What are the essentials of sound doctrine, the cores of the Christian Faith ?


Well-known member
Here is a short list. Are you in agreement? Why or why not ?

Which ones are primary and salvific ?
Which ones if any are not salvific ?

*Do you believe the trinity?
*Do you believe the Deity of Jesus?
*Do you believe in the life,death,burial and resurrection of Christ which is the gospel 1 Cor 15?
*Do you believe in the Virgin Birth?
*Do you believe in the Atoning work of Christ on the cross?
*Do you believe we are saved by faith alone in Christ?
*Do you believe and one must be born again to enter the Kingdom of God?
*Do you believe in the resurrection of the living and the dead?
*Do you believe in the eternal punishment of the wicked in the lake of fire?
*Do you believe in the literal physical return (2nd Coming) of Jesus?
*Do you believe that all mankind are born sinners?
*Do you believe in the Inerrancy of the Bible (original documents)?
*Do you believe the scriptures are divinely inspired by God?
*Do you believe that Christians must have and demonstrate love for the brethren and fellowship with other believers?
Yes I believe.

In the Gospel of Mark, a man has brought his demon-possessed son to Jesus’ disciples for help, but they cannot heal him. A crowd has formed with everyone arguing about why this cannot be done. Then Jesus arrives, and the father begs Jesus to heal his son “if you can.”

"If you can ‘Everything is possible for one who believes.’ Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, ‘I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!’” (Mark 9:23-24).
Here is a short list. Are you in agreement? Why or why not ?

Which ones are primary and salvific ?
Which ones if any are not salvific ?

*Do you believe the trinity?
*Do you believe the Deity of Jesus?
*Do you believe in the life,death,burial and resurrection of Christ which is the gospel 1 Cor 15?
*Do you believe in the Virgin Birth?
All peripheral so far
*Do you believe in the Atoning work of Christ on the cross?
*Do you believe we are saved by faith alone in Christ?
*Do you believe and one must be born again to enter the Kingdom of God?
Primary - no born again by FAITH = no Christianity And just "Believing" isn't enough. Biblical FAITH (Heb 11:1) is what get 'er done!!
*Do you believe in the resurrection of the living and the dead?
*Do you believe in the eternal punishment of the wicked in the lake of fire?
*Do you believe in the literal physical return (2nd Coming) of Jesus?
*Do you believe that all mankind are born sinners?
*Do you believe in the Inerrancy of the Bible (original documents)?
*Do you believe the scriptures are divinely inspired by God?
*Do you believe that Christians must have and demonstrate love for the brethren and fellowship with other believers?
Important, but not salvific.

Paul didn't bother with "Theology" in his evangelism - Limiting himself to" "Jesus and Him Crucified", and allowing the Holy Spirit to convict of SIN, and bring FAITH to those so affected.

THEN AFTER one is born again and has received the Holy Spirit (which is what makes them "Christians", and leads them into truth), there's plenty of time to develop related "Theologies", which SHOULD START with a reading of the BIBLE. The Bible, after all is where all the Source information is found, and the Holy Spirit LIBERALLY gives Wisdom when He's ASKED.

ALSO, it's critical to establish a relationship with a Bible believing visible church body. Baptist, Assembly of God, Nazarene, etc. Liberal denominations are to be avoided.
*Do you believe atonement means Jesus died for more than just showing he's a good person, but to be punished for our sins?
*Do you believe that no man is born self-righteous and holy because all people are sinful in Adam?
Here is a short list. Are you in agreement? Why or why not ?

Which ones are primary and salvific ?
Which ones if any are not salvific ?

*Do you believe the trinity?
*Do you believe the Deity of Jesus?
*Do you believe in the life,death,burial and resurrection of Christ which is the gospel 1 Cor 15?
*Do you believe in the Virgin Birth?
*Do you believe in the Atoning work of Christ on the cross?
*Do you believe we are saved by faith alone in Christ?
*Do you believe and one must be born again to enter the Kingdom of God?
*Do you believe in the resurrection of the living and the dead?
*Do you believe in the eternal punishment of the wicked in the lake of fire?
*Do you believe in the literal physical return (2nd Coming) of Jesus?
*Do you believe that all mankind are born sinners?
*Do you believe in the Inerrancy of the Bible (original documents)?
*Do you believe the scriptures are divinely inspired by God?
*Do you believe that Christians must have and demonstrate love for the brethren and fellowship with other believers?
Except for the "all mankind are born sinners" part. I'll go with "all mankind WILL BECOME SINNERS". I certainly did.
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