Why do women participate less in religious debates on Internet?

What century are you living in?
What makes you think my husband knows more about theology than I do?
Do YOU know YOUR place in married life or do you leave all the house management to your wife?
And children?

No wonder there was a woman's movement way back when.
Because of men like YOU.
I know my place as head, CEO, and leader of my family and marriage. My wife also knows her place as a domestic goddess. I live in reality. You maybe not so much.
What century are you living in?
What makes you think my husband knows more about theology than I do?
Do YOU know YOUR place in married life or do you leave all the house management to your wife?
And children?

No wonder there was a woman's movement way back when.
Because of men like YOU.
I would gladly compare my wife's lifestyle to yours any day.
I know my place as head, CEO, and leader of my family and marriage. My wife also knows her place as a domestic goddess. I live in reality. You maybe not so much.

The issue in this thread, more than leadership, is about knowledge sharing.
Obviously, a wife can know more than her husband in a myriad of topics... including Theology!
And certainly, knowledge is of little value if not shared for the benefit of others.

So, if a lady like @GodsGrace knows Theology, I find wonderful that she can share what she knows and participate in the collective adventure of learning.
It is also important to recognize that challenging prevalent views, asking difficult questions, disagreeing, presenting arguments and counterarguments, is all part of the learning process. In my experience, this process is highly enriched by the presence of women.

In these Baha'i Scriptures, written in the first decade of the XX century, we find this prophecy, directed to women:

"Blessed are ye! Blessed are ye!
Verily ye are worthy of every gift.
Verily ye deserve to adorn your heads
with the crown of everlasting glory,
because in sciences and arts, in virtues and perfections
ye shall become equal to man,
and as regards tenderness of heart
and the abundance of mercy and sympathy

ye are superior."

and also

"Do ye not look upon the present condition;
in the not far distant future the world of women
will become all-refulgent and all-glorious."

and also

"In this Revelation of Baha'u'llah,
the women go neck and neck with the men.
In no movement will they be left behind.
Their rights with men are equal in degree.
They will enter all the administrative branches of politics.
They will attain in all such a degree as will be considered
the very highest station of the world of humanity
and will take part in all affairs."
Who was the first person that Christ reveled Himself to as Messiah. Also, her encounter with Jesus is the longest between the Messiah and any other individual in the Gospel of John.

Who at the cross and came to the tomb of Jesus? One man, John and four women

The presence of these individuals at the crucifixion underscores the profound impact of Jesus' life and teachings on those closest to him. Their unwavering commitment and willingness to stand by Jesus during his darkest hour serve as a testament to the enduring legacy of the apostles and their steadfast devotion to their faith.
Who was the first person that Christ reveled Himself to as Messiah. Also, her encounter with Jesus is the longest between the Messiah and any other individual in the Gospel of John.

Who at the cross and came to the tomb of Jesus? One man, John and four women

The presence of these individuals at the crucifixion underscores the profound impact of Jesus' life and teachings on those closest to him. Their unwavering commitment and willingness to stand by Jesus during his darkest hour serve as a testament to the enduring legacy of the apostles and their steadfast devotion to their faith.
Very good insights.
And it is clear that the Samaritan woman went around in her village announcing Jesus as the Messiah, and that the women at the tomb also conveyed the message to the apostles.
Perhaps the first woman to tell any human being to do what Jesus asked to do was his mother, Mary, at the wedding of Cana.
Who was the first person that Christ reveled Himself to as Messiah. Also, her encounter with Jesus is the longest between the Messiah and any other individual in the Gospel of John.

Who at the cross and came to the tomb of Jesus? One man, John and four women

The presence of these individuals at the crucifixion underscores the profound impact of Jesus' life and teachings on those closest to him. Their unwavering commitment and willingness to stand by Jesus during his darkest hour serve as a testament to the enduring legacy of the apostles and their steadfast devotion to their faith.
Women were more badly looked upon at the time of Jesus than at the time of Moses.
Jesus wanted all of His disciples to be the same spiritually and to be members of His Body.

To degrade womenhood to the point that a member here is doing,,,is not very Christ-like.
But I think he may be Jewish....also from his cultural comments.

Jeremiah said that we each will know God and learn from Him.
He didn't say a wife has to go to the husband to find out something spiritual.

So, I agree with you.
Jesus did everything right.

Let's also mention that He DID pick men as Apostles and men should be running churches.
The issue in this thread, more than leadership, is about knowledge sharing.
Obviously, a wife can know more than her husband in a myriad of topics... including Theology!
And certainly, knowledge is of little value if not shared for the benefit of others.

So, if a lady like @GodsGrace knows Theology, I find wonderful that she can share what she knows and participate in the collective adventure of learning.
It is also important to recognize that challenging prevalent views, asking difficult questions, disagreeing, presenting arguments and counterarguments, is all part of the learning process. In my experience, this process is highly enriched by the presence of women.

In these Baha'i Scriptures, written in the first decade of the XX century, we find this prophecy, directed to women:

"Blessed are ye! Blessed are ye!
Verily ye are worthy of every gift.
Verily ye deserve to adorn your heads
with the crown of everlasting glory,
because in sciences and arts, in virtues and perfections
ye shall become equal to man,
and as regards tenderness of heart
and the abundance of mercy and sympathy

ye are superior."

and also

"Do ye not look upon the present condition;
in the not far distant future the world of women
will become all-refulgent and all-glorious."

and also

"In this Revelation of Baha'u'llah,
the women go neck and neck with the men.
In no movement will they be left behind.
Their rights with men are equal in degree.
They will enter all the administrative branches of politics.
They will attain in all such a degree as will be considered
the very highest station of the world of humanity
and will take part in all affairs."
I think the above is very beautiful, as are all Baha'i writing because they reflect the love God has for humanity.

To make very clear due to some posts here...
I believe men have a role and women have a role.
I believe that the disintegration of these roles have caused
havoc with familes and I see no escape - there's no going back.

However, to relegate women to a lesser level is also not correct.
Let each do what he does best.
Let each respect the other.
Let each maintain their basic role, as God intended.

As to women posting...I don't know why there are not more.
There's a really intelligent female on another forum that I respect a lot.
But the good ones are few and far between and they don't last long.
This might be due to reaction from men....some might feel uncomfortable.
I find that the strong men that respect themselves and know well what they believe
never retreat from a good conversation.
I must say that men have more stamina and are able to go on page after page regarding a topic...
I find I cannot do this well, and most women cannot...it's just too exhausting.

So that's what I had to say!
Very good insights.
And it is clear that the Samaritan woman went around in her village announcing Jesus as the Messiah, and that the women at the tomb also conveyed the message to the apostles.
Perhaps the first woman to tell any human being to do what Jesus asked to do was his mother, Mary, at the wedding of Cana.
Do what He tells you. Thats a good one.
I like this one.

"Behold your mother" John 19:26-27. In this verse, Jesus is speaking to his mother and his disciple John. He tells his mother, "Woman, behold your son!" and to John, "Behold your mother!". Jesus was giving a new son to his mother to replace himself, and he gave her the best son she could expect, the disciple Jesus loved. From that hour, John took her to his home.
Oh. We know each other?
And stop wishing me peace when you show disdain in your post.
I don't show disdain, but biblical truth in a loving compassionate way. Sounds like you are in a challenging marriage. When I married my gentile wife 25 years ago who was working 3 jobs to make ends meet and had a son in prison; I told her you will never work again. I have kept that promise and built her a spacious new house a year later. I lead her to Yeshua when we were dating. I seen a tremendous transformation in her life. She looks to me for guidance, provision, and to protect her.
Women were more badly looked upon at the time of Jesus than at the time of Moses.
Jesus wanted all of His disciples to be the same spiritually and to be members of His Body.

To degrade womenhood to the point that a member here is doing,,,is not very Christ-like.
But I think he may be Jewish....also from his cultural comments.

Jeremiah said that we each will know God and learn from Him.
He didn't say a wife has to go to the husband to find out something spiritual.

So, I agree with you.
Jesus did everything right.

Let's also mention that He DID pick men as Apostles and men should be running churches.
I have not denigrating women. My wife knows that if she looks at something long enough. She will own it. My late Jewish father was a role model for creating an extraordinary good marriage.
The trouble with America is that broken marriages make women the defacto head of the broken family. That was never her biblical responsibility and she is not equip to perform those responsibilities that was biblically relegated to the husband/father.
Single parent homes and latch key kids are a scourge on our society.
I don't show disdain, but biblical truth in a loving compassionate way. Sounds like you are in a challenging marriage.
There you go again.
Do you know what happens when you ASSUME something?

Figure it out. It's in the word ASSUme.
When I married my gentile wife 25 years ago who was working 3 jobs to make ends meet and had a son in prison; I told her you will never work again. I have kept that promise and built her a spacious new house a year later. I lead her to Yeshua when we were dating. I seen a tremendous transformation in her life. She looks to me for guidance, provision, and to protect her.
I'm happy for both of you.

Now. Should I stop and tell you MY biography??


No. I don't think so.
I have not denigrating women. My wife knows that if she looks at something long enough. She will own it. My late Jewish father was a role model for creating an extraordinary good marriage.
The trouble with America is that broken marriages make women the defacto head of the broken family. That was never her biblical responsibility and she is not equip to perform those responsibilities that was biblically relegated to the husband/father.
Single parent homes and latch key kids are a scourge on our society.
This is too serious a discussion for me to discuss it with someone who thinks he knows me.
Women were more badly looked upon at the time of Jesus than at the time of Moses.
Jesus wanted all of His disciples to be the same spiritually and to be members of His Body.

To degrade womenhood to the point that a member here is doing,,,is not very Christ-like.
But I think he may be Jewish....also from his cultural comments.

Jeremiah said that we each will know God and learn from Him.
He didn't say a wife has to go to the husband to find out something spiritual.

So, I agree with you.
Jesus did everything right.

Let's also mention that He DID pick men as Apostles and men should be running churches.
In some evangelical churches with poor or little leadership from men; women have become "straw bosses" trying to run everything in the church up to and including preaching. This is a horrible violation of Scripture. This is probably one of the reasons that Church attendance is at an all-time low.
In some evangelical churches with poor or little leadership from men; women have become "straw bosses" trying to run everything in the church up to and including preaching. This is a horrible violation of Scripture. This is probably one of the reasons that Church attendance is at an all-time low.
I agree with you.
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