Yes, Calvinists—free will IS in the Bible.

i just gave the reality, the option,
so the option is not one of the 'two' constantly piped in for the audience by esaus over centuries.

the only option is He rescue us from here, this prison. One option. Same one Paul talks about.
we are physically imprisoned in a body not made by Him
far away from home on an earth not made by Him.

That is not free.

Scripture tells us plainly:

24 "God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands.
25 "Nor is He worshiped with men's hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things.
26 "And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, (Acts 17:24-26 NKJ)

Now, maybe what you mean is "it's not the way God intended or originally made it due to the curse of sin."

Bondage is seen as a spiritual thing in Scripture, not a natural thing:

36 "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. (Jn. 8:36 NKJ)
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Scripture tells us plainly:

24 "God, who made the world and everything in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands.
25 "Nor is He worshiped with men's hands, as though He needed anything, since He gives to all life, breath, and all things.
26 "And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, (Acts 17:24-26 NKJ)
Now, maybe what you mean is "it's not the way God intended or originally made it due to the curse of sin."

Bondage is seen as a spiritual thing in Scripture, not a natural thing:

36 "Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. (Jn. 8:36 NKJ)
you bolded something. but it does not make your point since you assume the land meant there is the one after the fall,
where we no longer can walk with him literally , and are separated by a veil... a world with different features
and plus quoted from kjv sorcery text.
you bolded something. but it does not make your point since you assume the land meant there is the one after the fall,
where we no longer can walk with him literally , and are separated by a veil... a world with different features
and plus quoted from kjv sorcery text.

Do you think there are other creators besides God?

Little god creators making things?
Do you think there are other creators besides God?

Little god creators making things?
In an absolute sense, no. But as we know from the 3 baby makers who
try to alter dna, or trans surgeries, or the mrna lunatics, or the cern
lunacy, there are those who 'think they create'..
and in a broad sense, that is the satanic realm. Out of their jealousy
of man, they has been doing that since before the fall.
And that satanic club is a bit more advanced than
modern scientists and geneticists are.

and you can put henry ford in there, though his 'invention' is
apparently benign, not so ego driven as to think he can
go to mars like musk and not factoring in car accidents.

it it helps, there are a few things more i could say.

first, i watched an interesting video,
just because with my prof. background, I am interested in
certain topics and i read journals and so on, occasionally.
Lately the topics have been related to physics, though
I only understand a certain amount of it, not formulas.
In the video, a fellow was explaining how platonic solids,
as mathematical shapes, can be extended to 48, keeping quantum physics
in mind. The video is interesting, since it could explain in crude analogy, the concepts
of a deformed earth, as this one here is, where it appears as 'round' EXCEPT --
rev and enoch do not describe that... and also the idea of
how what we think we see may be wrong, depending on the point of view or mindset.
the guy in the video talks too fast, but at a certain point later in the video once he has
started to show how the round shapes start to look like lines, the point I am trying to make
comes out, which maybe I could have found a better video to explain it..
but that one was on my youtube. The point is that our perception after the fall distorts reality.
Think of cymatics, how sound can make shapes. There are lots of videos and articles on the topic,
so I won't go into it here. And I also think that satanic realm, has done and does
continuously things to distort reality... even though they cannot Create in the sense God can.
they can only create, though at a much more advanced level, like a painter, or house builder,
by using existing materials or by affecting the soul's views by showing the soul false realities..
we see this on the news continually. it's their constant efforts to hurt us.
I've responded with length since I usually do not, since perhaps that brevity caused
problems... on the other hand... I stopped writing more extensive responses
on another forum, as what I found is, that no matter what I do, either citing,
making a big attempt at compiling data, retranslating a text from the ancient language,
no matter what, none of that works because in the end, a person context comes
first and they interpret everything from there. So the idea of a debate where
someone 'wins' is really only as attrition. I think in ancient texts this was called
the donkey game, which is essentially pester and play the game until the opponent
is so exhausted he gives up or goes away and the bully wins, i.e,. socrates, who
was a complete bully.

Such that this current earth, is not the earth we were created into.. and follows different rules...
(in the same way that the mind of a psychopath follows different rules and is not normal.)

Christ said he was not from here...for He is from above.

this to me is a distorted fallen corrupt version far far away from home,
and the analogy i gave is to try and show a bit of how the point of view
and mindset, determines how reality might 'look.' BTW, I am not a flat earther...
I go with the cube mentioned in Rev, and in Enoch... which is in the other world,
iin His reality where enoch was taken to... this globe being the distortion
coming after the fall via sorcery.

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The flat earth could also be satanic principalities in the other reality,
as seen in the norwegian world trees, a round disk.

Nothing of His is a globe or circling or revolving or expanding.
Progress is not needed, or evolution, since His reality is perfect...

although in this world, dna does change and adapt, or scientists
alter it and then believe they 'created' a new thing... as in previous post.

I brought up that flat earth concept, a big war in previous centuries,
as an analogy to what I am trying to say... that this earth appears as it does
to us, because of Adam's disobedience. And that we are in perishable bodies
in a foreign land, because of Adam's treachery.

Anything 'created' here which I deem not His, was via theft from us..
because the satanic realm took the fallen situation and twisted every meaning.
compare the recent fiasco, which twists the meaning of male and female
in sports... the satanic realm has twisted every meaning and reality..
believing itself to be as God... adam's sin full force.
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I'm interested in your ancient text translations.

Start a thread and show us.
I don't start threads as I decided with all the all the fighting on forums,
it's not good. plus I've chronic fatigue..
I've tried to express in some sort of way a response..
to the extent which I can do...
here is another example of how reality can be warped..
yet not be the real thing.

the glasses (cf., mindset, point of view) makes the woman's reality
seem the opposite of what it is!
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on this particular thread, I mostly wanted to say
that His souls were free before what adam did...
and that here, in this fallen situation, there is no being free..
but that soon when we are restored to paradise,
we will be again free...

Since I mentioned it...there are many images and websites..
the idea there in that is that the form of reality can be affected by the mindset
(compare sound, speech). this earth being the fallen situation
caused by sin... thus, its nature reflects that.

yes, i am saying cosmological changes occurred because of the fall..
thus the perishable situation and a nature (here) which does not care
about us...such as storms, avalanches, pain, death, cancer etc. and
does not look like His Nature and Creation in Paradise, in many ways...
add to this the warning of entering Death... and here we are.
if you skip in that geometry video to around the 22 minute mark...for up to about 15 seconds,
you can see how depending the point of view, the square is made to seem to be something else
which is the point... the cosmological Dimensional changes...because of adam...

also, too bad that the music he chose is creepy.
just that 15 seconds or so shows the entire point, if the whole video is too boring...
which it is a bit..but... in that case, just watch those few seconds from 22m.
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the connection of cymatics to the idea of a flat or globe
shape, would be that cymatics (as the being speaking!)
could warp reality we see.
after the fall, man was no longer listening to Him
and instead listening to the carnal mind.
if it was not clear... the analogy was that God's reality is the Real and pretty Reality...
and after man fell, a different point of view entered for him, even to the point of cosmological changes....
the evil realm mindset or Self, distorted God's reality...
such that the Self viewed itself as ruling itself, not ruled by God...
and doing horrific things. so in the analogy of the first video at minute 22,
the weird way that a cube appears as a caduceus type
shape or a hexagram or the way a straight line becomes crooked based on perspective -
all that can be understood as sorcery, backwards speech... starting for souls after the fall.
The analogy is not perfect...but I am trying to explain how a different consciousness can
affect one's view of reality... just as fake news can confuse people as to what was really
said or done... translators have done the same with their 'translations' and commentaries...
in the same type of analogy, a sociopath has a point of view where everything is backwards...
and horrors happen because of it... that sociopathic point of view is different than
of a poor soul just trying to survive in the circus earth reality.
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Free will is the limited ability to select between certain limited options as ordained and circumscribed by God's created order.

Sounds right to me. I'd only add that our will is determined by our strongest inclination at the given time. Suppose someone put a gun to my head and said, "Your money or your life!" If I was Jack Benny, I'd stall and say, "I'm thinking! I'm thinking!" But for the rest of us, barring any other option, I'd have to decide whether I want to die and let him take my money then, or give him my money and hope he's satisfied with that. Whichever I choose will be determined by my strongest inclination at the time. That's free will. Self-determination.

However, if it is God's will that I die, then I will die no matter what I choose. That's God's sovereignty.
Whichever I choose will be determined by my strongest inclination at the time. That's free will. Self-determination.

This is not clear thinking. This the confused doublespeak of compatibiliism, as it's formerly known, a literal logical contradiction.

If your only real option is your strongest desire, the other "options" are not actual options, you are just calling them something called "options."

When I speak of options I mean actual potentials of choice, not potentially determined strongest desires.

Again the "limited" means there are areas and times where we do not really have an option, and LFW has always taught this.

The area of options are limited to certain things decided by God, and these include things we are actually capable of.

I may not actually be capable of ripping my own skin off, for example, because the desire not to overpowers me, but that is no proof of anything.
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