What happened with the Word of God?

You have now, friend.

In the end people will believe, and accept whatever is true to themselves, and they should test themselves what is true and never trust or believe someone like me.
what I understand?

God did not create this earth or body.
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If anyone has anymore insights they would like to share please feel free to check out the original post.

Eve, idk where you are going with your conversation, sorry I am lost. Whatever you believe though is most certainly between you and your maker.
The new frontline.


Not that you asked, and you may not care, but I’m a Jewish monotheist, a unitarian.

I believe that Jesus is and isn’t God.

If I were a betting man, which I’m not, I would bet that you‘re not okay with that.

Unless you‘re familiar with the Jewish Law of Agency, you’ll most likely think that what I believe about Jesus being and not being God is just a contradiction.
If you believe Jesus is God I’m fine with that if not that’s between you and Jesus.
Where did you get this name from, it's not one I've heard before.

Sounds like a coffee shop. :giggle:
Might as well be a coffee shop-there is no Yahava.

Yahava imports coffees and teas from all over the world and at a KoffeeWorks you will discover just how different coffees can be. Learn all the different ways to brew coffee and, of course, also see coffee being roasted fresh each day.
Might as well be a coffee shop-there is no Yahava.

Yahava imports coffees and teas from all over the world and at a KoffeeWorks you will discover just how different coffees can be. Learn all the different ways to brew coffee and, of course, also see coffee being roasted fresh each day.
Google, would suggest that.
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