What are your views on the Antichrist?

The antichrist or "beast" represents both the final end time government as well as a man who will ultimately reign over that system [ but won't be fully revealed to the world until after the Rapture event takes place]. Not sure if you were asking about the meaning of the term "antichrist " ... or who I believe will be the man who will fulfill the scriptures. What's your take on the issue?
One of the most popular indoor sports of theologians is to try to identify the Antichrist, spoken of by Daniel and by the apostle John. Should be interested to see what we can come up with here at BAM.

In the thirteenth chapter of Revelation, which is the comparative study to the seventh chapter of Daniel, it says, “And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things”. In fact, a little later on in the program of the Antichrist, he establishes a great image that everybody is supposed to worship, and even this image speaks. That could easily happen today, as a big TV screen.

It is believed this man has great oratorical power. He will be able to stand in front of television cameras or before audiences of thousands and move the masses to follow him. That sounds familiar also.

He will not only be a tremendous speaker, but he will be extremely attractive. The little horn “looked more imposing than the others” (Dan. 7:20). When this man walks into a room, he will capture everyone’s attention. He will have an inhuman magnetism that will draw people to him.

Politicians do not get much respect today, but the Antichrist will be the master politician of all history, the greatest diplomat who ever lived. Dan. 7:20 says he “had eyes,” and that phrase refers to his mental intellect and cleverness. It will seem that he will be able to solve the problems of the world with superhuman wisdom. Hopefully the rapture will happen before the Antichrist shows up.

There are different views regarding the timing of the rapture in relation to the events of the tribulation period and the appearance of the Antichrist. I believe in a pretribulational view of the rapture—the view that all believers in Christ will be taken to heaven before the events of the tribulation period begin.
One of the most popular indoor sports of theologians is to try to identify the Antichrist, spoken of by Daniel and by the apostle John. Should be interested to see what we can come up with here at BAM.

In the thirteenth chapter of Revelation, which is the comparative study to the seventh chapter of Daniel, it says, “And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things”. In fact, a little later on in the program of the Antichrist, he establishes a great image that everybody is supposed to worship, and even this image speaks. That could easily happen today, as a big TV screen.

It is believed this man has great oratorical power. He will be able to stand in front of television cameras or before audiences of thousands and move the masses to follow him. That sounds familiar also.

He will not only be a tremendous speaker, but he will be extremely attractive. The little horn “looked more imposing than the others” (Dan. 7:20). When this man walks into a room, he will capture everyone’s attention. He will have an inhuman magnetism that will draw people to him.

Politicians do not get much respect today, but the Antichrist will be the master politician of all history, the greatest diplomat who ever lived. Dan. 7:20 says he “had eyes,” and that phrase refers to his mental intellect and cleverness. It will seem that he will be able to solve the problems of the world with superhuman wisdom. Hopefully the rapture will happen before the Antichrist shows up.

There are different views regarding the timing of the rapture in relation to the events of the tribulation period and the appearance of the Antichrist. I believe in a pretribulational view of the rapture—the view that all believers in Christ will be taken to heaven before the events of the tribulation period begin.
As long as there are Christians he will not be revealed. Once believers are removed and the Holy Spirit no longer restrains the evil then he will be revealed and able to pull off his world wide deception. And we must remember his main goal is to go after the Jews/Israel with whom he divizes a peace agreement that he will break and turn on them. A false peace, a false hope hence the antichrist.
As long as there are Christians he will not be revealed. Once believers are removed and the Holy Spirit no longer restrains the evil then he will be revealed and able to pull off his world wide deception. And we must remember his main goal is to go after the Jews/Israel with whom he divizes a peace agreement that he will break and turn on them. A false peace, a false hope hence the antichrist.
Works for me.
I take a kind of literal stance, Antichrist will be a real world ruler who will unite countries, perform some actual miracle, and demand worship from all citizens.

The reason I asked for your viewpoint on the issue was to see if you took the amillennial perspective ... which doesn't adhere to either a literal future Great Tribulation period or a literal personage appearing on the scene during that time called the antichrist. If you took the amillennial position, my theory on the identity of the antichrist really wouldn't mean a thing to you. Even the majority of those who do hold to a futuristic fulfillment of Revelation 4-22 scoff at my speculative perspective on who the antichrist will be ... it just goes with the territory I guess.

As Clifford said in post #5, "One of the most popular indoor sports of theologians is to try to identify the Antichrist, spoken of by Daniel and by the apostle John. Should be interested to see what we can come up with here at BAM."

I've discovered first hand through the years [by virtue of posting my opinion on my website] that the second most popular indoor sport among theologians is mocking and tearing apart any of those students of end time prophecy who would dare to give an "educated scriptural guess" or theory as to the AC's identity ... even those of us who never claimed to hear a direct word from God on the matter [i.e. - a "Thus saith the Lord" type of thing].

So, were you asking me my opinion as to who the AC will be? And, do you think that it's even possible for anyone to truly know his identity?
Well, he's Obama.

Or the Pope.

But seriously, only through some kind of direct revelation do I think we could know until he openly reveals himself.

o.k. - based on what you said, here's some of the evidence that I've compiled over the past 14 years or so - and posted on my website showing Obama as the probable AC and the Pope as the probable False Prophet :

just scroll down the article index to the eschatology section for a deep dive.
After what this world went through with Covid-1984 along with the hysteria and unreasonableness with it, what was spoken about in the Book of Revelation (Antichrist included) became all the more real to me.
Check out my article on the Plandemic :

Well, he's Obama.

Or the Pope.

But seriously, only through some kind of direct revelation do I think we could know until he openly reveals himself.

My friend, here's an article that I believe will spark your interest concerning "O'Bummer" and the "Poop" :

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