What is the Purpose of Redemption?

Yep I use to have a pair of those rose colored glasses. :)
Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only
in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to
work out your salvation with fear and trembling." Philippians 2:12​

At regeneration we enter into a spiritual warfare with invisible enemies wanting to keep us from securing truth.
I believe that our fear and impatience is the root cause for so much dogmatic acceptance of false doctrine.

"I got to be sure NOW! Can't live with uncertainty!... "

In due time God will "air drop" the needed solution, if we would only wait and and be willing to endure
the suspense that the spiritual warfare surrounds us with day and night ... until the Truth makes us free.

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and
not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isa. 40:31)​

I believe that some cling to false doctrine as a denial of need.
That anything that seems to make sense, is good enough to fight with.

And.. here we are.

grace and peace ...........
We know that redemption is the act of buying back or rescuing something or someone that was lost, enslaved, or in a state of bondage. Once we have been redeemed we have the Holy Spirit and he guides us into all truth.

Paul wrote in 2 Cor. 11:3 “But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.”

Satan has used the false teaching of the cults to lure many away from the true gospel that the apostles preached. Invariably, these groups prey on unsuspecting, untaught people. Gnosticism Was one of the first cults to lead people astray.

We avoid spiritual deception by being committed to a loving, Christ-centered church.
We know that redemption is the act of buying back or rescuing something or someone that was lost, enslaved, or in a state of bondage. Once we have been redeemed we have the Holy Spirit and he guides us into all truth.

Paul wrote in 2 Cor. 11:3 “But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.”

Satan has used the false teaching of the cults to lure many away from the true gospel that the apostles preached. Invariably, these groups prey on unsuspecting, untaught people. Gnosticism Was one of the first cults to lead people astray.

We avoid spiritual deception by being committed to a loving, Christ-centered church.

Just as we can not trust the main stream media? Which all lay claim to telling us the truth?

Its naive to think that a church, by simply labelling itself "Christ centered?"
Will mean that we will find the sound doctrine really needed to achieve full maturity in Christ.

Can you name one denomination that you have rejected?
That does not claim to be Christ centered?

Its not as simple as many want it to be.....

Subject Heading:- What is the Purpose of Redemption?​

We know that redemption is the act of buying back or rescuing something or someone that was lost, enslaved, or in a state of bondage. Once we have been redeemed we have the Holy Spirit and he guides us into all truth.

Paul wrote in 2 Cor. 11:3 “But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ.”

Satan has used the false teaching of the cults to lure many away from the true gospel that the apostles preached. Invariably, these groups prey on unsuspecting, untaught people. Gnosticism Was one of the first cults to lead people astray.

We avoid spiritual deception by being committed to a loving, Christ-centered church.
'For every one that useth milk
is unskilful in the word of righteousness:
for he is a babe.
But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age,
even those who by reason of use
have their senses exercised
to discern both good and evil.

(Heb 5:13-14)

Hello @Bobby Walker, :)

I believe that it is the concentrated, consecutive, prayerful study of God's word itself that is the main shield against error. For the Bereans of Acts 17:11 were approved for their action in receiving the word preached with all readiness of mind, yet searching the scriptures themselves to ensure that what they were hearing was indeed so.

* In my study today I was looking up the usage of a word, and found that the word itself was translated from different Hebrew/Greek
words, and this affected the sense: So I had to go back and check the root of each usage to ensure that I was understanding it's usage appropriately, within the context in which it was found. So often error can arise by not taking these differences into account, and assuming that each usage came from the same root. Though usually the context will trigger questions to arise, which prompt an investigation, as it did with me today.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
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Just as we can not trust the main stream media? Which all lay claim to telling us the truth?

Its naive to think that a church, by simply labelling itself "Christ centered?"
Will mean that we will find the sound doctrine really needed to achieve full maturity in Christ.

Can you name one denomination that you have rejected?
That does not claim to be Christ centered?

Its not as simple as many want it to be.....
Mainstream media has nothing to do with it. That's like saying you can't trust a roof repairman that's blind. No one said anything about going to church that labels itself Christ center you need to be the one that decides if it's Christ centered or not.

Your third question is also hypothetical. Look I can't help it if you're a negative person. If you want things complicated that's up to you.
'For every one that useth milk
is unskilful in the word of righteousness:
for he is a babe.
But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age,
even those who by reason of use
have their senses exercised
to discern both good and evil.

(Heb 5:13-14)

Hello @Bobby Walker, :)

I believe that it is the concentrated, consecutive, prayerful study of God's word itself that is the main shield against error. For the Bereans of Acts 17:11 were approved for their action in receiving the word preached with all readiness of mind, yet searching the scriptures themselves to ensure that what they were hearing was indeed so.

* In my study today I was looking up the usage of a word, and found that the word itself was translated from different Hebrew/Greek
words, and this affected the sense: So I had to go back and check the root of each usage to ensure that I was understanding it's usage appropriately, within the context in which it was found. So often error can arise by not taking these differences into account, and assuming that each usage came from the same root. Though usually the context will trigger questions to arise, which prompt an investigation, as it did with me today.

Thank you
In Christ Jesus
That's awesome I'm glad you enjoyed doing that. That's actually what I like to do myself. It's not that hard nowadays with all the tools that are available to us.
Subject Heading:- What is the Purpose of Redemption?

'To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places
might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God,
According to the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord:'

(Eph 3:10-11)

Hello @Arial,

Thank you for the OP. It is a constant joy to me to realise that I am 'accepted in the Beloved' (Eph. 1:6). That the righteousness of God has been imputed to me, making that possible. What wondrous grace!

Only God in His wisdom could have devised such a wondrous plan and purpose! How amazed the principalities and powers in heavenly places must be, as they witness such acceptance, from a Holy God, of far-off sinners such as we: On the basis of the the finished work of His Only Begotten Son. What depth of love and grace it reveals!

'... God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself ... ... ' (Cor. 5:19)

Praise God!

In Christ Jesus
Our risen and glorified
Saviour, Lord and Head.
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I am a Medical Doctor, and I automatically think in salvation in terms of healing. In general, "health" and "salvation", "to heal" and "to save" are linguistically and conceptually two sides of the same coin.

When a doctor "saves" a patient, he is not only thinking in rescuing that patient from death, and taking him out of a bed and a respirator in the ICU. He thinks in the quality of life the patient can enjoy from now on. It is about seeing that patient running, dancing, cooking, learning, reading, travelling, loving.
Salvation is about life. A new kind of life. An abundant life: the life of Christ.

So, to me, in response to the question of the thread, the purpose of redemption is to enable man to live in freedom, joy, and love.
If a violent man keeps being violent after reading the Bible or baptizing, he has not been saved: he continues to be dead in the hell of his violence.
When he has been healed by the grace of God, then he becomes a peaceful man. He lives in the Kingdom of God. He has been redeemed.
I am a Medical Doctor, and I automatically think in salvation in terms of healing. In general, "health" and "salvation", "to heal" and "to save" are linguistically and conceptually two sides of the same coin.

When a doctor "saves" a patient, he is not only thinking in rescuing that patient from death, and taking him out of a bed and a respirator in the ICU. He thinks in the quality of life the patient can enjoy from now on. It is about seeing that patient running, dancing, cooking, learning, reading, travelling, loving.
Salvation is about life. A new kind of life. An abundant life: the life of Christ.

So, to me, in response to the question of the thread, the purpose of redemption is to enable man to live in freedom, joy, and love.
If a violent man keeps being violent after reading the Bible or baptizing, he has not been saved: he continues to be dead in the hell of his violence.
When he has been healed by the grace of God, then he becomes a peaceful man. He lives in the Kingdom of God. He has been redeemed.
Welcome to The Forum Pancho. The life you described in your post is what I call "Real life". The kind Jesus came to give us. Abundant life. Not that we have a bunch of stuff but that we enjoy the life we now experience in him.

For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, Romans 14:17
Just as we can not trust the main stream media? Which all lay claim to telling us the truth?

Its naive to think that a church, by simply labelling itself "Christ centered?"
Will mean that we will find the sound doctrine really needed to achieve full maturity in Christ.

Can you name one denomination that you have rejected?
That does not claim to be Christ centered?

Its not as simple as many want it to be.....
Is redemption for everyone?
And let whosoever will come . The cry of the gospel is to all and sadly many reject it .
But even JESUS said FIRST the gospel will be preached to all nations , then cometh the end .
The cry is made and the free gift is being offered . Come one and come all while there be time to do so .
You know what i notice my friend , that most spend time debating certain meats they think are meats
and yet the gospel is not uttered by them .
By grace i KNOW who saves . And that no other can save . Its high time the churches return
to preaching THAT name with the dire reminder of the necessity to beleive on HIM and to observe ALL things He did teach .
Every Word of the LORD is meat for our soul . It is necessary to also get these people back into the bible
so as many can learn what many no longer teach , Truth . To the trenches one and all for these be the last days and time runs short .
The key to knowing if one is Christ centered is truly on how they observe His teachings .
How do men treat His words . Do they treat them as though they are the Words of GOD
or do they rather heed men that twist and omit some of them words and that other version of jesus , which is no JESUS .
The key to seeing if one truly LOVES GOD
is found in Do they truly Love HIS CHRIST , his words , The truth .
The love of GOD rejoices in TRUTH , not in inquity , IN TRUTH . No lie is of the truth .
So i do have a quick reminder i feel really needs to be said .
Why o why are so many headed into a real broad path , sin accepting , even UNBELIEF accepting love they think be of GOD .
Cause i do have news , THAT aint no love of GOD at all . Its just false hope fed to man
under the guise that it is love and is of GOD . its an image of God and of Christ that has been created BY MEN in the image of MAN .
That image is not HIM . His words be truth , later the apostels under the unction of the Spirit wrote truth .
That pattern set to the churches in said bible , IS the pattern that ought to be taught and followed , observed and loved .
If one finds their jesus has conformed to humanity and its ever changing views , That aint JESUS at all .
Compare todays image of JESUS to the ONE in the BIBLE . compare todays teachers and men
to those in the bible . ONLY a faint glimmer of what once was can even be found . that glimmer
is known as fools gold . It can speak a few truths but will use said truths to contradict THE GOD , HIS CHRIST
HIS WAY and HIS WORDS and offer up a really large and broad path . That path , no matter how loving and kind
and even caring it may have sounded was none of the above for it allowed SIN to remain upon the people
and even left the religoins and many IN UNBELEIF and made it seem like it was all okay to do so . That is not LOVE from GOD .
And let whosoever will come . The cry of the gospel is to all and sadly many reject it .
But even JESUS said FIRST the gospel will be preached to all nations , then cometh the end .
The cry is made and the free gift is being offered . Come one and come all while there be time to do so .
You know what i notice my friend , that most spend time debating certain meats they think are meats
and yet the gospel is not uttered by them .
By grace i KNOW who saves . And that no other can save . Its high time the churches return
to preaching THAT name with the dire reminder of the necessity to beleive on HIM and to observe ALL things He did teach .
Every Word of the LORD is meat for our soul . It is necessary to also get these people back into the bible
so as many can learn what many no longer teach , Truth . To the trenches one and all for these be the last days and time runs short .
Redemption through Christ is only for a specific people, Israel or Gods elect.

Ps 130:7

Let Israel hope in the Lord: for with the Lord there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption.

Ps 25:22

Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles.

Ps 130:8

And he shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities. Cp Titus 2:14

14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

Lk 1:68

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people,
Redemption through Christ is only for a specific people, Israel or Gods elect.

Ps 130:7

Let Israel hope in the Lord: for with the Lord there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption.

Ps 25:22

Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles.

Ps 130:8

And he shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities. Cp Titus 2:14

14 Who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

Lk 1:68

Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for he hath visited and redeemed his people,
Time to preach the dire necessity for all who breathes air to beleive on JESUS the CHRIST .
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