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Ezekiel 37:1-8 God was bringing them back physically to their homeland from Babylon, but it says even then that "there was no breath in them". They were still dead spiritually. Verses 9-14 So God told Ezekiel to prophesy to the Holy Spirit to come and bring spiritual life into them. This happened on the Day of Pentecost, as they acknowledged Jesus as their king (David in verse 24, was a type of the Messiah) Verses 15-28 Now in Christ Jews from Judah, the southern kingdom, and Jews from Ephraim, the northern kingdom, become "one stick", united as one body. The new covenant, called an everlasting covenant, is in verse 26. The first covenant was not everlasting, but the new covenant is. Then He would set His sanctuary in their midst, which is the body of Christ. Don't you know that we, both Jew and Gentile, are the temple of the Holy Spirit? He will dwell with us, again Jew and Gentile. Jesus said, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make Our abode with him." John 14:23LOL!
EZEKIEL 37 about the TWO STICKS!
And many... Scriptures in the Book of Isaiah, and others of God's prophets, like Ezekiel 47 & 48!
Even the Ezekiel 36 Chapter God is declaring His FUTURE GATHERING of the tribes of Israel back to the holy lands He promised their fathers. And He was speaking that to the HOUSE OF ISRAEL especially, which at that point in Ezekiel's time means ONLY the ten northern tribes of LOST ISRAELITES. This means you cannot simply claim He was speaking about the TINY GROUP of Jews that returned in 1948 that started today's nation called Israel.
So this is not a prophecy of the end times, but of their return to their homeland, and subsequent acceptance of their Messiah at His first coming. Unfortunately, most of the Jews in Jesus' day rejected Him.
Also the new covenant was first given ONLY to the house of Israel, but later God spoke to Peter in a vision in Acts 10, about opening up the gospel to ALL men, i.e. the Gentiles as well, the spiritual Israel, or the true Israel of God. Of course Paul was called as an apostle primarily TO the Gentiles.
Ezekiel 47-48 are the tail end of a description of a temple (starting in chapter 40), which was NEVER built. God told Ezekiel that this temple would be built ONLY IF WHEN THEY SEE THE PLANS FOR IT, THEY MAY BE ASHAMED OF THEIR INIQUITIES AND REPENT. In other words, there was a condition to be met, before God would allow them to build this particular temple. This temple was never built because obviously, they did not repent.
Again, this is not a prophecy of the end times. It's a description of a temple that never was.
There's no prophecy that promises that Israel will return to its land in the end times. If you know of one, please identify it.