Some of Solomon's remarks in the book of Ecclesiastes appear to conflict with
Christ's teachings in the New Testament. Well; the answer to that is actually pretty
According to 2Tim 3:16, Solomon was inspired to write Ecclesiastes, but the catch
is: his comments essentially represent a world view-- a philosophy of life under the
sun --rather than a book of either history, revelation, or prophecy.
In other words: Solomon's observations are limited to the scope of empirical
evidence and human experience; a perception of reality moderated by what we can
see for ourselves going on around us in the natural universe rather than the
supernatural-- which is at least one of the reasons why Ecclesiastes appeals to
cultists, atheists, and agnostics, et al.
Solomon was a very wise man; in point of fact, the brightest intellectual of his day.
But Solomon's knowledge and experience were limited. He didn't know everything
there is to know, nor had he seen everything there is to see, nor been everywhere
there is to go. Whereas Christ's knowledge is extremely vast.
● Col 2:3 . . Carefully concealed in him are all the treasures of wisdom and of
So then, it only stands to reason that Christ would know more about the afterlife
than Solomon, whereas Solomon didn't see anything beyond the grave when he
penned Ecclesiastes.
A good rule of thumb to apply when the teachings of Solomon and Jesus contradict
each other, is to keep in mind that Jesus is Solomon's superior, viz: Jesus'
teachings trump Solomon's.
● Matt 12:42 . .The queen of the south will be raised up in the judgment with this
generation and will condemn it; because she came from the ends of the earth to
hear the wisdom of Solomon, but, look! something more than Solomon is here.
● John 3:31 . . He that comes from above is over all others.
And Jesus comes highly recommended too.
● Matt 17:5 . . This is my Son, the beloved, whom I have approved; listen to him.
So then, when encountering remarks in the book of Ecclesiastes that are out of step
with Jesus' teachings in the New Testament; my unsolicited spiritual counseling is
to ignore Solomon's view of the afterlife and go with the wisdom of "my Son".
● John 8:12 . . I am the light of the world. He that follows me will by no means
walk in darkness, but will possess the light of life.