Would you sin..... to...

Question for saints. Those born again.

Dr. B.R. Lakin once told of a women that challenged him on her son being in hell. She made the statement....

"If my son is in hell.... I want to be with my son".

I'm going to say this clearly so there is zero doubt concerning what I'm say.......

From time to time, I struggle with Universalism. If it were not for just a few verses in the Scriptures, I believe that I would be a Universalist. Not that I not against sin. I am. Not that I don't believe in evil... I do. Absolutely. I believe in evil. I believe in morality. I'm probably harder on ethics/morality than most anyone you have every meet.

However, I do not believe that evil actually... CHALLENGES.... Good. God is above evil. Incapable of evil. His Character is beyond reproach. He is altogether lovely....Evil could never challenge God. Evil is powerless against God.

I said all that to ask this question.

Would YOU... commit sin to save your own? To save those you love?
No. For the sole reason that those I love in this world who do not make it to heaven will be the same people I will hate in glory.
My perspective will radically change when I get to glory, and I will see as God sees and God will not see those in hell He loves but those in hell He hates. He will see only unatoned sin and so will I. And being in glory when God throws these unatoned sinners into the Lake of Fire, I will sing His praises and clap and shout HALLELU-JAH!
I've not spent any time trying to figure that out....

In review....

1. Are inanimate object capable of evil?.... (No)
2. Is a tadpole capable of evil, that by instinct, eats zooplankton? (No, however, it is a product of circumstances that come about by evil.)

Mankind was bound to circumstances that came about by evil even though they are morally neutral or incapable of having the power to commit certain sins.

Inclination is not absolute certainty.
And being in glory when God throws these unatoned sinners into the Lake of Fire, I will sing His praises and clap and shout HALLELU-JAH!
... the joy of Malachi 4:2 But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings, and you will go out and frolic like calves from the stall, 3 [when] you will trample the wicked, for they will be as ashes under the soles of your feet on the day I am preparing, says the LORD of Hosts., the image that makes the so called holy church cringe with embarrassment and horror, but proof we are free of this world and its suffering. The image of being gathered into our LORD's barn while the tares are gathered and burnt is filled out and the full emotional experience of that event is given in this small verse from Malachi.
In review....

1. Are inanimate object capable of evil?.... (No)
2. Is a tadpole capable of evil, that by instinct, eats zooplankton? (No, however, it is a product of circumstances that come about by evil.)

Mankind was bound to circumstances that came about by evil even though they are morally neutral or incapable of having the power to commit certain sins.

Inclination is not absolute certainty.

I'm more curious about what the verses about sinful animals means in Genesis especially in Gen 3:1 when the sinful animals are mentioned BEFORE Adam ate causing me to wonder about the when did sin come into the world thing again and how or why did YHWH create sinful animals, or how and when did they fall if HE did not create them that way...? Maybe GOD CAN create evil...nope, a non-starter with me, something else is going on in these verses.

Curiouser and curiouser....
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