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There can be no room for ambiguity when it comes to the preaching of the Gospel, especially the central doctrine of the Gospel: the Righteousness of Christ. Imagine speaking of Christ’s death but not mentioning what He did by that death! What is a man supposed to believe about it? That He just physically died one day on a cross? Imagine, too, the preaching of Christ without any mention of exactly who He died for. Are we to simply say, ‘He died for hell-deserving sinners'. Which sinners? Everyone? No? Then how praytell can we preach the Gospel truth that Christ ACTUALLY ATONED FOR THE SINS OF THOSE FOR WHOM HE DIED!!! What would we do with the words of God Himself Who said, "...for the transgression of MY people was He stricken..." and "...My righteous Servant (shall) justify many; for He shall bear THEIR iniquities" (Isa. 53:8 & 11). How can one keep the salvation truth that Christ was stricken for the sins of God’s people, and no others, from the Gospel? And how can one find biblical ground to rationalise hiding the truth of Christ’s justifying righteousness being
connected with His bearing the sins of God’s elect people? Christ died for God’s people and they shall be justified because HE BORE THEIR SINS!!! Keep this from the Gospel and you have no Gospel. Keep this from your preaching of the Righteousness of Christ and you have no righteousness! No preacher of God’s Gospel will withhold this most vital of information of what Christ did and who He did it for from those he proclaims the Gospel to. Why would he? Why withhold the very glory of Jesus Christ from the Gospel of Christ? How could one withhold what Christ did—actually accomplish atonement—from the Gospel by refusing to divulge the fact that the people Christ died for were the people God had elected and given to Him? How can you rejoice in what Christ has done without knowing who He has done it for? How could this possibly serve the hearers and how could such preaching be a service to the Lord? Why, none can even mention the name of Christ without alluding to what He did and who He did it for, for the Savior was named Jesus "...for He shall save His people from their sins" (Matt. 1:21). So much for those who want to keep who Christ died for secret from the ungodly, but insist that knowing who He died for is essential to salvation.
connected with His bearing the sins of God’s elect people? Christ died for God’s people and they shall be justified because HE BORE THEIR SINS!!! Keep this from the Gospel and you have no Gospel. Keep this from your preaching of the Righteousness of Christ and you have no righteousness! No preacher of God’s Gospel will withhold this most vital of information of what Christ did and who He did it for from those he proclaims the Gospel to. Why would he? Why withhold the very glory of Jesus Christ from the Gospel of Christ? How could one withhold what Christ did—actually accomplish atonement—from the Gospel by refusing to divulge the fact that the people Christ died for were the people God had elected and given to Him? How can you rejoice in what Christ has done without knowing who He has done it for? How could this possibly serve the hearers and how could such preaching be a service to the Lord? Why, none can even mention the name of Christ without alluding to what He did and who He did it for, for the Savior was named Jesus "...for He shall save His people from their sins" (Matt. 1:21). So much for those who want to keep who Christ died for secret from the ungodly, but insist that knowing who He died for is essential to salvation.