So then you deny Titus 2:11-14 while I have faith in it.
I didnt deny it. I explained it.
The verse says that the Grace of God hath APPEARED to all men.
"Appeared".......... and this is JESUS come to the earth, Virgin born....>He is the Grace of God who came.. APPEARED.... to this earth, (Appeared), and this Grace, is Himself on the Cross, and is given to ALL MEN.
discipleship in accordance with what Jesus gave himself to accomplish through the cross in Titus 2:14.
Discipleship is what you do today....., and Salvation is what God completed as Christ on the Cross, 2000 yrs ago.
They are not the same.
In Revelation 14:12, those who kept the law
We , the bride of Christ are not in Revelation 14. We are in the "time of the Gentiles" . And our Apostle given to us, is Paul, who is the "Apostle to the Gentiles".
His Gospel, is "Grace through Faith""without works of the Law". "Faith is counted as righteousness"... "Justification BY Faith".
So, if you miss the Rapture... and end up in the Trib and The Great Trib, then be sure to keep that Law and ALL those commandments and be sure to endure to the end of the Tribulation, and also be martyr'd, and if you do all that, you'll go to heaven.
But we dont have to do all that "in the Time of the Gentiles'., as WE ARE SAVED BY : "GRACE Through Faith" that is the "GIFT of Salvation"
You dont work for a Gift.
You dont earn a Gift.
You only RECEIVE IT.
"the GIFT of Salvation".
In Proverbs 3:5-7, we have a choice of whether we are going to lean on our own understanding of right and wrong by doing what is right in our own eyes, or whether we are going to trust in God with all of our heart to correctly divide between right and wrong through obeying what He has instructed,
I dont try to use the OT to correct the New Covenant, and when you do this, you are teaching serious error.
Dont do that.
and He will make our way straight, and this is what it means to have faith. Rather, it is disobedient to God that does not please Him. Baptism is part of the way to express faith and it is by that faith that we are saved.
Water only gets you wet.. While the Cross of Christ, that is the Blood Atonement and New Covenant, is the WAY to the Father, ... John 14:6
"without the shedding of BLOOD there is no forgiveness or remission of sin".
WATER is not Blood.
Water is not "shed for the remission of Sin".
Water baptism can not deal with sin., as it takes BLOOD. And for sin to be dealt with forever, takes the Blood of Jesus., that is the Blood Atonement, = that is the NEW Covenant.
In James 2:18, he would show his works through his faith,
That is not what your verse says..
Your verse says that James will show YOU his faith.
"I will show YOU "... He says,, his faith by his works.
He does not say..>"i will show GOD my faith by my works".....
Why not? Because God sees your HEART, and does not look at your works...
So, what James is teaching, is that OTHER PEOPLE will look for your WORKS, *you shall know them by their FRUIT">.... which proves your faith is alive, is real.. is not dead.
"I will show ...... YOU My works...... " James says.
Read the verse more carefully.