The whole reason there are hundreds of different religions claiming to be christian with hundreds of different truths= a mass of confusion-Why=a lack of holy spirit. In light of 1 Cor 1:10=Unity of thought( All of Gods 1 truth) no division=a true mark of the 1 single religion that has Jesus=1 single religion followed means those get holy spirt so God can guide them into all truth. The rest are darkness( the broad and spacious path)Yep. You did.
Are you telling me that unless I bow to your understanding and perspective, I'm going to hell?
What makes you think I was unaware that the Bible contains over 31,100 verses, 1189 chapters, 66 books- 39 in the old, and 27 in the new?
I've been reading it for the purpose of understanding, learning, awareness and obedience for the past 46 years.
So, what part of the bible do you think I'm not understanding?
Let me ask you the following.
In philippians 3, Paul states,
Phi 3: 15 Therefore as many as are mature should be of this mind. And if you are minded in anything differently, even this God will reveal to you. 16 Nevertheless, to that which we have attained, we are to walk by the same.
How do you think I should handle this?
He's pretty clear that if we're missing something important, God is quite capable of ensuring that we get it.
Do you think that I'm not seeing what's important in following Jesus?
Jesus teaches( he meant everything he taught)= Man does not live by bread alone but by EVERY utterance from God--this means In the religion that has Jesus, those taking the lead teach EVERY utterance( OT-NT) from God to the flock without fail. All can look this very minute and see if they are being taught by the teachers who listen to Jesus and teach EVERY utterance from God. If not-RUN FROM THEM. They are these-2Cor 11:12-15