What is the Purpose of Redemption?


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I think we often skip right over the core purpose of God in redemption. Maybe for many even actually recognizing what that is.

We tend to focus on what it does for us. Provides forgiveness of our sins and an escape from the wrath of God, the promise of the resurrection and future bliss. And all those things are given and great is the glory and praise of God in it.

But why is it necessary and why does God do that for us? Is maybe there even something larger from the viewpoint of God and not us that we should see and never forget?

Righteousness is at the core of it. A return to righteousness, the righteousness of God that mankind possessed when He was created. The righteousness of mankind that was lost when Adam first transgressed that righteousness. God lost no righteousness and we are still accountable to it. We were created to reflect in all our ways the righteousness of God. We were created for His glory and to show His glory just as His glory is evidenced in the natural creation. We were not created autonomous, that is, equal to God, but were created as creatures under His Kingship. Obedient, loved and loving, made in His image and likeness. Similar to Him in many ways, exactly like Him in no ways. He even put us in charge of the world He made for us, to care for it and have dominion over all that is in it. The crowning glory of His creation! But we were to do it in righteousness. Adam broke the law of God and as born in him, we all do, over and over again.

In redemption God is restoring righteousness to us. That is why the Son of God became one of us, born under the Law, to perform perfect righteousness for us, as it is impossible since the fall for us to ever perform perfect righteousness. That falls to pieces with sin number 1. In Jesus going to the cross to take upon Himself the penalty our sins deserve, He paid our sin debt to God, satisfied God's just decree against sin for us. In this He defeated the power of sin over us. In His resurrection to life He defeated death for us. And in this, our sins imputed to Him, His righteousness is imputed to those who trust in His person and work. Perfect righteousness. It is for the glory and praise of God that we are redeemed.

And though we will never in and of ourselves be perfectly righteous as long as we live in the realm of the desires of our flesh, the sinful world, and the activity of the devil, the restoration of righteousness is still the focus of redemption. The restoration of the created relationship between God and His creature. We are His. So in all our disagreements and arguments, the proper determining of our theologies, our everyday life in thought, attitude, and action, we should remember and seek after righteousness. Righteousness is the goal and heart of redemption and what a glorious thing righteousness is.
How is it glorious for the non elect that were never chosen or had a chance to believe and receive the gospel ?

Limited atonement makes it ugly, not glorious. It’s actually unloving the particular redemption, atonement for some, not all.
It’s on topic redemption is for all not some. It your Opinion in your OP is for everyone then I’m all onboard .
The core of redemption is the topic. And your opinion of my opinion, or weather or not you are on board, is beyond, beyond of any relevance.
And though we will never in and of ourselves be perfectly righteous as long as we live in the realm of the desires of our flesh, the sinful world, and the activity of the devil, the restoration of righteousness is still the focus of redemption. The restoration of the created relationship between God and His creature. We are His. So in all our disagreements and arguments, the proper determining of our theologies, our everyday life in thought, attitude, and action, we should remember and seek after righteousness. Righteousness is the goal and heart of redemption and what a glorious thing righteousness is.
I've just quoted part of your OP. I liked it very much. Good piece. I would phrase things a slightly different way though. Instead of saying our goal is to be perfectly righteous I'd say our goal is to become conformed to the image of Christ Rom 8: 29 which is a life long venture. Yes scripture says seek first the Kingdom of God Matt 6:33 and his righteousness but I think that's more of a universal statement meaning seeking to bring rightness and justice to a world while we are in it.

When we're born again our sins are remitted, blotted out and being such we are justified, in other words in God's sight he's treating us just as if we'd never sinned. He's looking upon as being clothed in the righteousness of God in Christ. Now if we do sin he'll forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness, 1 John 1:9 making us righteous again. It's when we have a righteousness consciousness, based on the blood of Jesus then we have boldness to come to the throne of grace as he told us to do. Heb 4:16

Thing is if we're going along the idea that we need to become righteous ourselves then it opens up the door I'd say for a spirit of condemnation to come on us from the devil to make us afraid to come to God thinking he's down on us for our failures. God however accepts us as righteous even though yes there is still the work of sanctification going on in our lives, which occurs until we die.
I've just quoted part of your OP. I liked it very much. Good piece. I would phrase things a slightly different way though. Instead of saying our goal is to be perfectly righteous I'd say our goal is to become conformed to the image of Christ Rom 8: 29 which is a life long venture. Yes scripture says seek first the Kingdom of God Matt 6:33 and his righteousness but I think that's more of a universal statement meaning seeking to bring rightness and justice to a world while we are in it.
I see where the way in which I said what I did might be misunderstood as me saying our goal in the here and now is to achieve perfect righteousness. I agree with you that our goal is to become conformed to the image of Christ, and more and more as you say, all our life. What I mean in saying perfect righteousness is the goal, is that that is the goal of God's bringing redemption. So that in the fullness of time, righteousness is perfectly restored in all of creation. Creation itself restored, taken out of the hands of the enemy. It is amazing that God does this through the redemption of men.
When we're born again our sins are remitted, blotted out and being such we are justified, in other words in God's sight he's treating us just as if we'd never sinned. He's looking upon as being clothed in the righteousness of God in Christ. Now if we do sin he'll forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness, 1 John 1:9 making us righteous again. It's when we have a righteousness consciousness, based on the blood of Jesus then we have boldness to come to the throne of grace as he told us to do. Heb 4:16

One of the times when I was reading Esther, I came to the place where Esther had the courage to go before the king without being given permission. Esther 5:1-3 On the third day Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the king's palace, in front of the king's quarters, whild the king was sitting on his royal throne inside the throne room opposite the entrance of the palace. And when the king saw Queen Esther standing in the court, she won favor in his sight and he held out to Ester the golden scepter. And the king said to her, "What is it, Queen Esther? What is your request?" And I thought what a beautiful picture of Heb 4:16. And what gentleness in the king's words. What grace. We wear royal robes, Christ's robes of righteousness.
Thing is if we're going along the idea that we need to become righteous ourselves then it opens up the door I'd say for a spirit of condemnation to come on us from the devil to make us afraid to come to God thinking he's down on us for our failures. God however accepts us as righteous even though yes there is still the work of sanctification going on in our lives, which occurs until we die.
That is what I believe. And I apologize for wording it in such a way as to be misleading. To me, I see this part of our lives as a pilgrimage, the long journey home, an exodus through the wilderness, in the shadow of the valley of death. One that comes with joy and sorrow, but which we do not make alone and are not left without provision or help, the Lord Himself going before us, standing as our rear guard. Our destination sure. Psalm 23 for me is a summary of this journey and God in it with us. Rest when our soul is weary, restoring our soul, then leading us again in paths of righteousness. With us in trouble with the rod and staff of the shepherd. catching us when we fall, bringing us back when we stray, never losing track of us. Preparing a table before us in the very presence of our enemies who surround us, blessing us from His bounty, pouring His unfailing love upon us, goodness and mercy following us. And the best part of all.

We will dwell in the house of the Lord. Forever.
I'm going to start right here with a copy and paste from Oswald Chambers "My Utmost For His Highest."

The collision of God and sin

Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree. 1 Peter 2:24.

The Cross of Jesus is the revelation of God’s judgment on sin. Never tolerate the idea of martyrdom about the Cross of Jesus Christ. The Cross was a superb triumph in which the foundations of hell were shaken. There is nothing more certain in Time or Eternity than what Jesus Christ did on the Cross: He switched the whole of the human race back into a right relationship with God. He made Redemption the basis of human life, that is, He made a way for every son of man to get into communion with God.

The Cross did not happen to Jesus: He came on purpose for it. He is “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” The whole meaning of the Incarnation is the Cross. Beware of separating God manifest in the flesh from the Son becoming sin. The Incarnation was for the purpose of Redemption. God became incarnate for the purpose of putting away sin; not for the purpose of Self-realization. The Cross is the centre of Time and of Eternity, the answer to the enigmas of both.

The Cross is not the cross of a man but the Cross of God, and the Cross of God can never be realized in human experience. The Cross is the exhibition of the nature of God, the gateway whereby any individual of the human race can enter into union with God. When we get to the Cross, we do not go through it; we abide in the life to which the Cross is the gateway.

The centre of salvation is the Cross of Jesus, and the reason it is so easy to obtain salvation is because it cost God so much. The Cross is the point where God and sinful man merge with a crash and the way to life is opened—but the crash is on the heart of God.
No. Only for the redeemed. It doesn't do anything unless one is redeemed. Kind of a silly question. At first I thought it was rhetorical.
It no different than asking if salvation is for everyone. Or if the gospel is for everyone. Are you following my train of thought ? And we can agree to disagree.
It no different than asking if salvation is for everyone. Or if the gospel is for everyone. Are you following my train of thought ? And we can agree to disagree.
If course I am following your train of thought. You are attempting to take something that was meant to be edifying, needed no discussion of the divisions in the church, and turn it into yet another rant against things you disagree with. Thanks for that.
I think we often skip right over the core purpose of God in redemption. Maybe for many even actually recognizing what that is.
We tend to focus on what it does for us. Provides forgiveness of our sins and an escape from the wrath of God, the promise of the resurrection and future bliss. And all those things are given and great is the glory and praise of God in it.

But why is it necessary and why does God do that for us? Is maybe there even something larger from the viewpoint of God and not us that we should see and never forget?

Righteousness is at the core of it. A return to righteousness, the righteousness of God that mankind possessed when He was created.
For me, that would be restoration to the Original body God made for us in paradise which is not oin this earth, the original which was lost because of Adam.

meeting Christ on the clouds is fulfillment of our promise, part II of being saved... when we will be given our glorious body, what Paul talks about....
but were created as creatures under His Kingship.
that idea of a creature is a crafty, intentional mistranslation in kjv, which is a sorcery text imo.
Obedient, loved and loving, made in His image and likeness.
we will be restored to that soon when we meet Christ on the clouds ❤️.
The restoration of the created relationship between God and His creature.
God and His Actual Sons and Daughters. :)
How is it glorious for the non eject that were never chosen or had a chance to believe and receive the gospel ?

Limited atonement makes it ugly, not glorious. It’s actually unloving the particular redemption, atonement for some, not all.
the only ones, imo that are not returning to paradise will be the satanic realm type entities
and those who intentionally want that evil realm, and give their allegiance to it.

God is not a monster and His main concern is judging satan and Adam --
to keep them away from His Souls...
How is it glorious for the non eject that were never chosen or had a chance to believe and receive the gospel ?

Limited atonement makes it ugly, not glorious. It’s actually unloving the particular redemption, atonement for some, not all.
Also, I don't get this receiving the gospel mantra. By that I think is often meant 'receiving a certain version and being approved by some Chicago list of esaus.'

Meeting Christ and hearing His Words.... and receiving 'gospel' from an insane person who is not hearing Him are NOT the same thing...
that idea of a creature is a crafty, intentional mistranslation in kjv, which is a sorcery text imo.
I only take issue with this one statement. A creature is something or someone who is created. Mankind is created by God. I don't know in what way you are viewing "creature" that makes you the idea of a creature is a mistranslation or sorcery. It isn't a translation at all. It is what mankind is as having been created. There is nothing sinister or bad about that.
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