What happened with the Word of God?

Where did you get this name from, it's not one I've heard before.

Sounds like a coffee shop. :giggle:
Hello Dizerner,

That is what happens when you do a quick Google search, for that name. :)

Yahava is the life-giver, similar to breathing in and breathing out.

Great question, thank you it was brought up to me also by a teacher of mine from www.cult.love.
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Lol, that's a baby name site, not exactly scholarly, they include everything under the sun.

Anything actually explaining it's derivation?

You would have to look into yourself, or you can view this video if you would like to.

That baby site is interesting, considering it comes from 2015 and the other comments below it, @dizerner.

If you have any other questions will be glad to help, if it is possible for me too.
Hey, I know that guy, he used to have a ministry against Mormonism.

I have looked in the name of God "myself" and most scholars seem to think Yahweh is probably accurate.
Oh, did not know that friend. Yahweh/Yahava. Its subjective and up to individuals what they will choose to say, most people just use "God" in general most of the time.
Here is also a verse, in Exodus 3:15 in the CJB

God said further to Moshe, “Say this to the people of Isra’el: ‘Yud-Heh-Vav-Heh [Adonai], the God of your fathers, the God of Avraham, the God of Yitz’chak and the God of Ya‘akov, has sent me to you.’ This is my name forever; this is how I am to be remembered generation after generation.


Do you have a record of anyone using "Yahava "?

The name "Yahava" is not a common or widely recognized variation of the divine name YHWH (יהוה) in Hebrew. In scholarly and religious contexts, the most commonly known variations include "Yahweh," "Jehovah," "Adonai," and others mentioned earlier. "Yahava" does not appear in standard Biblical texts or widely accepted traditions for referring to the Hebrew God. It's possible that "Yahava" might be a localized or less-common variant, but it is not widely recognized or documented.

Do you have a record of anyone using "Yahava "?

The name "Yahava" is not a common or widely recognized variation of the divine name YHWH (יהוה) in Hebrew. In scholarly and religious contexts, the most commonly known variations include "Yahweh," "Jehovah," "Adonai," and others mentioned earlier. "Yahava" does not appear in standard Biblical texts or widely accepted traditions for referring to the Hebrew God. It's possible that "Yahava" might be a localized or less-common variant, but it is not widely recognized or documented.

Surprised that Ai thing would know anything about it, @dizerner.
so much for AI Eh ? 😂
Got to mess around with it on some applicatiom called captions. Have heard of chatgpt, never used it. It can be useful, to help in situations of finding information, or giving ideas or making random photos. Still does not beat the human mind though, in my opinion.
Hello to you, this will be my first post, this is a bible study. Its an interesting one in my opinion, for your consideration.

This is a biblical study of what happened with the Word of God,

In the beginning, there was God (Genesis 1:1-2) the Spirit of God was hovering above the waters. God spoke, Genesis 1:3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. Therefore there is in the beginning, Yahava, with his spoken word, and the Spirit of God hovering above the waters. With God having spoken, if you go to the Gospel of John you find, in the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. The Word became flesh and dwelt among the people (John 1:14,) and was born of the overshadowing of the holy spirit upon Mary (Luke 1:15), named Yeshua (Matthew 1:21.)

Born under the law (Galatians 4:4-5), and was obedient to death (Philippians 2:7-8.) His second name was Immanuel, (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23) which meant God with us, which meant that God was with them. How? Because Yeshua was the word of God made flesh (Philippians 2:6-11), within the Lord Yeshua and his flesh, was the Word of God (Immanuel.) Yeshua or Jesus went to the cross (Matthew 27:45-54; Mark 15:21-41; Luke 23:26-43; John 19:28:30), the christ with-in the Lord leaves him, and the body of Jesus takes on sin (2 Corinthians 5:21), and Jesus went to Paradise (Luke 23:49-43) with the thief on the cross, in other words Abrahams bosom (Luke 16:19-31), which is a part of sheol, Peter proclaimed that Jesus also went to see those who were in prison part of Sheol (crossing the gap that never could be crossed (1 Peter 3:19), after three nights and three days in the heart of the earth (Matthew 12:40),

God rose Jesus up from the dead by the Spirit of God (Romans 8:11.) Yeshua sticks around with his disciples for a little bit longer (Acts 1:1-11) with two people who proclaim that he would come back in the same manner as they saw him having left (Acts 1:10-11.) After a while the Gospel goes out to all the surrounding nations, the tribes of Israel, and even to the Gentile world. Yeshua taught his disciples many times about preparing for his return (Matthew 25:1-12; John 3:29; Matthew 13:24-30;37-43.)

Because of this the Apostles also taught that Jesus would come back, Paul wrote to the people in Thessalonica for example, (1 Thessalonica 4:16.) John the beloved, also wrote to sending a message from the Lord Yeshua, that he will be coming back shortly (Revelation 1 - 3.) What happens then? Jesus would have everything placed below his feet (1 Corinthians 15:25-28), that would be mean (Death (Spiritual Death), Hades, Satan, The Beast, the False Prophet),

He came and gather his bride (Ephesians 5:27; establishing the Kingdom of God) and Yeshua would give everything back to his Father, that God would be all in all. What happened to the Word of God? Was he replaced back to his former seating? Instead of on the right hand (Colossians 3:1), he is allowed to sit with his Father, (Revelation 3:21.) The one whom sits on the throne is the Lord God Almighty (Revelation 4; Revelation 21:5.)

Thank you for viewing, and hope it helps you in your understanding, may Yahava give the increase.
the transliteration in the OT says:


each letter of His name is a word, and read right to left,

means : He soul gives Breath.
Okay, thsnk you again. That is why Yahava is my prefered usage now today. Its just like breathing. In and out. Yahava gives all life, breathe whrn thry wake up.

Reminds me of Hannahs prayer.
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