I notice how its always sounding like something different each time.
Simply because you can not yet grasp what it really is.
Truthfully.. I do not want to tell you what it is..
Because I sense possibly you wanting to tear it apart no matter how good it may really be.
For, I know even Paul was attacked by those who hated.
I have not yet been able to determine if what motivates you is jealousy, or not.
Why did I say that?
I used to be friends with a teacher at a Bible college that went on to become a PhD at a seminary.
He graduating top of his class.
He then changed and became a monster...
After adjusting to that shock, I realized that the spiritual warfare we are in shows no mercy.
Especially when refusing painful discipline to be humbled (correctable) before God.
All must be led of the Spirit *personally* to finding what we need.
For only God truly knows what our heart really desires.
We all will end up finding from God what it is HE KNOWS we really desire.
Be it divine good, or evil.
Telling someone antagonistic about what we see is good?
May be someone who seeks evil, thinking his evil is good.
When there is antagonism?... It is inviting trouble that can be avoided.
For the time will come when they will not put up with sound doctrine.
Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number
of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." 2 Tim 4:3
Gathering others around that approve our teaching with thumbs up is no guarantee from God that we have his approval.
It might only guarantee we have a mutual admiration society when its not based upon having an ever growing knowledge
base of sound doctrinal teachings.
God will provide according to the true desires of one's heart.
I avoid answering certain questions to those showing overt antagonism.
For Jesus warned that we should keep those pearls in our pocket.
Clinging to our old ways of winning in the spiritual life will keep us from truly winning.
God must check us when we get competitive. He wants to work in His transformation
that only can come from receiving an always available supply of sound doctrinal teachings.
To think God can not do that in our day and age?
Is to think God can not do what He has set as His top priority for all believers.
Yes... its hard to find.
For the time will come when they will not put up with sound doctrine.
Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number
of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." 2 Tim 4:3
In Christ ..........