Transmitting The Fallen Nature

313. The God-Man as the result of the incarnation. Christ is not a (Nestorian) double being, with two persons, nor a compound (Apollinarian or Monophysite) middle being, a tertium quid, neither divine nor human; but he is one person both divineand human.

7. The anhypostasia, impersonality, or, to speak more accurately, the enhypostasia, of the human nature of Christ; for anhypostasia is a purely negative term, and presupposes a fictitious abstraction, since the human nature of Christ did not exist at all before the act of the incarnation, and could therefore be neither personal nor impersonal. The meaning of this doctrine is that Christ’s human nature had no independent personality of its own, besides the divine, and that the divine nature is the root and basis of his personality.
Basically, Christ' assumption of human nature did not bring in a human person. That would cause Jesus to suffer from a Dual Personality Condition, akin to Schizophrenia.

Propitiation PSA advocates are OK with all that because then they can appeal to their alleged Christ's Human Person to justify Propitiation.
Basically, Christ' assumption of human nature did not bring in a human person. That would cause Jesus to suffer from a Dual Personality Condition, akin to Schizophrenia.

Propitiation PSA advocates are OK with all that because then they can appeal to their alleged Christ's Human Person to justify Propitiation.
As we can see there are many who do not understand Jesus is a Solitary Divine Person. And you can see how this effects many doctrines. Impeccability, Kenosis, Atonement, sin, The Tri-Unity of the Godhead etc...... Its the trickle down effect I talk about. Theology begins with Gods nature/character/attributes and doctrine comes from the top down. If we get God wrong then we will get our doctrines wrong as well. Its basically God centric vs man centric.
God doesn't
use words like protasis etc.
nor has He ever discussed indicative mood.

God is retarded then.

He knows less than the scholars whom translated our Bible.

God wants us not to remain ignorant and being a mean bag lady throwing rubbish at every passerby who is seeking truth....

Stop it. That was a dumb argument.
First you flaunt your Nestorian Heretical thoughts and now you flaunt the heretical idea that the divinity of Jesus can be seen as a created Angel. The JWs will love to incorporate you into their cult if you're not part of it already. Besides your Kenosis Heresy, another one of your many heresies, how many more heresies do you embody?

Here we're obviously talking that Jesus is a God Person. I highly recommend that you break out of the Nestorian Heresy of yours.
Hello Barney! Good to see you again! ....
As we can see there are many who do not understand Jesus is a Solitary Divine Person.

And he withdrew from them about a stone's throw, and knelt down and prayed, saying, “Father,
if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”
Luke 22:41-42

Just ignore that passage again? ..... it will fade away? Not my will, but yours, be done.”

How many wills does immutable God have?

Mr. Ken Gnosis ©.... 2023
The question Jesus asked his disciples is still alive and well today: “Who do people say that I am?” (Mark 8:27). As in the first century, so today, there is much confusion regarding Jesus’ identity, even though everyone admits that Jesus is one of the most towering figures of history. The disciples responded to Jesus’ question by listing some of the diverse answers of their day, yet every answer only viewed Jesus in the category of a mere human. Today, similar to Jesus’ day, people continue to answer Jesus’ question with diverse and confused answers.

However, in total contrast to these views of Jesus, whether from the first century or today, Scripture, along with the Confessional standards of Nicaea (325) and Chalcedon (451), present a different answer to Jesus’ question. Who is Jesus? Jesus is the divine Son, the second person of the triune Godhead, the Lord of Glory, who in time assumed a human nature, so that now and forevermore he is the eternal “Word made flesh” (John 1:14). For this reason, Jesus is in a category all by himself as the unique, exclusive, and only Lord and Savior (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). This is also why confusion about Jesus’ identity is no small matter. There is nothing more important than knowing who Jesus is. This is not merely an academic debate, something for theologians to ponder; it’s a question vital for all people and especially for the church.

Let’s think through who Jesus is as God the Son incarnate from Scripture and confessional orthodoxy by unpacking five summary statements about him.

Thanks for ignoring everything I said.
And, then, promptly changing the subject.

..... Where'd you learn that technique?
And he withdrew from them about a stone's throw, and knelt down
and prayed, saying, “Father,if you are willing, remove this cup from me.
Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.” Luke 22:41-42​

Where did He get His will from?
A will that could differ from the Father's??????

"Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”

Its the Word of God.
I did not write it.
Your argument is not with me..

grace and peace!
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God is retarded then.

He knows less than the scholars whom translated our Bible.

God wants us not to remain ignorant and being a mean bag lady throwing rubbish at every passerby who is seeking truth....

Stop it. That was a dumb argument.
no It's that God speaks to every simple soul,
without need of geniuses of any kind...
as were most if not all his prophets, simple
like all his apostles and prophets
every soul of His can hear Him
and require no pastors and geniuses
to explain it to us...
Christ is our teacher.

ignorance and this current civilization
happened because of the fall..
this 'civilization' will be wiped out
and all His sweet souls
will be restored to our paradise..
which was never ever ignorant...
it was innocent
and those terms are not synonyms.
Thanks for ignoring everything I said.
And, then, promptly changing the subject.

..... Where'd you learn that technique?
And he withdrew from them about a stone's throw, and knelt down
and prayed, saying, “Father,if you are willing, remove this cup from me.
Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.” Luke 22:41-42​

Where did He get His will from?
A will that could differ from the Father's??????

"Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”

Its the Word of God.
I did not write it.
Your argument is not with me..

grace and peace!
you dont understand what that means...

God and Christ share nature.
Not important that they are different beings,
they are the same Nature...
just as (though in a substandard analogy, though similar way),
your child and grandchild have different ideas
than yours, yet they obey you and do your will in your are their father...

same concept...
even though they have your same traits and nature
because they came out of you
you are the head of the House and
Rule that house...and they obey.

First commandment ...

Christ is begotten of the Father
His spirit comes from the Father
as such , they do His Will.
He is the Father.
Why would they not?
Why does this disprove Christ is deity?
It does not.

They remain in their deity,
which is their nature
having His exact nature,
and being His Spirit and His Son.
God is retarded then.

He knows less than the scholars whom translated our Bible.

God wants us not to remain ignorant and being a mean bag lady throwing rubbish at every passerby who is seeking truth....

Stop it. That was a dumb argument.
it's more that the scholars are ALL wrong.
I won't follow any of them
as I will only follow Christ
no It's that God speaks to every simple soul,
without need of geniuses of any kind...
as were most if not all his prophets, simple
like all his apostles and prophets
every soul of His can hear Him
and require no pastors and geniuses
to explain it to us...
Christ is our teacher.

ignorance and this current civilization
happened because of the fall..
this 'civilization' will be wiped out
and all His sweet souls
will be restored to our paradise..
which was never ever ignorant...
it was innocent
and those terms are not synonyms.

I have witnessed to people not of genius IQ learning from someone who is a genius.

Its by grace they absorbed and comprehended what in the natural realm would seem impossible.
In that way? God gets the glory when it does take place....

Paul was a genius. Peter said that some of the truths Paul wrote were difficult and hard to understand
which was making ignorant and unstable believers irritated.. and in their reaction began to distort the Scriptures.

He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters.
His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant
and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction."
2 Peter 3:16

Yet? When the Holy Spirit is allowed to work in the mind of a believer when the believer remains humble before God?
There is NOTHING pertaining to gaining more truth of God's Word that they will not be able to comprehend in due time....

Ephesians 3:17-19​
That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love,
may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height
to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God."

Comprehend "with all the saints?

The man they were learning from was a genius of the highest caliber.
English translations today will become oversimplified to accommodate the baby Christians
learning to read the Bible for the first time.

At some point God wants us to start stretching us beyond our old insecurities.
Insecurities, that believers set up boundaries not go beyond... where in the past would embarrass them to try.

I have seen simple minded believers become surprised and praising God's grace when they found themselves
able to finally be understanding things that they know in their natural minds they would never have accomplished.

Psalm 19:7

The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul;
The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple. Psalm 19:7

Where there is a will that is positive towards trusting in God's grace?
God provides a way.

When yet not sure what was being shown?

The best way is to start asking questions, so things can be clarified, and brought into a simpler level.
Instead of becoming reactionary and negative, slamming one's mind shut.

may be able to comprehend with all the saints. (not just the high IQ types!)

I have seen it done when its done in grace!

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it's more that the scholars are ALL wrong.
I won't follow any of them
as I will only follow Christ

You mean, follow Christ who by the Holy Spirit has given us teachers?
.... I see.

Only a "few" will be genuine.

Many will be the 'broad and wide way' Jesus warned about.

That's why....

Jesus said out of many, only a few will find it.

grace and peace ................
Here is a short video on how the Reformed view of PSA is anti-Trinitarian, Nestorian, splits the Trinity, and is totally heretical because it blasphemes that the Son spiritually died and was damned- all notions from the pit of Hell.

The severing of His soul from his human body?

That is what saved us?

That is what he said here.... You agree?

The video just focused in on the anti-Trinitarianism and Nestorianism of the reformed view of PSA. There are other videos that go into details of our salvation. I see that you did not object to how the reformed view of PSA is anti-Trinitarian and Nestorian.

Basically what does save us is Christ's Incarnation, Cross, Resurrection, Ascension, outpouring of the Holy Spirit and our Repentance & Faith in Christ.
how morbid.
Yup.... Morbid.

Its sounds oddly like some form pseudo intellectual, articulate insanity.

One thing they did not address...

It is true... Jesus himself never personally underwent damnation by the Father for who he is.

But, as our substitute?

He went through the effects of what should have been our damnation.
Damnation for having been born in corrupted flesh.. From birth we were corrupted!

Jesus was never forsaken by the Father for being who He is. For that would be impossible.
No one is saying that is the case. Though some here keep making that the case.

It was Jesus allowing for himself to be immersed into what we were.
And , then having the Father judge not Jesus, but judging what we were born into being because of the fall of Adam.

For example:

If someone wanted to murder someone he hated and fired a rifle at the person he hated?
And, someone jumped in front of the would be victim to take the bullet?

Hatred for the person shot at motivated for the weapon being discharged at that person...
But the person who jumped in front, and took the hit upon himself, was not hated by the shooter.

Just the same.

The one who jumped between the shooter and the one being hated, took upon himself the effects of being hated without being hated by the one shooting....

We need more balance to be developed...

grace and peace ..................
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