Worship Label


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The God of Israel has given instructions for how to worship Him by testifying about His nature. The Son has the exact image of God's nature (Hebrews 1:3), so the way to worship Him is exactly the same as the way to worship the God of Israel. So if someone is following those instructions, then what difference does it make for them to label what they are doing as worshiping the Father, as worshiping the Son, or to not label what they are doing as either? In James 2:18, he would show his faith by his works, so if someone is showing the same faith by doing the same works as James, then what difference does it make which label they use to refer to the being that they are worshiping? If someone were say that they are worshiping Piufgedha and that communicates to everyone that I am worshiping a being who has the same nature of the God of Israel, then what difference does it make to say that they are worshiping them or the Father? What should be important is that they are worshiping a being who has the nature of the God of Israel, not the way that they refer to that being. If there is no difference in what two people are doing other than the way that they label it, then whether they say they worship the Father alone or worship the Trinity is a moot point.
When God "labels" something, it is meaningful. Some claim sin is good and good is sin. Labels are meaningful.
While labels are indeed meaningful, the way to worship the Father is identical to the way to worship the Son, so there is not a meaningful distinction between labeling what we are doing as worshiping the Father or the Son. In other words, what is the difference other than label if one person is worshiping the Father by helping the poor and another person is worshiping the Son by helping the poor?
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While labels are indeed meaningful, the way to worship the Father is identical to the way to worship the Son, so there is not a meaningful distinction between labeling what we are doing as worshiping the Father or the Son. In other words, what is the difference other than label if one person is worshiping the Father by helping the poor and another person is worshiping the Son by helping the poor?

The Father has exalted the Son. The Father requires all men to access Him, through the Son. There is no direct access to the Father. There is direct access to the Son.
While labels are indeed meaningful, the way to worship the Father is identical to the way to worship the Son, so there is not a meaningful distinction between labeling what we are doing as worshiping the Father or the Son. In other words, what is the difference other than label if one person is worshiping the Father by helping the poor and another person is worshiping the Son by helping the poor?
I don't think the Scriptures back up this point of view.
Paul writes to his fellow Jewish believers:
[Gal 4:6 LSB] 6 And because you are sons, God sent forth the Spirit of His Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!"

That was specifically addressed to God, the Father. There's no way Jesus is worshiped by calling Him "Abba! Father!"

In Revelation 5:9-10, the living beings and elders sing a new song:
"You are worthy to take the written text and to open the seals thereof. You were sacrificed and with your blood paid the price required of God; out from every tribe and people and nation. And have made it possible for them to be a kingdom and kings and priests for our God and they will rule on the earth." [translated from Peshitta Aramaic text]

This can only be sung of Messiah Jesus. It does not apply to the Father.

The content and who is addressed must be different because the persons and attributes of who God is are different.
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