We do want to make sure we don't act like God owes us mercy.
Every last person deserves the second death . GOD owes us nothing . HE just simply Loves
and thus ITS WHY HE did send the SON so that all who do BELIEVE , take note reader and all for that said BELIEVES , IN HIM
would not perish but have everlasting life .
BUT believe you me WE DONT DESERVE IT , WE DONT earn it , we all earned the second death .
Truly its even only by HIS SPIRIT that those who DO BELIEVE JESUS is the CHRIST
even has THE SPIRIT working within them to do that which is pleasing to GOD .
We earned death . none is good . yes sir , you did hear me right , NONE are good but GOD .
Its why i often remind all of the DIRE DIRE NEED to BELEIVE IN HE WHOM GOD DID SEND .
God chose HOW to save the world . By the preaching of the gospel that all who DO BELEIVE would be saved .
In fact since we are on the BELIEVE WORD let me remind us
again THERE IS NONE WHO IS GOOD but GOD and all fall far short .
He who believes NOT the testimony that GOD gave of HIS SON is calling GOD a liar .
remember that the next time any tries to say HEY JUDGE NOT
their are good people in every religoin and they do serve GOD .
A . As i wrote afore THERE IS NONE WHO IS GOOD . so that exposes that response of theirs
and B , they all deny JESUS is the CHRIST .
WHO is a liar , HE WHO DENIES JESUS is the CHRIST , HE is anti christ , wrote john .