The issue in this thread, more than leadership, is about knowledge sharing.
Obviously, a wife can know more than her husband in a myriad of topics... including Theology!
And certainly, knowledge is of little value if not shared for the benefit of others.
So, if a lady like
@GodsGrace knows Theology, I find wonderful that she can share what she knows and participate in the collective adventure of learning.
It is also important to recognize that challenging prevalent views, asking difficult questions, disagreeing, presenting arguments and counterarguments, is all part of the learning process. In my experience, this process is highly enriched by the presence of women.
In these Baha'i Scriptures, written in the first decade of the XX century, we find this prophecy, directed to women:
"Blessed are ye! Blessed are ye!
Verily ye are worthy of every gift.
Verily ye deserve to adorn your heads
with the crown of everlasting glory,
because in sciences and arts, in virtues and perfections
ye shall become equal to man,
and as regards tenderness of heart
and the abundance of mercy and sympathy
ye are superior."
and also
"Do ye not look upon the present condition;
in the not far distant future the world of women
will become all-refulgent and all-glorious."
and also
"In this Revelation of Baha'u'llah,
the women go neck and neck with the men.
In no movement will they be left behind.
Their rights with men are equal in degree.
They will enter all the administrative branches of politics.
They will attain in all such a degree as will be considered
the very highest station of the world of humanity
and will take part in all affairs."