Witness to the truth.


Active member
This will be my last post on this section of the forum, indeed the forum itself.
As such it is a personal comment.

The last weeks have confirmed what I already knew from elsewhere: how pointless it is for the billion Catholics , backed by millions of the best Theologians of history to discuss the faith with Protestants . I was wary of wasting my time in answering the call to Catholics to come, and the experience confirmed what I expected!

The posters here still don’t get it, the usual trite I’ll researched cut and paste nonsense and cliches don’t work on me.
I AM ex protestant , ex fundamentalist and I spent 20 years your side of the fence.
I was where you were. I know what all your arguments are and also the Fatal flaws in them. Its why I left you to Join the unpublicisized stream of thousands of Protestant ministers and theologians returning to Rome.

I am also very widely read. I don’t do the Protestant thing. I read books by anglicans, baptists , all shades of Calvinist of which there are many. I ask them what they think, not their enemies.
Indeed it is hard to define either Presbyterian or Pentecostal thinking, because they are decentralised and local elders decide “ their version”
What I do not do, is what the illinformed anti catholics do here, by Quoting I’ll informed “ anti” sources. I let them all speak for themselves.

And what I concluded was the obvious truth: on every aspect of doctrine from baptism, eucharist, priesthood, predestination, moral issues , marriage issues , end times, even the big ones like soteriology and trinity ALL of you protestants disagree with each other on fundamentals!

From that you can rightly conclude the only common Protestant core doctrine of sola scriptura does not work. Not surprising. It is said nowhere in scripture, it is not scriptural, historical , or even logical! and what you all mean by it is “ your personal interpretation ” of scripture disagrees!!
The reformers didn’t agree with each other, their eponymous churches don’t agree with them and they have all fractured into 10000 bits as the latest arrogant know it all, comes along and says “ the rest of you are wrong.. and so a new denomination Is formed.

Reality is unless you have the right meaning for scripture you do not have Gods word. You only have your own words.

So I went digging for ten years to find the real church and the real faith, to discover the history as so many had done before me.
That in the early church there was no New Testament Which came later. The faith was handed down ( paradosis, tradition) as scripture tells us by those “ sent to preach”. That Jesus foresaw disputes and so gave the succession the power to “bind and loose “ definitive meaning, which they did in councils. One of the later decisions when christian gathering was legalised was the canon of scripture.

So if we look at ignatius , disciple of John , long before New Testament we see the true Eucharist of the real flesh , valid only if presided by a bishop in succession. Unless you have that and only Catholics and orthodox do have it, you do not have the true faith.

in iraneus , outer of heresy, we see that They Knew the entire succession, the importance of traditon, the Eucharist, the bishops, the church, the succession of bishops of Rome, and the the importance of Rome. Long before the new testament which was a decision of the Romanchurch

My suggestion to all of you is stop reading luther or calvin or the anti Catholics since. Start resding the early fathers, the testimonies of reverts such as Newman, and whatever flavour of Christianity you ate, from Pentecostal to Methodist : read the testimonies in such as Grodi, journey home, or “ reason to believe” Madrid, and see why people like you on studying history returned to Rome.

Also note the miracles - and ask why is it Eucharistic miracles valudated by forensics only happen in Catholic Churches.
Ths miracle performed so all would “ see and believe “ at Fatima. The Lord is offended by your attitude to the eucharist and your insult to Mary.

I am through answering the same questions posed by illinformed commenters,
I will leave you all to disagree with each other , which is the only core skill of protestants
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