The Septuagint Factor

Same here-but the hierarchical "powers" had me on a weeks "vacation"
I see. Now that you're back I've got a question for you. Is it true that the name Jehovah was a 9th century creation? If so, who created it and how can it be elevated to such heights by denominations and scholars?
I see. Now that you're back I've got a question for you. Is it true that the name Jehovah was a 9th century creation? If so, who created it and how can it be elevated to such heights by denominations and scholars?
Give me some time brother-I'll get back to you-I have to decide if I stay here-or on Christian Forum's site.

I have jotted down your question-be back to you in a mo.
But I'll leave you with this-

It is this four-letter Hebrew word that William Tyndale would eventually translate into the name Jehovah. Unfortunately, Tyndale was unfamiliar with the word’s history.

Because of the perceived holiness of God’s name, many observent Jews never uttered it aloud. Instead, they say haShem (“the name”) or Adonai (“my Lord”), a tradition that dated back to at least the Hellenistic period (c. 332–37 BCE).

This was so important that when the Hebrew vowel system was invented in the Middle Ages, the rabbis that penned the scriptures chose to add the vowels for Adonai onto the Tetragrammaton as a reminder not to say God’s true name out loud. It was these Hebrew texts that Tyndale used to make his translations, which ultimately became the basis for the Old Testament of the King James Version of the Bible in 1611. And the rest is history.

The true pronunciation of YHWH can never be truly known because of the nature of the language, but clues do exist, including theophoric personal names known from the Bible and archaeology that reference YHWH—names such as Elijah, Adonijah, and Jeremiah.


Names of God in Judaism

Read the above links. Christians run to Church history-which is good-but know nothing re ancient rabbinical writings.

This led to the most commonly accepted pronunciation, “Yahweh,” but even this is still debated. Because of this uncertainty, many simply just use YHWH for the name.

You just have to know where to look my brother.
You will hear from me soon.
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I see. Now that you're back I've got a question for you. Is it true that the name Jehovah was a 9th century creation? If so, who created it and how can it be elevated to such heights by denominations and scholars?
Much, much earlier-and there is also a Yahweh cult.

I have edited my answer to you and provided you with two links brother.
Stay strong in Christ Jesus.
I see. Now that you're back I've got a question for you. Is it true that the name Jehovah was a 9th century creation? If so, who created it and how can it be elevated to such heights by denominations and scholars?

There are many difficulties with trying to pronounce the historical "Name of God". There have been many efforts by countless people to declare His name accurately. I don't criticize anyone that seeks to call on the "Name of God" whether it is Jehovah or not. Subsequent generations of mankind need not suffer for not being able to accurately pronounce the name of God. Which ultimately, is the issue here.

I've studied the subject extensively. It is why I use the handle "praise yeshua" and have for many many years. Even so. I can't for one hundred percent claim that "Yeshua" is the proper vocalization of the name of The Son of God. There are too many variables involved. I can tell you that I called on the lovely name of Jesus when I was born again. He heard me and answered me. I literally used the word "Jesus" countless times and He has never ignored me.

Not saying these arguments are not important. They can lead the student to learn and understand history. Which is good.
There are many difficulties with trying to pronounce the historical "Name of God". There have been many efforts by countless people to declare His name accurately. I don't criticize anyone that seeks to call on the "Name of God" whether it is Jehovah or not. Subsequent generations of mankind need not suffer for not being able to accurately pronounce the name of God. Which ultimately, is the issue here.

I've studied the subject extensively. It is why I use the handle "praise yeshua" and have for many many years. Even so. I can't for one hundred percent claim that "Yeshua" is the proper vocalization of the name of The Son of God. There are too many variables involved. I can tell you that I called on the lovely name of Jesus when I was born again. He heard me and answered me. I literally used the word "Jesus" countless times and He has never ignored me.

Not saying these arguments are not important. They can lead the student to learn and understand history. Which is good.
Amen !
There are many difficulties with trying to pronounce the historical "Name of God". There have been many efforts by countless people to declare His name accurately. I don't criticize anyone that seeks to call on the "Name of God" whether it is Jehovah or not. Subsequent generations of mankind need not suffer for not being able to accurately pronounce the name of God. Which ultimately, is the issue here.

I've studied the subject extensively. It is why I use the handle "praise yeshua" and have for many many years. Even so. I can't for one hundred percent claim that "Yeshua" is the proper vocalization of the name of The Son of God. There are too many variables involved. I can tell you that I called on the lovely name of Jesus when I was born again. He heard me and answered me. I literally used the word "Jesus" countless times and He has never ignored me.

Not saying these arguments are not important. They can lead the student to learn and understand history. Which is good.
Interesting. Have you studied the Greek OT (LXX) names of God? it seems to me that the Greek root names of God are κύριος (Lord), θεὸς (God), and Δέσποτα (Lord-from Adonai). And they can have other Greek words appended to them like κύριος ὁ ἁγιάζων (The Lord who sanctifies, Jehovah-M’Kaddesh).
@synergy @Johann trust me on this one ( I know its a big ask ) since technically its my forum along with the admin. I trust his judgement and I stay away from doing those tasks because I like to interact and post with the members. I can say this without reservation that if this was any other forum and some of those who respond to me like they do here with moderators on other forum they would be banned.

I'm very tolerant and when I get called satan, evil , going to hell for not believing in wrath upon Jesus, false teaching and a myriad of other things its an instant ban on other forums. I respond back with scripture to support my claims and don;t return ad homs back at the person. I have asked the adminstrator to delete certain words or demeaning comments about me or others I read here and bring it to his attention.

For the most part we are the most tolerant christian website and do not want or desire to ban anyone. All we ask is people respect the very few rules we have which are here. Its really not a big ask compared to other forums.

Members of Berean Apologetic Ministry forum are considerate, motivated by love and not hate, and they respect one another. Because our members are considerate, loving, and respectful, they do not make overly provocative posts, posts which seek to annoy or cause disruption, or posts which personally attack other members out of anger and frustration.

Our members desire to contribute in a positive and loving manner so that this Forum will display the gracious love of God. The above motto on our forum is for the benefit of this community to have a safe place where all faiths and people are welcomed to ask questions, receive answers and express their views freely without hinderance or concern of retaliation. We value your religious freedoms of expression and ideas.

Rules List:

1a. No vulgarity, profanity, name calling, or slang expression(s) that could be interpreted as a suggestion of impropriety or generally regarded as demeaning in nature. (Ephesians 5:3-5)

1b.No abusive, insulting, or derogatory language. (Colossians 3:5, 8)

1c. No attacks on another poster's religious beliefs, race, national origin, or gender.

1d. No chats that deteriorate into petty bickering, gossip, backbiting, or argumentative bantering. This includes arguing about Calvinism, Eternal Security, etc... (2 Corinthians 12:20)

2. No soliciting

a. Please limit your posts to 10K characters or less and try not to copy & paste large amounts of content.

b. No soc accounts which will result in a permanent ban from the forum.

c. 1 link per post, 1 video per thread and only 2 new threads per day for members.

3. Copy and paste of large amounts of text.
Feel free to copy and paste your own writings. But please limit the amount of copy and paste of text from websites and include a link for members to read the rest of the article. What would be ideal would be one paragraph and then the link to the rest of the information.

If you have any questions or concerns private message one of the administrators.
@synergy @Johann trust me on this one ( I know its a big ask ) since technically its my forum along with the admin. I trust his judgement and I stay away from doing those tasks because I like to interact and post with the members. I can say this without reservation that if this was any other forum and some of those who respond to me like they do here with moderators on other forum they would be banned.

I'm very tolerant and when I get called satan, evil , going to hell for not believing in wrath upon Jesus, false teaching and a myriad of other things its an instant ban on other forums. I respond back with scripture to support my claims and don;t return ad homs back at the person. I have asked the adminstrator to delete certain words or demeaning comments about me or others I read here and bring it to his attention.

For the most part we are the most tolerant christian website and do not want or desire to ban anyone. All we ask is people respect the very few rules we have which are here. Its really not a big ask compared to other forums.

Members of Berean Apologetic Ministry forum are considerate, motivated by love and not hate, and they respect one another. Because our members are considerate, loving, and respectful, they do not make overly provocative posts, posts which seek to annoy or cause disruption, or posts which personally attack other members out of anger and frustration.

Our members desire to contribute in a positive and loving manner so that this Forum will display the gracious love of God. The above motto on our forum is for the benefit of this community to have a safe place where all faiths and people are welcomed to ask questions, receive answers and express their views freely without hinderance or concern of retaliation. We value your religious freedoms of expression and ideas.

Rules List:

1a. No vulgarity, profanity, name calling, or slang expression(s) that could be interpreted as a suggestion of impropriety or generally regarded as demeaning in nature. (Ephesians 5:3-5)

1b.No abusive, insulting, or derogatory language. (Colossians 3:5, 8)

1c. No attacks on another poster's religious beliefs, race, national origin, or gender.

1d. No chats that deteriorate into petty bickering, gossip, backbiting, or argumentative bantering. This includes arguing about Calvinism, Eternal Security, etc... (2 Corinthians 12:20)

2. No soliciting

a. Please limit your posts to 10K characters or less and try not to copy & paste large amounts of content.

b. No soc accounts which will result in a permanent ban from the forum.

c. 1 link per post, 1 video per thread and only 2 new threads per day for members.

3. Copy and paste of large amounts of text.
Feel free to copy and paste your own writings. But please limit the amount of copy and paste of text from websites and include a link for members to read the rest of the article. What would be ideal would be one paragraph and then the link to the rest of the information.

If you have any questions or concerns private message one of the administrators.
I have no problem cooperating.
IF any of my "few" posts exceeds the 10k character limit-just edit it, no problem.
Interesting. Have you studied the Greek OT (LXX) names of God? it seems to me that the Greek root names of God are κύριος (Lord), θεὸς (God), and Δέσποτα (Lord-from Adonai). And they can have other Greek words appended to them like κύριος ὁ ἁγιάζων (The Lord who sanctifies, Jehovah-M’Kaddesh).

Yes. I can mostly agree with what you've said above. "Lord" is basically a "Title" depicting/establishing rank. King of kings. Lord of lords.

I doubt there is anyone here that is more of a LXX advocate than I. I've debated the subject for more than 30 years. However there are exceptions to most anything. I don't believe Jesus/Yeshua was actually referenced by a Greek distinctive name by His family or brethren. I see no evidence that He was. Not saying that I believe 9th century "Hebrew" vocalizations are perfectly accurate as well.

I believe there is a very real possibility that we do not have the actual origins of the very name of God known to generations past.

I have also read about the "new name" for God in the Scriptures.

Rev 3:12 The one who conquers, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God. Never shall he go out of it, and I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down from my God out of heaven, and my own new name.

I also have reasons to believe that Rev 10 depicts that the seven thunders will vocalize the "unknown" name of God.

Given this, and other things..... I see no reason to be dogmatic about it.
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I'm not in this to "win a side". You stated things as facts which are just not cut and dry facts. All the quotes from Josephus show that the situation is quite a bit different that you and many other assume.
I am familiar with the quotes from Josephus. Problem is he is not my authority.
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Don't know what that even means. Josephus is a first hand witness to first century Jewish culture, practices, language and historical events. Much better than wikipedia supposed experts.
I said I am familiar with the writings of Josephus and he is not my source of authority-and Wiki is the last place I would go.
Who is better than Josephus, then? Who better than a first hand witness?
The Scriptures.

1Co 15:1 But, brothers, I reveal to you the good news which I preached to you, which you also received, in which you also stand,
1Co 15:2 by which you also are being kept safe, if you hold fast the Word which I preached to you, unless you believed in vain.
1Co 15:3 For I delivered to you in the first place what I also received, that Messiah died for our sins, according to the Scriptures,
1Co 15:4 and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day, according to the Scriptures,
1Co 15:5 and that He appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve.
1Co 15:6 Then He appeared to over five hundred brothers at once, of whom are still standing until now, but some also fell asleep.
1Co 15:7 Then He was seen by Jacob, then by all the apostles;
1Co 15:8 and last of all, He was also seen by me; ignorant and imperfectly trained as I was.
1Co 15:9 For I am the least of the apostles, who am not worthy to be called an apostle, because I persecuted the Congregation of YAHWEH.
1Co 15:10 But by the grace of YAHWEH I am what I am, and His grace which was toward me has not been without fruit, but I labored more abundantly than all of them, yet not I, but the grace of YAHWEH that is within me.
1Co 15:11 Then whether they or I, so we preach, and so you believed.

I have no problem with secondary sources as long as we give proper credit to whom we are using sources from.
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