates. If the Lord Jesus is not two natures in one person eternally, you must necessarily have him partly created. You must also have Him become another person. One person with one nature eternally and then become another person with two natures at a point in time. You can not expect to get a second nature and be the same person you always were.

The soul of God has existed eternally and that soul is in the Word.

He is not getting it .....
Natures are not persons :) you are conflating them. If that’s the case you are a tritheist not a trinitarian. You can’t have your cake and eat it too as they say.

You make arguments from erroneous conclusions.. then demanding we defend what you claimed as if we said it
Is not God the Son having a Divine nature?
And, a human nature?

In effect?

What you have is like Clark Kent walking around dressed with a big "S" on his chest, and wearing a cape..
And? Wearing eyeglasses.... Claiming to be Clark Kent.
You make arguments from erroneous conclusions.. then demanding we defend what you claimed as if we said it
Is not God the Son having a Divine nature?
And, a human nature?

In effect?

What you have is like Clark Kent walking around dressed with a big "S" on his chest, and wearing a cape..
And? Wearing eyeglasses.... Claiming to be Clark Kent.
Just the opposite He wore human flesh, was an ordinary man on the outside and God ( His Deity ) was veiled with his outside appearance being man, fully human. :)

You can’t even get your analogy correct lol
Just the opposite He wore human flesh, was an ordinary man on the outside and God ( His Deity ) was veiled with his outside appearance being man, fully human. :)

You can’t even get your analogy correct lol
He had no soul... The flesh was God's hand puppet.

And, God acted dumb. Of course.
God had to play a game of pretend.
For God can not grow in wisdom.
Neither can God say to Himself... "Not my will but your will be done."

Why do you desire to keep stalling others?
To see how stupid we are?
He had no soul... The flesh was God's hand puppet.

And, God acted dumb. Of course.
God had to play a game of pretend.
For God can not grow in wisdom.
Neither can God say to Himself... "Not my will but your will be done."

Why do you desire to keep stalling others?
To see how stupid we are?
Just the opposite He wore human flesh, was an ordinary man on the outside and God ( His Deity ) was veiled with his outside appearance being man, fully human. :)

You can’t even get your analogy correct lol

You are perpetual ... "Trinity 101."

Conventional.... never maturing in understanding, as we all should be doing.

Not a good place to stay if someone is desiring to grow in grace and knowledge......

But be growing in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18​

In case you're wondering?

I do not keep repeating myself in hopes you will finally get it.

I keep telling you what you refuse to grasp, because some others here will understand and benefit.
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