Where in the Bible does God decree everything ?

The fact is that when Adam fell is when the situation got hopeless.

Adam was given the command not to eat. Eve was not given that command.
Adam was in charge and responsible for what happened later.

Adam had very little control over the situation. What could he have done differently?

1Jn_3:8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
Adam had very little control over the situation. What could he have done differently?

1Jn_3:8 He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.
adam could have obeyed God and kept eve far away from the satanic tree of knowledge of Good and evil...
and not allowed that realm to speak her anymore...
adam did not die... that is an intentional alteration of the scroll.

he is the prince of the air... he is the subject of the isaiah lucifer chapter...
adam did not protect eve
and did not obey God.
that was his job.

at that time he could have repented. he did not...
and instead (still) he listens to the demon Nations
those events happened in the other reality...
not on this earth...
which explains how he did not die..
and neither did eve... of course...

all of that happening before noah landed here...
so... it was not on this current earth..
much of prophets also has transcendent context
the transcendent context describing events that
did not happen on this earth.
adam could have obeyed God and kept eve far away from the satanic tree of knowledge of Good and evil...
and not allowed that realm to speak her anymore...

Your requirement assume things that are directly established by the Scriptures. There is nothing wrong with the knowledge of Good and Evil. If there were, then God would evil. He is not.
Your requirement assume things that are directly established by the Scriptures. There is nothing wrong with the knowledge of Good and Evil. If there were, then God would evil. He is not.
That evil tree (both its good and its evil) was never God's tree.

corruption in the text.
It was not God's desire for us to eat of that tree.
He is not double-minded.

He said NO because it is evil,
the consciousness of the evil realm,
yet adam did it anyway.
as for translators and the corruption of the scroll:
whoever they are mostly esaus guessing things by their own natural mind,
and confusing every context... (often as wolves on purpose)
scripture does not list them as apostles or as prophets.

they do appear as evil pharisees and rabbis though,
the same ones who never listen to Him and His prophets.
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let's see, a bunch of them, around 70 or 72,
were hired after an interview process, if approved by Ptolemy II,
a known avowed pagan... a wolf in sheep's clothing.

And later, we have the corrupt KJV, which John Dee
oversaw the images and art for, taking about a year.
John Dee was a sorcerer and occultist and pal of James.
As for James and his wife,
also occultists...

so a witch produced their sorcery bible
filled with masonic images.
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